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Coronavirus Reveals China’s Darkest Secret | China Uncensored

Yah and US is now letting the virus loose. TEST PPL for gods sake.
And look how they (zionist slaves) are now posting documentaries to lie through their @$$e$ about China/Covid-19. You have history of lies, you have history of starting wars based on lies. Your kind has murdered more people than anyone in recorded history. Your kind hides behind figure heads, hide behind atheism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Your are a bunch of two-faced, rotten garbage who is always spreading lies through deception.

Your zionist kind wants hegemony of the West to prevail, so your precious b@$tard-israel can take center stage in the world. Your kind has the mentality of superiority, who assigns themselves to be the benevolent chosen people, while the rest of humanity you designate as "goyim".

Take your $hitty lies and go jump in the dead sea, where you belong!
Stop playing the victim. Other countries are cleaning up the mess China has created.
Are you sure this virus came from China? US couldn't explain 10k flu deaths in July 2019 and they shut down Fort Derrick bio weapons lab in August 2019, coincidence?

Screenshot from The New York Times August 08, 2019

Between 2005 and 2012 the US had experienced 1,059 events where pathogens had been either stolen or escaped from American bio-labs during the prior ten years.
china has since then moved on with the virus under control but you seem stuck in your nostalgia syndrome...patheetic

LOL at moved on and ROFLMAO at under control, only stupid people, shills and paid CCP trolls will even say that.
LOL at moved on and ROFLMAO at under control, only stupid people, shills and paid CCP trolls will even say that.
David, do some critical thinking. I mean you really think BBC CNN is the ultimate truth. Remember Iraqi WMD? TUSKERGEE experiment? 10k unexplained flu deathe 2 months before Wuhan, biolabs closure around same time, BillGates pandemic conference a month before..... Coincidence? Trade war failed to topple us, they are playing dirty now. You think only US knows Bioweapons. Don't play with fire, you will get burned. Zero interest rates is just the beginning.

One dimers chose to close their eyes to this. Its the chinks, they eat weird shit, we have been eating weird shit for 1000s of years.
The quality of CCP paid posters is so low, I doubt they will be able to face their bosses at this rate !
Height of shamelessness is accusing other nations for this Wuhan outbreak. Please stop eating everything that moves, Chinese people !
The quality of CCP paid posters is so low, I doubt they will be able to face their bosses at this rate !
Height of shamelessness is accusing other nations for this Wuhan outbreak. Please stop eating everything that moves, Chinese people !
FYI, I don't eat weird shit, some people do. The same goes for Indians, not all eat corpses and cow dung, some eat veges. I am not sure if cow dung is classified as vegetarian tho. Lol
everyone knows corona virus is a bio weapon against china. plenty of countries eat weird crap and most of those countries have far poorer hygene standards than china but they never get any viruses. US put virus right at chinese new year movement to stop China ascendance. its despicable but anti china trolls still show up on forums that have nothing to do with them lol they try so hard.
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