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Coronavirus: Vietnam approves Sinopharm’s vaccine, but will people take it?

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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Dang Duong, a 42-year-old restaurant owner in Ho Chi Minh City, is hoping everyone in Vietnam will be able to get vaccinated against Covid-19 soon.

Her business has been struggling without its main clientele of foreign residents and tourists since March, when the country shut its borders to keep out imported cases.

While Vietnam has mostly managed to avoid a mass crisis, new outbreaks since April have contributed to more than half its total caseload of over 8,000, and the country is also dealing with limited vaccine supplies and reports of a suspected “hybrid variant” made up of mutations first detected in Britain and India.

But Dang Duong says even as she wants Vietnam to achieve herd immunity, Chinese-made vaccines would be her last option.

“The made-in-China brand in general does not have a good reputation for quality, especially regarding the Covid-19 vaccine,” she said. “China’s behaviour in international politics over the past 10 years and in recent times shows that it is an unlikely partner worthy of trust and respect, which also greatly affects this country’s product brands.”

Vietnam’s inoculation drive currently includes the British-Swedish AstraZeneca shot and Russia’s Sputnik V jab, but with 1 per cent of the 98 million residents vaccinated, it trails the efforts of poorer Asean neighbours such as Cambodia and Laos.

The government has a deal with Pfizer for 31 million doses to be delivered later this year, and is also in talks with Moderna that would give it enough shots to reach the goal of vaccinating 70 per cent of the population.

Authorities on Thursday said they have secured 170 million doses so far from the WHO-backed Covax facility, AstraZeneca, Russia, Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.

On Friday, Vietnam also approved the Covid-19 vaccine by China’s state-owned Sinopharm company, after months of deliberation.

But if Duong’s comments are anything to go by, the authorities will have an uphill task persuading people to take Sinopharm’s BIBP vaccine, even as cases continue to climb.

Vietnamese people have retained a cultural antipathy towards the Chinese, which stems from a centuries-long Chinese occupation that ended in the 10th century, and the 1979 border war that Beijing started in response to Hanoi invading Cambodia a year earlier.

In recent times, these sentiments have been reignited by an ongoing territorial dispute over the South China Sea, and Beijing’s activities on the Mekong River that have affected downstream countries, including Vietnam.

In the State of Southeast Asia 2021 survey, published in February by Singapore’s ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Vietnamese participants said they were least inclined to recognise China’s help for the region in dealing with the pandemic, out of a total of 1,032 people polled in 10 Southeast Asian countries.

The same survey, which involved academics, government officials and businesspeople respondents, showed Vietnamese and Filipinos had the highest levels of distrust towards China in the region, citing reasons such as Beijing using its economic and military power to threaten their country’s sovereignty and interests.

The news that the WHO has approved China’s Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines for emergency use, allowing them to be included in the global vaccine-sharing Covax initiative, did little to ease the resistance against Chinese-made vaccines in Vietnam.

Huynh Hung, a Ho Chi Minh City-based medical equipment importer, said he ‘’immediately’’ says no to Chinese vaccines when the question comes to mind. He admitted that his views are largely shaped by his experience in supplying foreign medical devices to hospitals in southern Vietnam.

“When it comes to their traditional medicines, I don’t deny that the Chinese are good at it,” the 48-year-old businessman said. “But I have not been convinced by their Western medical capacity.”

Hung said after the country’s reunification in 1975, Vietnam has traditionally imported medical instruments from the G7 group of rich nations and the European Union, while those shipped from China have only been more common in recent years.

“When doctors in the south pick equipment, they rarely choose Chinese goods,” he said.

According to Sinovac, some 600 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine have been delivered in China and around the world, of which 430 million shots have been administered.

Sinopharm has not revealed how many recent doses of its BIBP vaccine it has made or the number of shots it will give to the Covax Facility, although data by the University of Oxford shows Sinovac has been used in 30 countries, while BIBP has been used in 55 countries.

Nguyen Khac Giang, a senior political researcher at Vietnam National University’s Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research, said there were two concerns over buying Chinese vaccines.

“First is transparency. If we look at other countries, some are required to sign non-disclosure agreements in their contracts,” Nguyen said, referring to the case in Nepal.

Last month, the India Times reported that Sinopharm had a non-disclosure agreement for the Nepalese government that would prevent them from disclosing details such as the price of the vaccines – going against local laws for non-defence procurements by the government.

