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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

India has mortality rate of 1.1% for covid. And it would need at least 40% of population to get have antibodies for herd immunity (around 550 millions). So probably 550000 deaths before herd immunity. But hoping that vaccination will fillup half of the immunity number, it will still be around 350k deaths before things come under control.

And the numbers will be equally horrific in Pakistan if the Indian variants take hold there. There is v. little awareness of Covid SOPs in Pakistan right now from what i see, esp the pictures of iftar based mass gatherings happening right now in Pakistan.

They won't be. We would be already seeing mass infections and deaths if that really was the case. Ramadan is almost over now.

Pakistan doesn't have kumbh mela or election season. India does.
Horrible indeed..

These guys are awesome, creating in open air full of people attending them, every single person there is now a carrier. Good luck India
India has mortality rate of 1.1% for covid. And it would need at least 40% of population to get have antibodies for herd immunity (around 550 millions). So probably 550000 deaths before herd immunity. But hoping that vaccination will fillup half of the immunity number, it will still be around 350k deaths before things come under control.
So the Indian method is for people to die to reach herd immunity while the evil Chinese who tried our best to control it is bad. In the initial stage we had to lock people on their homes to quarantine them. I look at Indians now taking it chillingly wearing cloth mask and thinking it's OK. LOLOL. LOOK AT HOW THE WUHAN MODULAR HOSPITALS OPERATE AND HOW THE MEDICAL STAFF WEAR THEIR PPE.

We have roughly 20 modular hospitals designed just for pandemics in 20 key cities, now deactivated but not dismantled, Indians just dismantled theirs jusg before the shit hits the fan. Far sighted indeed. Lpl
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Neither India nor the US has resources to build temporary hospitals or implement any sufficiently strict lockdowns. Be realistic!
but US is spending trillions in Iraq. While India is buying Rafale 200 millions each during pandemic.

Both US and India are definitely true democracy:
Of the Rich, By the Rich, For the Rich.

The US military complex got pocket filled, while India politicians got kickbacks.
India can learn from China’s experience fighting Covid-19, says top US adviser Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci tells Indian newspaper that building temporary hospitals and lockdowns helped China stop the disease spreading
  • India is currently the world’s worst affected country, with 400,000 new cases recorded on Saturday
View attachment 739138

Dr Anthony Fauci cited the use of makeshift hospitals as an emergency measure. Photo: AFP
India could learn from China’s disease control playbook in fighting its Covid-19 surge, according to US presidential medical adviser Anthony Fauci.
Fauci offered advice on how to tackle the “very difficult and desperate situation”, during an interview with The Indian Express published on Saturday.
India has become the pandemic’s epicentre,
reaching a record high of 400,000 new daily cases on Saturday,
with health care systems overwhelmed and patients struggling for access to care and supplies.

Why did US not learn?
India can learn from China’s experience fighting Covid-19, says top US adviser Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci tells Indian newspaper that building temporary hospitals and lockdowns helped China stop the disease spreading
  • India is currently the world’s worst affected country, with 400,000 new cases recorded on Saturday
View attachment 739138

Dr Anthony Fauci cited the use of makeshift hospitals as an emergency measure. Photo: AFP
India could learn from China’s disease control playbook in fighting its Covid-19 surge, according to US presidential medical adviser Anthony Fauci.
Fauci offered advice on how to tackle the “very difficult and desperate situation”, during an interview with The Indian Express published on Saturday.
India has become the pandemic’s epicentre,
reaching a record high of 400,000 new daily cases on Saturday,
with health care systems overwhelmed and patients struggling for access to care and supplies.

When I read the thread title I was hoping it didn't refer to The Great Leap Forward.
Right now India has a brown santa claus running the show, what more can i say?

So he wants us to hide truth from world??

Bo Ying you say? No he didn't die of covid, he died of re- education. He was learning how not to be ill.
Fung Lee? No she didn't die of covid, that traitorous snake caught covid against the instructions of the party and was shot as punishment.
Indeed there is anger in American forums about Biden waiting till May 4 to ban arrivals of flights from India. The forum members are calling it a bribe from 'Big Pharma' and 'Big Tech' to the US politicians; in case of the tech companies, the cheap H1B workers are the reason. And with 14 flights from India to USA daily, imagine how many will have already made it to America and assuredly some of them will bring the potent mutant Virus with them.

How the US media was after China back when China didn't even have a tenth of the scary numbers but is largely silent about Indians arrivals to America given the disaster happening in India! Makes you wonder!

With 600.000 deaths in the US Biden must have thought, what difference does it make lets allow more Indian flights to America, import those Indian variants what harm can it cause. There's a senile president sitting at the Oval Office and there's a brown Santa Claus believing in fairy tales in the land of open furnace too busy with containing China rather than the virus.
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