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Covid-19 unleashed because of ‘wrongdoing of women , Molana Tariq Jameel

As they say don't drive while drunk. Mullahs were actually fighting along side with tthe soldiers it was the alcoholic secula class responsible for the break up

Care to elaborate a bit more which group of people are u refering to here ?
Maulana Saad, who is the chief of the Indian TJ and is actually the great grandson of the Tableeghi Jamaat founder Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi, has a farmhouse in Uttar Pradesh state. Who gave the money for that farmhouse to be built and how is it maintained ?? Also, who maintains the big global HQ of the world TJ movement in Delhi ??

Do you have any proof that farmhouse is result of corruption or something like that?

Or like others you want a maulvi to be always "ghareeb and muflis"?
@pak-marine, found your post. Click here. It is from 2011.

Do you have any proof that farmhouse is result of corruption or something like that?

Or like others you want a maulvi to be always "ghareeb and muflis"?

I don't know what you mean by "corruption".

That member I replied to made this point :
TJ isn't run by donations,every participant has to pay from his pocket.
My point to him was that the farmhouse and the global HQ exist because of donations, both from India and from places like Saudia. To respond to your second line, the donations themselves are no issue for me, but it is the type of Islam that the TJ movement is spreading that worries me.

Gaddafi's WICS ( World Islamic Call Society ) was doing a better job at promoting Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims, and promoting dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims. The below text is from a Reuters article from 2012 :
The World Islamic Call Society (WICS) sent staffers out to build mosques and provide humanitarian relief. It gave poor students a free university education, in religion, finance and computer science. Its missionaries traversed Africa preaching a moderate, Sufi-tinged version of Islam as an alternative to the strict Wahhabism that Saudi Arabia was spreading.

The Society won approval in high places. The Vatican counted it among its partners in Christian-Muslim dialogue and both Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict received its secretary general. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual head of the world’s Anglicans, visited the campus in 2009 to deliver a lecture. The following year, the U.S. State Department noted approvingly how the Society had helped Filipino Christian migrant workers start a church in Libya.
The WICS’s focus was Africa, especially the large Muslim communities in West Africa and the Sahel region that Gaddafi considered Libya’s back yard. But it also built mosques and Islamic centers in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Malta and the Netherlands. It contributed along with other Arab states to the construction of the huge mosque in Rome and the Central Mosque in London. It was also active in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

“Libya was too small for him,” said former ambassador Saad El Shlmani, now Foreign Ministry spokesman. “He wanted to be the leader of all the Africans, of all the Muslims, of the whole world.”
In a propaganda coup for Gaddafi, Vatican Foreign Minister Jean-Louis Tauran visited Libya in 1994. He made the last leg of the journey from southern Tunisia to Tripoli by car because of the embargo on air traffic. Washington watched with concern as the Church’s relations with Tripoli improved, and tried to persuade it not to establish diplomatic relations, but Pope John Paul went ahead and recognized Libya in 1997.
In the 1990s, the Society expanded its work in Africa, stepping up its “Islamic convoys” of medicines, clothes and food as far down as southern Africa. It held conferences on education, culture and the links between African and Arab societies on the continent. It also funded Islamic radio stations in Togo, Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Mali and South Africa.

African leaders spoke out increasingly loudly against the U.N. embargo. South African President Nelson Mandela visited Tripoli in 1997 to thank Gaddafi for supporting the African National Congress during the apartheid years and to condemn the embargo. He also had to make the final leg of the trip by car.
The highlight of Gaddafi’s charm offensive came with a series of so-called “defiance tours” in convoys through West Africa. On the first of these road shows in 1997, the man who billed himself as “the Revolutionary Muslim” led huge prayer sessions in Niami, the capital of Niger, and in Kano in northern Nigeria. On his third swing through the region in 2000, he took in Niger, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Togo, “crossing more than 4,000 km through cities, villages, deserts, jungles, plains and modern towns,” as one Society report put it.