“Second, China also might use vaccines to pressure Vietnam on different areas – for example negotiations on the South China Sea,” Nguyen said.
“This is the practice Beijing has applied in other areas – such as the
Belt and Road Initiative and foreign aid – and we can’t rule out that they would not do it in their vaccine diplomacy,” he said, stressing that his explanation was hypothetical due to the lack of available information.

Even before the WHO’s approval, hundreds of millions of Chinese-made doses had been sold or donated to mostly developing economies, amid China’s efforts to promote vaccine diplomacy. In Southeast Asia, countries like Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines’ vaccination efforts rely heavily on these donations.

Anti-Chinese vaccine sentiment aside, Vietnam’s slow vaccination rate may also be due to some people waiting for their preferred shot.

CoronaVac, the vaccine produced by Sinovac company, was found to be 51 per cent effective at preventing Covid-19 in late-stage trials among health care workers in Brazil. Other vaccines already approved by the WHO, including Sinopharm (78 per cent), Moderna (94.1 per cent) or Pfizer BioNTech (95 per cent), have been more effective. On the other hand, the results suggest CoronaVac is “100 per cent effective at preventing severe disease and death”, according to an article published on Friday on the scientific journal Nature.

Tran Nguyen Huy Tu, a 24-year-old student in Ho Chi Minh City, said he would wait for the arrival of the Pfizer vaccines.

“I would choose Pfizer because vaccines have a direct impact on my health and my immune system,” the Ho Chi Minh City resident said, adding that he had done his own research about its effects.
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Considering that the US and the West continue to label Chinese products as "cheap and poor quality" but continue to buy them more and more every year, I have no doubt that Vietnamese will choose Sinopharm over Astra Zeneca, which no one wants to use now in Vietnam, unless they are forced to (soldiers, doctors and nurses).

For myself, I would pay extra to get Sinopharm
Considering that the US and the West continue to label Chinese products as "cheap and poor quality" but continue to buy them more and more every year, I have no doubt that Vietnamese will choose Sinopharm over Astra Zeneca, which no one wants to use now in Vietnam, unless they are forced to (soldiers, doctors and nurses).

For myself, I would pay extra to get Sinopharm
True. better than Astra Zeneca, at least safer.

Dang Duong, a 42-year-old restaurant owner in Ho Chi Minh City, is hoping everyone in Vietnam will be able to get vaccinated against Covid-19 soon.

Her business has been struggling without its main clientele of foreign residents and tourists since March, when the country shut its borders to keep out imported cases.

While Vietnam has mostly managed to avoid a mass crisis, new outbreaks since April have contributed to more than half its total caseload of over 8,000, and the country is also dealing with limited vaccine supplies and reports of a suspected “hybrid variant” made up of mutations first detected in Britain and India.

But Dang Duong says even as she wants Vietnam to achieve herd immunity, Chinese-made vaccines would be her last option.

“The made-in-China brand in general does not have a good reputation for quality, especially regarding the Covid-19 vaccine,” she said. “China’s behaviour in international politics over the past 10 years and in recent times shows that it is an unlikely partner worthy of trust and respect, which also greatly affects this country’s product brands.”

Vietnam’s inoculation drive currently includes the British-Swedish AstraZeneca shot and Russia’s Sputnik V jab, but with 1 per cent of the 98 million residents vaccinated, it trails the efforts of poorer Asean neighbours such as Cambodia and Laos.

The government has a deal with Pfizer for 31 million doses to be delivered later this year, and is also in talks with Moderna that would give it enough shots to reach the goal of vaccinating 70 per cent of the population.

Authorities on Thursday said they have secured 170 million doses so far from the WHO-backed Covax facility, AstraZeneca, Russia, Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech.

On Friday, Vietnam also approved the Covid-19 vaccine by China’s state-owned Sinopharm company, after months of deliberation.

But if Duong’s comments are anything to go by, the authorities will have an uphill task persuading people to take Sinopharm’s BIBP vaccine, even as cases continue to climb.

Vietnamese people have retained a cultural antipathy towards the Chinese, which stems from a centuries-long Chinese occupation that ended in the 10th century, and the 1979 border war that Beijing started in response to Hanoi invading Cambodia a year earlier.

In recent times, these sentiments have been reignited by an ongoing territorial dispute over the South China Sea, and Beijing’s activities on the Mekong River that have affected downstream countries, including Vietnam.

