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Could we judge the virus origin by the first place where we see the outbreak? No.

It may be true in the ancient time. But not true in the global village age.

Virus spread speed is in a way of acceleration. Massive infections normally don't happen at the early stage. If the origin of the virus happens to be a low population density place, the early stage could be a very long period. In this window time, if the virus was brought to another country's high population density place(big city for example), the virus outbreak speed in this country could be even faster than the origin country.

Considering the symptoms of the Covid-19 are pretty much like flu, and some cases have no symptoms at all, the possiblily of transnational spread before people even knew this virus exsits is very big.
There were few people on Twitter whom were saying that they had similar symptoms before the outbreak. They were all from US. ALSO a school was closed and disinfected because there were cases of respiratory illnesses
The natural host of this virus is still unknown, actually most pandemics were caused by domestic animals, not wild animals, 1918 Spanish flu and 2009 H1N1 were from pigs, bird flu is from chicken, MERS is from camels, mad cow disease is from cows, foot and mouth disease is from cows and sheep...unless people can all go vegetarians, those viruses will still pop up somewhere in the future.

But is'nt it time China as a modern nation close these wet markets and ban wild life trade ? Livestock farming has checks and balances but wet markets and bush meat does'nt.. The problem with wild life trade is it mixes up species of wild life that in nature would have had no chance of mixing so the pathogens they carry can mutate to different levels.. Wet markets are unhygienic with wild life meat stacked upon one another with all kinds of disease crossing each other

It's not the 1950's and China is not suffering from a famine, There's a absolutely no need for this.. You kind of ignored my request for your opinion on this on a previous thread as well.. Do you agree ?

P.S: Glad that the Chinese authorities have taken a decision to ban Wet Markets and wild life trade.. Albeit way too late
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But is'nt it time China as a modern nation close these wet markets and ban wild life trade ? Livestock farming has checks and balances but wet markets and bush meat does'nt.. The problem with wild life trade is it mixes up species of wild life that in nature would have had no chance of mixing so the pathogens they carry can mutate to different levels.. Wet markets are unhygienic with wild life meat stacked upon one another with all kinds of disease crossing each other

It's not the 1950's and China is not suffering from a famine, There's a absolutely no need for this.. You kind of ignored my request for your opinion on this on a previous thread as well.. Do you agree ?

P.S: Glad that the Chinese authorities have taken a decision to ban Wet Markets and wild life trade.. Albeit way too late
At first, Chinese government did believe the virus was originated from Wuhan wet market. Because all the found cases were related to the market. But after more cases emerged and investigation went further. Some cases were found who had never been to the market nor had they contacted with people infected in the market. The conclusion is: The wet market is the place where massive human to human infections happened. It's not origin of the virus.
China didn't create this virus but it's government is responsible for the current global crisis, by taking these kind of action early on
The West had ample time to act too to contain the virus spread, but they didn't seem to act fast enough and now look where we are. India too had plenty of time but now the virus is gone widespread.
The West had ample time to act too to contain the virus spread, but they didn't seem to act fast enough and now look where we are. India too had plenty of time but now the virus is gone widespread.

By the time world was made aware about existence it was too late, later WHO (definitely under Chinas payroll) told most nations that there is no evidence of human to human transmission of this virus in wuhan, see this tweet

By the time world was made aware about existence it was too late, later WHO (definitely under Chinas payroll) told most nations that there is no evidence of human to human transmission of this virus in wuhan, see this tweet

First they didn't find human to human transimission cause they didn't have enough cases to establish the connection, that's very normal, they found that link a couple of days later, and then we told the whole world, what US had beening doing during the first two months after they learned about everything besides keeping telling people it'a no worse than common cold, did they even bother to check whether they had enough masks and protective suits?

They watched Wuhan drama being played out the whole time for 2 months.

But is'nt it time China as a modern nation close these wet markets and ban wild life trade ? Livestock farming has checks and balances but wet markets and bush meat does'nt.. The problem with wild life trade is it mixes up species of wild life that in nature would have had no chance of mixing so the pathogens they carry can mutate to different levels.. Wet markets are unhygienic with wild life meat stacked upon one another with all kinds of disease crossing each other

It's not the 1950's and China is not suffering from a famine, There's a absolutely no need for this.. You kind of ignored my request for your opinion on this on a previous thread as well.. Do you agree ?

P.S: Glad that the Chinese authorities have taken a decision to ban Wet Markets and wild life trade.. Albeit way too late
Wet markets should be banned and China did it, but China, at least in big cities, doesn't have many wet markets, but in the whole developing world, they have more wet markets than regulare stores and supermarkets, they can't be stopped around the world, by the way, the virus had been proven not from that wet market.
First they didn't find human to human transimission cause they didn't have enough cases to establish the connection, that's very normal, they found that link a couple of days later, and then we told the whole world,

The first case of this disease has been traced to late novemer of 2019 considering how contagious this disease is who believe your health didn't knew about it till mid jan? Hell Taiwanese doctors learnt about it in late December and tried to warn WHO but since they are not a member warning wasn't paid to attention and covered up (guess on whose instructions)

The officials said doctors in Taiwan had learned from their colleagues in mainland China that medical staff were falling ill from the as-yet unnamed coronavirus, a sign of human-to-human transmission that Taiwan says it passed on to the WHO and Chinese authorities on December 31. However, the WHO did not communicate the information with other nations.

“While the [WHO] provides a platform for all countries to share information on the epidemic and their response, none of the information shared by our country’s [Centers for Disease Control] is being put up there,” said Taiwan’s vice president Chen Chien-jen. Chen is an epidemiologist who was Taiwan’s health minister during the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak.

“The WHO could not obtain first-hand information to study and judge whether there was human-to-human transmission of Covid-19,” Chen said. “This led it to announce human-to-human transmission with a delay, and an opportunity to raise the alert level both in China and the wider world was lost.”

The first case of this disease has been traced to late novemer of 2019 considering how contagious this disease is who believe your health didn't knew about it till mid jan?
No, they didn't, otherwise they will alert the public, they study and research was not complete, a false alarm can cause flooded hospitals and empty stores with a result of killing more people than an unknown virus. Check out what US did in 2009 H1N1 outbreak, they didn't lockdown any cities or states during the whole time.

Beside, even if China alerted the world the very first day this new virus popped up, do you think US and the west would do anything different than they already did ?

The first case of this disease has been traced to late novemer of 2019 considering how contagious this disease is who believe your health didn't knew about it till mid jan? Hell Taiwanese doctors learnt about it in late December and tried to warn WHO but since they are not a member warning wasn't paid to attention and covered up (guess on whose instructions)
Please offer link about Taiwan warned the WTO in late December. I need solid proof. I googled this news in Chinese(Taiwanese speak Chinese). And I didn't find the report.
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I put the link in my previous post, look again. If you insist here is another.

Sound like he heard it from no one, I can claim I heard from one of my American colleagues that the virus was from US, do you know Taiwan politicians repeatedly tell their public on TV and most mainland Chinese can't afford eggs and are amazed by instant noodles cause we'd never seen one before?

Yes, population density matter. I'm sure if some one could make a computer simulation to show that Wuhan, being the first epicenter but not the origin is feasible, despite being counter-intuitive.

but now I'm leaning towards the bio-weapon theory, which could explain things a lot easier.
I put the link in my previous post, look again. If you insist here is another.

But the date in the link is March 20. Not late December
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