It is the tree cover with undergrowth that determines what a forest is. Coffee plantations in India have a very good tree cover and a wide variety of tree cover at that. Yes, there are wild animals in coffee plantations, all kind including carnivorous. People in coffee plantations frequently do get killed by elephants and tigers. That would not happen if they were not there, would it? These are not animal sanctuaries or national parks (that is not the definition of a forest anyway) but animals are afforded the same protection here as anywhere else causing hunting is not allowed in India. The natural flora and fauna do grow in coffee plantations and they are not weeded out. It is just that along with the natural flora and fauna, coffee is also grown. Learn about these plantations before blabbering on. There is no depriving of the land of its natural processes in these places.
No, Delhi is not greener than Karnataka because Karnataka has a 21% green cover. The whole of Karnataka is not a forest, but almost the whole of Coorg is. The tree cover in Delhi is also included in the overall tree cover of India when computing the stats, it falls within the category called other wooded areas not classified as forests.
Your lack of understanding is not my problem.