In the State of Southeast Asia 2021 survey, published in February by Singapore’s ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Vietnamese participants said they were least inclined to recognise China’s help for the region in dealing with the pandemic, out of a total of 1,032 people polled in 10 Southeast Asian countries.

The same survey, which involved academics, government officials and businesspeople respondents, showed Vietnamese and Filipinos had the highest levels of distrust towards China in the region, citing reasons such as Beijing using its economic and military power to threaten their country’s sovereignty and interests.

The news that the WHO has approved China’s Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines for emergency use, allowing them to be included in the global vaccine-sharing Covax initiative, did little to ease the resistance against Chinese-made vaccines in Vietnam.

Huynh Hung, a Ho Chi Minh City-based medical equipment importer, said he ‘’immediately’’ says no to Chinese vaccines when the question comes to mind. He admitted that his views are largely shaped by his experience in supplying foreign medical devices to hospitals in southern Vietnam.

“When it comes to their traditional medicines, I don’t deny that the Chinese are good at it,” the 48-year-old businessman said. “But I have not been convinced by their Western medical capacity.”

Hung said after the country’s reunification in 1975, Vietnam has traditionally imported medical instruments from the G7 group of rich nations and the European Union, while those shipped from China have only been more common in recent years.

“When doctors in the south pick equipment, they rarely choose Chinese goods,” he said.

According to Sinovac, some 600 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine have been delivered in China and around the world, of which 430 million shots have been administered.

Sinopharm has not revealed how many recent doses of its BIBP vaccine it has made or the number of shots it will give to the Covax Facility, although data by the University of Oxford shows Sinovac has been used in 30 countries, while BIBP has been used in 55 countries.

Nguyen Khac Giang, a senior political researcher at Vietnam National University’s Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research, said there were two concerns over buying Chinese vaccines.

“First is transparency. If we look at other countries, some are required to sign non-disclosure agreements in their contracts,” Nguyen said, referring to the case in Nepal.

Last month, the India Times reported that Sinopharm had a non-disclosure agreement for the Nepalese government that would prevent them from disclosing details such as the price of the vaccines – going against local laws for non-defence procurements by the government.

“Second, China also might use vaccines to pressure Vietnam on different areas – for example negotiations on the South China Sea,” Nguyen said.
“This is the practice Beijing has applied in other areas – such as the
Belt and Road Initiative and foreign aid – and we can’t rule out that they would not do it in their vaccine diplomacy,” he said, stressing that his explanation was hypothetical due to the lack of available information.

Even before the WHO’s approval, hundreds of millions of Chinese-made doses had been sold or donated to mostly developing economies, amid China’s efforts to promote vaccine diplomacy. In Southeast Asia, countries like Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines’ vaccination efforts rely heavily on these donations.

Anti-Chinese vaccine sentiment aside, Vietnam’s slow vaccination rate may also be due to some people waiting for their preferred shot.

CoronaVac, the vaccine produced by Sinovac company, was found to be 51 per cent effective at preventing Covid-19 in late-stage trials among health care workers in Brazil. Other vaccines already approved by the WHO, including Sinopharm (78 per cent), Moderna (94.1 per cent) or Pfizer BioNTech (95 per cent), have been more effective. On the other hand, the results suggest CoronaVac is “100 per cent effective at preventing severe disease and death”, according to an article published on Friday on the scientific journal Nature.

Tran Nguyen Huy Tu, a 24-year-old student in Ho Chi Minh City, said he would wait for the arrival of the Pfizer vaccines.

“I would choose Pfizer because vaccines have a direct impact on my health and my immune system,” the Ho Chi Minh City resident said, adding that he had done his own research about its effects.

LOL wrong reporting, Indonesia has got 93 million vaccines where large majority is Sinovac. It is not donation but B 2 B business between China company and Indonesia state owned Biofarma. Majority of shipment is raw material that needs further process, this is why vaccination program is still slow despite we have had huge vaccine in this early June

Vietnamese people have retained a cultural antipathy towards the Chinese, which stems from a centuries-long Chinese occupation that ended in the 10th century, and the 1979 border war that Beijing started in response to Hanoi invading Cambodia a year earlier.

