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Could someone fix our economic experts strategic views?

This guy forgets the history of spare parts cut off by western suppliers, multiple times, after any major conflict with India. Fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, Shame on me. The PAF seems like it has finally accepted the F-16s are not coming, and it has psychologically moved on. Pakistan is done playing games with its defense from unlivable suppliers.

I hope the dear economics professor focuses more on giving advice to help the nation’s economic situation, so the military can procure whatever weapons it sees fit to procure.
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I’m going to have to agree with him to some extent. In Washington Moeed also complained that Pakistan’s access to (some) western technologies were blocked for no good reason (other than to appease India and blunt Pakistan offensive-defensive capabilities).

Basically if you look at strategic hardware that’s been/being inducted by us it’s all Chinese; attack helicopters, Tanks, LRSAM, submarines, fighter jets because of their willingness to not only sell but also to provide financing. A few exceptions of Turkish equipment as well.

You don’t see Pakistan inducting such equipment from western sources anymore. It’s either (1) we can’t afford them (2) they are available for cash just not financing (3) they don’t want to sell some equipment to Pakistan.

I’d bet on a combination of above. Some equipment we just can’t afford like the P-8 Poseidon. For some they are willing to sell but not provide financing like F-16 and Ah-1z. And others they just won’t sell to Pakistan even if we had the cash like AGM-88.

We understand some platforms we can’t afford. But for the ones we can, they should be available just like they are for India, even our access to such technologies from European sources is blocked. This is resulting in increasing distance between the West and Pakistan. We can do military exchanges all year long and joint exercises, but it’s the equipment which binds military ties.
Regardless of what our NSP says Pakistan is and always will be a security centric state so the distancing with the West is now showing in our foreign policy.

Pakistan doesn’t see its expectations as unreasonable; India inducted S400 which destabilises the balance, and Pakistan should be permitted to integrate a more sophisticated SEAD and A2G munitions on its F-16s.

If Pakistan can’t maintain a conventional balance with India (not saying that’s the case, we will continue to own them) there is only drawbacks which are not only limited to the region. Resultantly Pakistan would be forced to use tactical nukes sooner in a war with India than later.

On a side note, even when Pakistan relations with the West were excellent, like in the 80’s we still were denied the sale of AWACS. So this issue has been there ever since 1965.
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