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Corrupt Trump


Nov 2, 2017
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United States
I view it as an attempt to steal the money from the emergency fund to aid Puerto-Rico.

Puerto Rico Cancels Contract with Energy Company Linked to Trump Administration
•October 30, 2017

After controversy last week plagued a $300 million contract to restore power to energy-crippled Puerto Rico, the head of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) has cancelled the contract. The government-owned utility company’s CEO Ricardo Ramos referred to the controversy surrounding the contract as “an enormous distraction […] negatively impacting the work we’re already doing.” Last month, Ramos signed the contact with Whitefish Energy, a small, unheard of two-person Montana-based private utility firm, which was later revealed to have links to the Trump administration. The cancellation follows Puerto Rico’s governor, Ricardo Rossello, calling for PREPA to cancel the contract on Sunday.

Bird of a feather flock together.

Donald Trump nominates man whose firm tripled price of insulin to regulate drug companies
Alex Azar would be ‘a star for better healthcare and lower drug prices’, Mr Trump said

Chantal Da Silva Sunday 19 November 2017

Donald Trump’s pick for health secretary, Alex Azar, was previously an executive at a pharmaceutical company that repeatedly raised the prices of its drugs and tripled the cost of its top-selling insulin over the five years he served as a company president, it has emerged.

Mr Trump announced his choice on Monday, tweeting that Mr Azar would be a “star for better healthcare and lower drug prices”.

If Mr Azar becomes Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, he will oversee a $1tr (£76bn) department responsible for America’s major insurance programmes, including Obamacare, public health, medical research and food and drug safety.

Donald Trump nominates man whose firm tripled price of insulin to regulate drug companies
Alex Azar would be ‘a star for better healthcare and lower drug prices’, Mr Trump said

Chantal Da Silva Sunday 19 November 2017

Donald Trump’s pick for health secretary, Alex Azar, was previously an executive at a pharmaceutical company that repeatedly raised the prices of its drugs and tripled the cost of its top-selling insulin over the five years he served as a company president, it has emerged.

Mr Trump announced his choice on Monday, tweeting that Mr Azar would be a “star for better healthcare and lower drug prices”.

If Mr Azar becomes Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary, he will oversee a $1tr (£76bn) department responsible for America’s major insurance programmes, including Obamacare, public health, medical research and food and drug safety.


The White House held a fancy party for its new DHS nominee, then sent the agency the bill

Attendees included commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, secretary of state Rex Tillerson, economic advisor Gary Cohn, presidential advisors Kellyanne Conway and Jared Kushner, and big names from K Street, Washington’s lobbying corridor, like Stewart Verdery, whose Monument Policy represents Fortune 500 clients like Amazon, Toyota, and Northrup Grumman.

Afterward, the White House billed the DHS $8,000 for the party, a White House advisor told Quartz. The White House typically charges catering and event costs to a department’s budget if the event is seen as “furthering the mission” of the agency, he said.

Nielsen’s nomination surprised top officials at the DHS, because she doesn’t have a loyal following within the over 200,000 strong organization, and no experience managing a large agency. The lobbyist-studded party, and the related bill, were seen as a further affront.

LOL at Trump draining the swamp. All he did is gather a bunch of corrupt and greedy billionaires to increase corruption. How American people can't see through all of this is another sign where this country stands today.
LOL at Trump draining the swamp. All he did is gather a bunch of corrupt and greedy billionaires to increase corruption. How American people can't see through all of this is another sign where this country stands today.

They elect corrupt and arrogant people and the world pays the price.
Trump's Deputy Drug Czar Is A 24-Year-Old With A Flimsy Work History
Dominique Mosbergen,HuffPost• January 22, 2018

A 24-year-old appointed to a top position in the White House drug policy office has come under scrutiny in recent days for his scanty résumé and lack of qualifications.

A new Washington Post report reveals that one of Taylor Weyeneth’s few previous jobs ended ignominiously. Weyeneth was “let go” from a New York law firm in 2015 because he didn’t show up to work, the paper reports.

Weyeneth was appointed last year as deputy chief of staff of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, or ONDCP, which coordinates federal drug-control efforts, and questions have recently been raised about his fitness for the role.

Prior to his work for the Trump administration, the only job he’d held since graduating from college in 2016 was working on President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the Post reported earlier this month. As a high schooler, Weyeneth worked for a family firm that processed health products; and as an undergraduate, he had a job as a legal assistant at the New York law firm O’Dwyer & Bernstien.

The World's Ugliest American

Richard North Patterson,HuffPost• January 23, 2018

One year into the Trump administration, as our president prepares for his trip to address the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, here is the dynamic abroad: No foreign enemy could have degraded America’s global standing so completely in so short a time.

In word and deed, Donald Trump personifies the American ignoramus abroad. He insults foreign leaders in tweets, then melts in their presence. He switches positions based on personal flattery. He parades his ignorance of geopolitics. His erratic behavior and bellicose boasts provoke alarm in a nuclear age.


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