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Countries that have shown interest in BAFs' modernization program

What do Bangladeshi think of Pakistani and Indian, which country you trust more?

There is no question of trusting India that is stealing our water from common rivers and making Bangladesh desert. India is our existential threat. India has since 1971 interfered in our internal affairs with its RAW trained Mujib Bahini, which later became Rakkhi Bahini. Awami League, one of our two main political party, is virtually run by India. So by interfering in our internal affairs, India has been virtually been at war with Bangladeshi people since 1971. Sometimes the people have won, sometimes India and Indian agent Awami League have won. Awami League was not always under total control of India. It happened mainly after 1971 and more so after Mujib was killed in 1975 and his daughter Hasina (current PM) became the party leader.

After 1971 separation, Pakistan is a distant country which has relevance to us only because it is part of the Muslim world. We do have improving business relations, but its minimal. Simply put Pakistan is not an important country for us and vice versa:
Here's wishing you all the best - Hindufree Bangladesh

We always take care of our Hindu's, they are our Bangladeshi brothers and countrymen. We are not blood thirsty like your NaMo and other assorted Hindutva terrorists. By Hindu, I meant Indian Hindu majority, that was the context. I was not talking about making a Hindu free Bangladesh.
JF17 is a joint programme, we shall negotiate with Pakistan to export it. As to J10 fighters, it is all different story. China want a longterm friendly relationship with Banladesh in both military and economy field. I think BAF will really interested in J10B if your airforce spend enough time to know it.

Majority Muslim Bangladeshi's 90% are hoping that current pro-India govt. will be ousted within 3 months, as their term ended just 4 days back on Oct. 25. Now they have to give election by Jan. 2014, according to constitution.

If pro-India Awami League party is ousted and anti-India (and pro-China) BNP comes to power, then all of us are hoping that there will be no more Russian arms purchase for Bangladesh and instead there will be more purchases from China. The Russian purchase under Awami League were mainly made under Indian instruction and also because the party leaders earned millions of dollars of kickbacks. This was mostly against the recommendation and opinion of Armed forces personnel who prefer Chinese hardware.

So it is very much possible that soon Bangladesh will seriously start looking at Chinese fighters like J-10A/B.

As for JF-17, since it has Pakistani connection, pro-India section Awami League might make huge noise about it, and people may not like it, due to bad memory of 1971 war, where a lot of people got killed at the hand of West Pakistan Army. And there is Pakistan poster here you can see making noise about it, as if JF-17 is some kind of manna from heaven that they will not share with Bangladesh. So it is best to drop it, due to complications from both sides. Personally I think we should spend a little more and go with the more capable and advanced J-10A/B, than settle for cheaper less capable JF-17, because we may not buy that many. Bangladesh focus is more on economy and poverty alleviation than defense spending, a direction which I personally support.

I think both China and Bangladesh have tremendous potential to cooperate in economy, specially if we can open up a rail and road connection with Kunming via our common border with Myanmar. It is our hope to take part in an integrated regional economy together with China and ASEAN, specially the part that is near our border, which is Myanmar and the rest of Mekong Delta Sub region - Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Here China and Bangladesh have a common interest to counter and reduce influence of US-India-Japan-Australia (so called Asia Pivot) alliance in this region. This can be very easily done, if road and railway infrastructure is built from Dhaka to Kunming via Myanmar.
bangladesh despite being an absolute muslim majority is being played in india handa by cracking down muslim parties.thats awefull
Unfortunately that's true....the same thing is true for Pakistan and USA!
what do u mean for pakistan and usa....have u seen pakistan denying any political rights to islamists...?or even putting them behind the bars unneccesarily...get a life kid.pakistan is even bigger then ur imagination
what do u mean for pakistan and usa....have u seen pakistan denying any political rights to islamists...?or even putting them behind the bars unneccesarily...get a life kid.pakistan is even bigger then ur imagination

Islamists running around your country is not an indicator of sovereignty or greatness.You know you are not a sovereign state when foreigners kill your compatriots or decide who your next leader will be.And both Bangladesh and Pakistan have exactly that happening.
bangladesh despite being an absolute muslim majority is being played in india handa by cracking down muslim parties.thats awefull

what has that got to to do with the subject @ hands, Bangladesh is a muslim majority secular country like Turkey, Egypt ,Indonesia not every muslim majority country is religious got it
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what do u mean for pakistan and usa....have u seen pakistan denying any political rights to islamists...?or even putting them behind the bars unneccesarily...get a life kid.pakistan is even bigger then ur imagination

forgot Musharraf ? how he used to sell people for dollars, & what bigger then imagination are you talking about ? kid you are getting droned every now & then so with what face are you taunting the Bangladeshis may I ask ?
bangladesh despite being an absolute muslim majority is being played in india handa by cracking down muslim parties.thats awefull

You cannot compare Pakistan with Bangladesh, different history, different geography, different demography, etc. Note we used to have almost 22% Hindu in 1951 in then East Pakistan, now still we have 9% Hindu, which is different than Pakistan:

And India has been using these Hindu population as leverage to create pro-India faction within Awami League and that faction eventually took over Awami League. And to top it off, our main nationalist party BNP leadership, Begum Khaleda Zia were incompetent with two good for nothing sons. Now she is trying to kick Awami League out, lets hope that she becomes successful. If she is successful, Indian influence in Bangladesh may end permanently this time.
There is no question of trusting India that is stealing our water from common rivers and making Bangladesh desert. India is our existential threat.

.....and according to you, if you irritate India further, you think she will be better disposed to giving you more water?
You cannot compare Pakistan with Bangladesh, different history, different geography, different demography, etc. Note we used to have almost 22% Hindu in 1951 in then East Pakistan, now still we have 9% Hindu, which is different than Pakistan:

And India has been using these Hindu population as leverage to create pro-India faction within Awami League and that faction eventually took over Awami League. And to top it off, our main nationalist party BNP leadership, Begum Khaleda Zia were incompetent with two good for nothing sons. Now she is trying to kick Awami League out, lets hope that she becomes successful. If she is successful, Indian influence in Bangladesh may end permanently this time.
You can't blame the entire Hindu population for BAL.There are Hindus in BNP too.And majority of Bangladeshi Hindus live in villages.Yes Indians use the lie that BNP somehow wants to kill Hindus to justify their support for BAL but most Hindus in BD are not to be blamed for that.
.....and according to you, if you irritate India further, you think she will be better disposed to giving you more water?

If the "you" in bold is Bangladesh, then I do not see what Bangladesh can do to irritate India, can you explain that?

Bangladesh will never accept internal political interference, whether that is by India or USA or any other foreign country. The sooner you guys understand it, the better it will be for India-Bangladesh relations. Providing aid and guidance to Awami League is an act of covert war against people of Bangladesh.
You can't blame the entire Hindu population for BAL.There are Hindus in BNP too.And majority of Bangladeshi Hindus live in villages.Yes Indians use the lie that BNP somehow wants to kill Hindus to justify their support for BAL but most Hindus in BD are not to be blamed for that.

Hindu's have consistently voted for Awami League en masse. Nothing wrong with that, but if there was no 22% Hindu population, it would have been much more difficult to create a pro-India faction within then Awami League and fan the flames of Bengali Nationalism. After 1971, it would have been much more difficult for Hasina's Awami League to make a come back without the vote bank of 9% Hindu population. These are the demographic facts. I am not blaming them for who they voted for, that is their democratic right to vote for whoever they like. But I just pointed out how our situation is different than Pakistan due to the difference in minority demographics and how India took advantage of this.
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