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Cow dung cakes found in Indian passenger luggage at US airport.

Cows in India literally eat from garbage dumps. Free range cows in Texas have a selection of grass, corn or soy. How is digested garbage better even if high caste?

They just release cows in the villages they have no owner and you will just run into a cow somewhere in the dump randomly.. It was strange first time I saw a free cow living inside population center it was a sight to behold
If they want to come to America they’d better learn to buy American.

Indian cow Poop is special, TSA were at the wrong to deny Rajesh his Birthday cake... Every Peter from Calcutta should start calling Actual Peter from America and give them wrong Tech shapport :D than these Americans knows that besides bobs and vagane, Indians are a Power to be reckoned with.
I visited a native american pueblo in Taos, New Mexico on a school trip years ago they used a blend of clay and cow dung to make pottery. I know the use of cow dung in hut construction is also wide spread in Africa. But I don't think i've ever heard of anyone consuming cow excretions until pdf.

I wonder if it's just India? or is it also practised by hindus in other countries. Bali? Thailand?

Cow dung is (previously) widely used for hut construction in India too.

Cow dung cakes are not for human consumption. They are used as starters for fire (when most house kitchens in India had stoves that burn wood).

MAYBE, this person experienced using cow dung cakes as starters (for cooking) in his / her childhood and want to re-live for nostalgic reasons.

I heard my grand father saying that cooking on gas stove will never give the good taste of cooking slowing on stove that burns wood. MAYBE, this person wants to experience that.

Just like, some Americans said to me that meats smoked for long time taste well.

BTW - I never ate smoked meats, so I don't know how true their statement is. Also, I am not a Think Tank, who makes quick decisions after reading one single article / listening to one long lecture.
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..they probably prefer high caste cow excrement. I made the mistake of asking an Indian what his last name meant, he gave me an hour long lecture on how his family name represents the top tier of their caste system. It makes him very desirable to the ladies apparently, a point he emphasised repeatedly.

May be it's true, I have seen some attractive Indian women accompanied by absolute toads.
At the time I assumed love was blind but may be there is more to it.

Somehow, most folks who visit PDF has at least one or two experiences with wierd / fringe Indians. Says something about you people. Maybe, when a person (not pointing to your person) looks extremely dumb, stupid with lot of time to waste, then the other fellow feels to give long lecture, and this person believed all along.

Indian women are like any other women in other countries. They get attracted to love / power / status / money etc etc not necessarily in the same order or sequence.

I have lived in India for very long, never seen any boy get a beautiful girl when all he had is good last name / caste and nothing else (like no money / power / connections). But I am sure many people at PDF has enough such examples.

BTW- what is your nationality? I can find enough examples of some weirdness in your nation.

After many years of reading + experiences, I conclude that people are same everywhere in any country. They are mostly driven by similar reasons. But according to Think Tanks of PDF, Indians are different. Shows the quality of Think Tank.

PS: I am not indulging in ad homieum attacks on you. My intention is not to insult you. But do you really deserve to be a Think Tank. Please ask yourself.
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maybe this Indian cow dung pancakes, might take off with the USA diners lol , and then have it washed down with freshly squeezed glass of warm mutra …. Hahahaha
BTW- what is your nationality? I can find enough examples of some weirdness in your nation.

My father is French, my mother is from California. My parents are nudist hippies.
I'm British, French and American, find and post all the weird to your hearts content. :enjoy:

I've said this before some like to eat dogs and some like cow urine...some people like to run around naked... some people eat other people...people are strange
My father is French, my mother is from California. My parents are nudist hippies.
I'm British, French and American, find and post all the weird to your hearts content. :enjoy:

I've said this before some like to eat dogs and some like cow urine...some people like to run around naked... some people eat other people...people are strange
No sir / madam - my intention is not to insult you or anyone.

Pakistanis / Bangladeshis can write whatever they want.

But, "neutrals" (???) and Think Tanks like yourself maybe more discerning and thoughtful.

I come to PDF for knowledge, but many knowledgeable people (my opinion) keep quiet or they may not be having time & energy typing here.

PDF is giving less and less knowledge day by day.

All we get is - news articles showing India in negative light are fished out from vast internet and posted here, and ridiculed etc.

Not much knowledge.
can someone teach these idiots that cows all around the world go through the process of excretion, why the hell would you carry that shit with you when you can get their fresh fix from any dairy farm

America might not have high caste cows. But ain’t all cows pets of Indian gods.
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