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Cost cuts in media,no advertising, decline in ratings is causing anchors to daily attack & do negati

Lol. It does NOT mean anything. I can give you examples of thousands of people in the history of human being who had a lots of followers but they were on the wrong path.

As a nation we lack basic understanding of the deen, we don’t know Allah azawajal nor we know or care to learn the true teaching of Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Our halvachoor molvis don’t want people to learn about Deen.
We need a revival of Deen, we need scholars to teach the public about basic Islam, Quran, and the message of Quran and Sunnh of
rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the life of Sahab Ikram (r.a) without discussing sects.
Who will have the authority to distinguish who is from first category and who is from the Second? to do the work you just mentioned?
A free media is different from an educated and responsible media. That sort cannot thrive on lobbying and advertising; it is a good thing that this industry is being cut down to size and then letting true investment and competitiveness take over is upto the government to implement policies for.

However, if the government fails to do so then it will end up creating media powerhouses with little competition and poor quality.

Pakistan media will need to reinvent itself and will actually have to hire people who are qualified to survive, I see nothing wrong with that. one of the respected members on PDF called them "presstitutes" and that term is 100% correct.
Who will have the authority to distinguish who is from first category and who is from the Second? to do the work you just mentioned?

I do not want to ruin this thread but just want to make a point. Majority of Razakhani and deobandi molvis are useless (there are few exceptions). They have done nothing but curse each other, they have been doing it for 100 years and they will continue to do that. So how do we resolve the issue about Educating people about Islam? There is a easy fix. You will have to introduce the 3rd category.

There are 3 possible solutions (or apply all)
1) Introducing laws to protect the Citizen.
i) catching Jaali Peer, if found should be questioned by Religious authority about about Islam, rules of Ghusal, wadu, Namaz, see if he can read Quran. If he fails, he should be give 10 lashes in public for Deceiving people.
ii) Minimize the use of laud spesker.
iii) public space can’t be used for religious activities without prior approval. Anyone blocking public streets, roads, etc should be arrested and fined.
iv) Anyone giving hate speech against other sect or minority should be arrested and prosecuted.

2) We are mainly followers of Hanafi madhab. Hanafi madhab is taught in Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia. we send 500 Students to the seminaries in those countries.
500 Students to Egypt
500 Students to Turkey
500 Students to Jordan
500 Students to Syria or Saudi Arabia (They are now teaching Hanafi Madhab)
These students will become Aalim can translate Arabic books in Urdu and establish a Hanafi madhab Maddrasa in Pakistan which will not be influenced by Sub-continent feud.
Al-Azhar type of university can also be established in Pakistan.

3) Intoducing the 3rd category. Introducing Shafi‘i madhhab in Pakistani and this will be acceptable to Razakhani, deobandi and alheHadith because these is no conflict in between these and Shafi‘i madhhab.

Ultimate goal is to teach people about Islam and reject bidah and shirk practices.
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In nutshell the previous PML-N government (Maryum media cell) was funding the media on tax payers money!
Laws need to be passed to prevent foreign funding of "strategic industries" including media

All of the major news houses now need to be heavily scrutinised because hostile agencies are going to leap to fill that big hole in their budgets
IK is getting successes so early in the game!!!! For others it took a decade!!!!! Now, I'm jealous....
Pakistan has way too many media channels in total disproportion to the size of economy. So how were they getting business? Simple! the governments were bribing them while taking huge loans from abroad and feeding these snakes. Pakistan's GDP is around 300 bln dollars and that warrant 15-25 good quality channels with varied content. Anything more than that will be futile and not feasible.
87b rupees is enough to build not 1 but 2 dams simultaneously..WTF!
current cost of bhasha dam is slated at 480 billion rupees (dam part) with govt part of only 232 billion rupees over 8 years which is <30b/year
87b rupees is enough to build not 1 but 2 dams simultaneously..WTF!
current cost of bhasha dam is slated at 480 billion rupees (dam part) with govt part of only 232 billion rupees over 8 years which is <30b/year
Are you in your senses? Your post has nothing to do with mine.
yes only the ones who incessantly praise imran khan are the harbingers of true journalistic ethos.

just a reminder that during the last govt pti was constantly praised and nawaz shareef faced severe backlash. if they all are for sale who was buying them then?

putting zarrar khurho and shahzaib who have praised and criticized both good and bad of all is an unfortunate reminder of growing authoritarianism in this country.

with that being said i do agree the business model is flawed and most of these anchors charge an unbelievable amount.
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