Not a centuries-long, but totally 10 centuries (~1,000 years), and it was not only an "occupation", but nearly fully integration. North Vietnam was fully a province (zhou) of China then, with many Vietnamese people went to Changan, got educated, passed the exam and became mandarins all over China mainland. Some even became provincial chief in proper China. All started with Ly Cam, Ly Tien (who were Giao Chi, or Jiaozhi (North Vietnam, Guangxi, Guangdong) natives and who successfully petitioned to Han emperors to treat all Giao Chi natives as same as Han people, i.e. allowing them to become mandarins in proper China, not restricted to Jiaozhi).

Many big families in Vietnam now still trace their origin and ancestors to some far-away Chinese provinces. Just a few examples:

- Vu (武); one of the biggest family names in Vietnam, about 4% of population, traced their ancestor to Vu Hon (武 浑) , a mandarin assigned to Giao Chi
during Tang dynasty (my maternal grandmother's surname)

- Ho (胡): one of the biggest family names in the central provinces of Nghe An and Thanh Hoa provinces, traced their ancestor to Ho Hung Dat (胡 興 逸), who originated from Zhejiang province, China).

Although his real name was Nguyen Tat Thanh, President Ho Chi Minh, who was born in Nghe An province, are believed by some historians as having real surname of Ho. His great-grandfather changed his surname to Nguyen after being adopted by a Nguyen family.

Got someone who knows almost nothing about our history to write about our sentiment towards China. Very superficial.
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Not a centuries-long, but totally 10 centuries (~1,000 years), and it was not only an "occupation", but nearly fully integration. North Vietnam was fully a province (zhou) of China then, with many Vietnamese people went to Changan, got educated, passed the exam and became mandarins all over China mainland. Some even became provincial chief in proper China. All started with Ly Cam, Ly Tien (who were Giao Chi, or Jiaozhi (North Vietnam, Guangxi, Guangdong) natives and who successfully petitioned to Han emperors to treat all Giao Chi natives as same as Han people, i.e. allowing them to become mandarins in proper China, not restricted to Jiaozhi).

Many big families in Vietnam now still trace their origin and ancestors to some far-away Chinese provinces. Just a few examples:

- Vu (武); one of the biggest family names in Vietnam, about 4% of population, traced their ancestor to Vu Hon (武 浑) , a mandarin assigned to Giao Chi
during Tang dynasty (my maternal grandmother's surname)

- Ho (胡): one of the biggest family names in the central provinces of Nghe An and Thanh Hoa provinces, traced their ancestor to Ho Hung Dat (胡 興 逸), who originated from Zhejiang province, China).

Although his real name was Nguyen Tat Thanh, President Ho Chi Minh, who was born in Nghe An province, are believed by some historians as having real surname of Ho. His great-grandfather changed his surname to Nguyen after being adopted by a Nguyen family.

Got someone who knows almost nothing about our history to write about our sentiment towards China. Very superficial.

You have some impressive history knowledge about Vietnam.
To answer the question, yes they will take it.
You can't base whether the entire nation will take it or not on the opinion of two or three people LOL. also knowing the practices of SCMP and how anti Chinese they are, often times as anti Chinese as the BBC... I wouldn't be surprised if they had to go through like 10 people to finaly find three people who would say "I won't take it" because the rest where all saying they will take it. similar to how at one time the BBC went to talk to one Chinese citizen after another to find at least one Chinese person that badmouths the government but all they found was people badmouthing the west LOL.

The state purchased it so my guess is they know the people will take it. Also, aren't these WHO approved as well?
Today, Vietnam receives 01 million Sinopharm shots, amid 5 millions bought by Sapharco (Saigon Pharmacy Co).
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You have some impressive history knowledge about Vietnam.
Of cos, he is a vietnamese unlike some american clown who bombed Vietnam , killed 3 million Vietnamese and claim to know Vietnam well.

China traditional method has the least side effect among all covid-19 vaccine. Why would no Vietnamese want to take it? Some vaccine havent even stop already covid but has already killed the user with heart attack and other allegic.

Btw, moderna and pfizer both have equally low effect against Delta variant. But evil western media try to portray it happened to China vaccine only.

Home / Editor's Picks / Feds, neighboring states act as COVID-19 numbers climb
Feds, neighboring states act as COVID-19 numbers climb
Silly question.
Right question is
Will China give vaccine to Vietnam?
Yes very silly question thus I give you a very silly answer. It’s like I want to buy one chinese chicken soup but you think 1h about whether or not should you sell it to me or not. Yes it’s up to you.
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