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Edhi Foundation donates Rs10m to PM's Corona Relief Fund

Chairman of the Edhi Foundation Faisal Edhi met Prime Minister Imran Khan and presented a Rs10 million cheque for the Prime Minister's Corona Relief Fund.



Murad praises PM Imran for building consensus on lockdown measures

April 15, 2020

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah speaking at a press conference on April 15. — DawnNewsTV

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah on Wednesday lauded Prime Minister Imran Khan for building consensus among the provincial and federal governments regarding lockdown measures in the country.

Speaking at a press conference in Karachi, Shah said the decision that was taken during yesterday's meeting of the National Coordination Committee (NCC) was that the lockdown in the country should be extended.

"I am happy that the rest of the provinces decided to implement this. There are exceptions [to the lockdown], but they are calculated ones."

A day earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan had announced that the restrictions imposed by the government on public gatherings, assemblies and the opening of educational institutions would remain in place for another two weeks.

Minister for Industries Hammad Azhar had also said that the government had "identified industries where there is a low risk of the virus spreading" and they will be allowed to operate with standard operating procedures in place.

In today's press conference, the chief minister said that while there was an agreement to extend the lockdown in the country, there were certain items on the agenda regarding which the provincial governments and the Centre did not see eye to eye.

"Some provinces and the federal government had wanted to reopen certain businesses. We opposed the idea for allowing tailors, electricians and plumbers to reopen their businesses," he said.

However, we did concede that plumbers and electricians, that visit homes to provide services, will be allowed to work, after implementing the standard operating procedures (SOPs) issued by the government, he said.

Today's remarks by the Sindh chief minister come just days after he lashed out at the federal government for its "mixed signals" which he said made the lockdown imposed in the province ineffective.

But in sharp contrast to his earlier criticism, CM Shah conceded that "at first we did not understand why the construction industry needed to be opened" but that in the briefing yesterday, the prime minister "explained that it was the second largest sector in Pakistan following agriculture" and was crucial to the economy, he said.

"Eventually all provinces agreed on easing some curbs."
I urge the government to make it mandatory for the employers to provide Health and Safety measures and Medicare, the business sectors returning to norm.
Cases detected have doubled from the previous day as tests were doubled from the previous day. The deaths recorded in 24 hours are highest in one day. 199 people recovered in a Day.
China assures Pakistan of continued support in fight against coronavirus

Thu, Apr 16, 2020


BEIJING: China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke to Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Thursday, saying that China would continue to provide all possible support to Pakistan amid the coronavirus crisis.

“We will continue to provide all possible support according to the needs of Pakistan to help it overcome the epidemic as soon as possible,” he said.

According to a statement issued by Chinese Foreign Ministry here on Thursday morning, Wang Yi said that at a critical moment in China’s fight against the epidemic, President Dr. Arif Alvi paid a special visit to China and expressed his firm support for Pakistan to Chinese leaders, adding, “China will bear this in mind.”

He said that at present, the Pakistan’s epidemic situation also had an impact on the Chinese people. All sectors of Chinese society had acted spontaneously and actively donated money and materials to provide assistance to Pakistani brothers and sisters within their ability, he added.

Wang Yi said that the Chinese government had provided Pakistan with multiple batches of material assistance, and had also dispatched medical expert groups to hold expert video conferences to share prevention and treatment experience.

Foreign Minister Qureshi expressed gratitude to China for its valuable support to Pakistan’s fight against the virus.

“Faced with this unprecedented global public health and economic crisis, China’s measures are precise and powerful, and have achieved positive results. Pakistan appreciates this,” he added.

He said that Pakistan was willing to further cooperate closely with China and continuously deepen the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries in the process of anti-epidemic.
Pakistan cases:




Pakistan peak yet to come, possibly 50,000 covid-19 cases in Pakistan.
Pakistan cases:




Pakistan peak yet to come, possibly 50,000 covid-19 cases in Pakistan.
Peak in Pakistan might be much more higher due to non serious attitude of people and non cooperation of religious leaders.
Cases detected are about same as previous day and 1 thousand more tests done as compared to previous day. About 11 people died in a single day (6 less than previous day) and 120 people recovered in a day

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @StormBreaker @PakSword @Mentee
Sindh is now conducting more tests than Punjab and KPK


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