WICS staff were drafted in to help organize and support the visits.
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams delivered a lecture on divine revelation to the Islamic Call College during a visit to Tripoli in 2009. His website describes the Society as “the world’s foremost Islamic benevolent organization with members from every corner of the globe.”
Among those who broke bread with the Society was World Council of Churches Secretary General Tveit, who lectured on the shared values of Christians and Muslims in Tripoli just one month before the uprising against Gaddafi broke out in February 2011. He said his organization would not have dealt with the WICS if it had known its dark side.

“In this particular situation, the WCC decided to work with the WICS because of its commitment to inter-religious dialogue and willingness to work with the WCC and its partners,” he said.
The firebrand U.S. black Muslim preacher Louis Farrakhan never hid his ties with Libya, but the uprising prompted even more disclosure than before. On March 31, 2011, Farrakhan defended “Brother Gaddafi” at a rare news conference and said Libya had lent the Nation of Islam $8 million over the years.

At his news conference, Farrakhan, a deputy chairman of the WIPL, said Gaddafi had also helped him take three tours to visit Muslim leaders in over 40 countries. “I’ve been all over the world because of that man,” he said.

The WIPL apparently lent a helping hand for Farrakhan’s pro-Gaddafi media blitz. Officials reviewing Society files showed Reuters a recently found confidential memo dated March 15, 2011, indicating the WIPL would pay for U.S. newspaper ads that Farrakhan placed to defend him. The Nation of Islam did not respond to requests for comment.
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Blaming women

April 26,

WELL-KNOWN cleric Maulana Tariq Jameel has made a disturbing assertionthat Covid-19 has been unleashed on humanity because of the ‘wrongdoing of women’. During a televised prayer, the maulana condemned women for dancing and for how they dress, saying these “immodest actions” have brought the Almighty’s wrath upon the country.

These misogynistic remarks were made during the Ehsaas Telethon fundraising event, in the presence of the prime minister and top broadcast journalists.

In the same prayer, the maulana also cast aspersions on the media for “disseminating lies”, but later apologised for that particular remark on account of having “spoken too much”. No such apology was made for his offensive comments about women.

For the maulana to claim that women should be blamed for a global pandemic is not just ill-informed but also inflammatory. The statements are troubling; not only do they betray a deep-rooted misogyny, they were also aired, unchallenged, from a very high-profile platform.

This mentality is reflective of society’s unfortunate tendency to marginalise women simply because social power structures allow them to be viewed as ‘lesser beings’. The remarks also reinforce a dangerous yet normalised idea that targeting women is permissible.

The reality is that women in Pakistan, and elsewhere, face systemic discrimination and violence. During this pandemic, domestic abuse cases have soared as women are forced to stay home for extended periods with their tormentors. Despite these challenges, women strive to be recognised and shatter glass ceilings — as evidenced by the effective response of global women leaders in this pandemic.

Given that the ruling PTI is lauded for its inclusion of women in political rallies and for celebrating their lively participation, it is a shame that the maulana was not corrected when he made these offensive comments.

Later, however, Minister for Human Rights Shireen Mazari, without directly naming the maulana, rightly criticised such thinking as ludicrous and ignorant. The maulana must apologise for his unsavoury remarks, and accept that while prayers are always welcome, the nation can do without scorn and misguided views.

great people .
They are not spreading any type of Islam. They are all common people.

They are all non-intellectual, misguided people. Embarrassments. They brainwash unthinking youth everywhere from India to Indonesia to Britain to Russia towards following a wrong understanding of Islam. At best, they are very irritating people. At worst, the TJ provides them a platform to defend terrorist groups and some of them may even form or join terrorist groups. For example, the Russian TJ chapter is banned by the government for this very reason.

And I don't think they need any type of donations.
Is tableeghi jammat of India related to Pakistani?

