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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

Indians always boast and declare victory before anything is confirmed. They like to say can could should may will, all talk, while China delivers. That's reality. I told one Indian guy a few months back, India will fck it up, and a few months prior that it will be worse than China, that was when Indians boasted they were well prepared and the virus wouldn't spread like Wuhan.
If china had delivered,the wuhan virus would not have become such a crisis world wide in the first place.
India is not like china ,if govt tells people to do something,people will ask my any some do the exact opposite as told by the govt on purpose .
If china had delivered,the wuhan virus would not have become such a crisis world wide in the first place.
India is not like china ,if govt tells people to do something,people will ask my any some do the exact opposite as told by the govt on purpose .

Sure thing. Blame China for your own sins.
If test results were given negative earlier then what would be the original number of daily positive cases? This is truely catastrophic.
At times this covid thing gives the vibes of someone pulling off a bloodless coup on a global level . All kinds of control freaks and psychopaths ranging from pharmaceuticals to political thugs seem involved in it . Middle class been rapidly downsized through different "sop's" and people are evebtaully being led to a state where the gov't militias gonna let loose upon the "violators " . sounds like social Darwinism is gaining momentum.

One can already see this archtype being implemented in small city states which if became a success could be implemented through out larger continents. Either submit every knitty gritty with the govt agencies to get your hourly freedom pass for doing the daily chores or do jail time

@Verve @Baba Google

Anybody who still thinks this is a normal public health issue and does not see it for what it is, which is political theater masquerading as a public health issue, is deaf, dumb and blind.
you see, this will lead to more forced vaccinations now! another mutated strain can turn up anywhere. more lockdowns and whatnot are on the horizon.
All these pajeets getting hyper that the vaccine is going to save Hindustan. It remains to be seen whether the current vaccines are able to effectively cure COVID patients.
you see, this will lead to more forced vaccinations now! another mutated strain can turn up anywhere. more lockdowns and whatnot are on the horizon.

The world is already afraid that the Indian variant is the most infectious.
If test results were given negative earlier then what would be the original number of daily positive cases? This is truely catastrophic.

And these were all RT-PCR tests(mandatory for flights). They are higher on accuracy level but takes time to get results. And this is the condition.

If I remember correctly, around half of India's daily testing is based on Antigen tests aka rapid tests. They are cheaper, faster but low on accuracy and are notorious for false results.
by Stefany Valderrama
Monday, April 19th 2021

New reports out of India are warning for a new double-mutated COVID-19 strain.

Researchers fear the more contagious and deadly strain could make efforts to contain the virus, including the vaccines, ineffective.

The more dominant mutant strains have been identified as the UK, South African and Brazil variants. Florida currently leads the nation with the most cases of the UK variant.

The newly identified 'Indian variant," a double mutated strain, is alarming doctors and researchers worldwide.

"You don’t usually see that," said Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Olayemi Osiyemi. "You see one mutation at a time and this virus has two mutations. So that may lead to more problems."

More than 100 cases have been reported in the UK. While in California, Stanford University researchers have identified five cases of a double-mutant strain.

"That mutation might cause it to spread faster. Make you sicker longer," said the lead researcher of the Palm Beach Research Center David Scott.

Experts say if someone contracts the Indian variant, the vaccine antibodies would have a hard time attaching and killing the variant.

"Or it may not bind at all and that will make it ineffective," Osiyemi added.

The ability to evade the immune system makes the mutant strain more transmissible and deadly.

"And that only makes sense. A mutation that survives, it just has to be a stronger virus," Scott told CBS12 News.

According to the CDC, there are no reported cases of the Indian variant in Florida., which reported more than 2.1 million cases of COVID-19 on Monday.

There you have it. Indian variant has the potential to render all vaccines ineffective.
Could gao mutra been the mutagent???

But joke aside with the world most populous country with second highest (recorded) cases in the world and government more interested in blaming every problem on minorities
Much worse can comeout
Could gao mutra been the mutagent???

But joke aside with the world most populous country with second highest (recorded) cases in the world and government more interested in blaming every problem on minorities
Much worse can comeout

It is a crazy country Hindustan. Just look at the supporters of RSS on PDF. How they behave like illiterate fools and pretend that Hindustan is fine. No wonder the cases are imploding in this hateful nation.
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Dirty Muslays are responsible for Covid in India. The real Hindu Indians are so clean that a virus dies before it enter sacred Hindu body.
Sure thing. Blame China for your own sins.
Name one thing Pakistan blames itself and not others for its misery and then come and quote me ,I will answer your post on blame others .
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