From my previous posts :
Maulana Saad, who is the chief of the Indian TJ and is actually the great grandson of the Tableeghi Jamaat founder Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi, has a farmhouse in Uttar Pradesh state. Who gave the money for that farmhouse to be built and how is it maintained ?? Also, who maintains the big global HQ of the world TJ movement in Delhi ??
The TJ movement started in India and at present co-ordinates and guides the rest of the regional TJs across the world.
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They are all non-intellectual, misguided people. Embarrassments. They brainwash unthinking youth everywhere from India to Indonesia to Britain to Russia towards following a wrong understanding of Islam. At best, they are very irritating people. At worst, the TJ provides them a platform to defend terrorist groups and some of them may even form or join terrorist groups. For example, the Russian TJ chapter is banned by the government.

From my previous posts :

The TJ movement started in India and at present co-ordinates and guides the rest of the regional TJs across the world.

Generally, a person has to have knowledge. There is also skill, experience, and training. People who do not have this may have good intentions. However, they are not helping themselves or others as they should. The people with all the above should be allowed to precede. Nepotism harms society in numerous ways.
Generally, a person has to have knowledge. There is also skill, experience, and training. People who do not have this may have good intentions. However, they are not helping themselves or others as they should. The people with all the above should be allowed to precede. Nepotism harms society in numerous ways.

I understand your point. Below is my view.

In most of the world, many of the TJ members are so-called educated people who work in various white-collar fields. If I write about India, the colleges and IT companies are filled with TJ members.

I will give an example. Some years ago, in one of the two Bangalore ( India ) branches of IBM company, some Muslim IT workers demanded that their office provide them with space and time in office for praying. These workers would have been TJ members. I don't know what became of the demand. But if these particular workers, instead of demanding space for praying, would have struggled to establish an employees union ( not existent in Indian IBM ) it would have benefited all the workers, not just the Muslim ones. In 2014, Bangalore IBM removed thousands of employees all of a sudden, ruthlessly, without even three month's notice. Think of the workers' situation. If those Muslim employees had set up an employee union in the first place this ruthless removal would not have taken place. Do you think these Tableeghis in IBM were thinking on pan-human terms ?? Or were they selfish in just thinking about prayer ??
hmmn, so you know some prolific names. lets circle back to where we started! what is your issue?

My issue is that this man said something that had no basis in scientific thinking and rational argument.

How can a woman wearing a jeans and top in say LUMS, or a woman being in love with a man, be the cause of Corona ?? Does that make sense ??

His statement was similar to that Iranian mullah who in 2010 said that women being "immoral" was the cause of earthquakes in Iran. So, like I said in the first page, why were mosques, attended by "pious" people also demolished by earthquakes in Iran or Indonesia or Nepal ?? Why didn't God spare these "pious" places ??
I understand your point. Below is my view.

In most of the world, many of the TJ members are so-called educated people who work in various white-collar fields. If I write about India, the colleges and IT companies are filled with TJ members.

I will give an example. Some years ago, in one of the two Bangalore ( India ) branches of IBM company, some Muslim IT workers demanded that their office provide them with space and time in office for praying. These workers would have been TJ members. I don't know what became of the demand. But if these particular workers, instead of demanding space for praying, would have struggled to establish an employees union ( not existent in Indian IBM ) it would have benefited all the workers, not just the Muslim ones. In 2014, Bangalore IBM removed thousands of employees all of a sudden, ruthlessly, without even three month's notice. Think of the workers' situation. If those Muslim employees had set up an employee union in the first place this ruthless removal would not have taken place. Do you think these Tableeghis in IBM were thinking on pan-human terms ?? Or were they selfish in just thinking about prayer ??

I do not know. However, my previous post was in relation to the wider world and to any profession or field.
My issue is that this man said something that had no basis in scientific thinking and rational argument.

How can a woman wearing a jeans and top in say LUMS, or a woman being in love with a man, be the cause of Corona ?? Does that make sense ??

His statement was similar to that Iranian mullah who in 2010 said that women being "immoral" was the cause of earthquakes in Iran. So, like I said in the first page, why were mosques, attended by "pious" people also demolished by earthquakes in Iran or Indonesia or Nepal ?? Why didn't God spare these "pious" places ??
no, you had some acute symptoms when I said something about pinkies!
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