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Why only talk about number of deaths?

134 recovered as of today. Yes, it still lower than number of deaths but it is increasing at a good rate.
Update, 5 April

Accumulative number

Total Infection: 2.273
Total Death: 198
Total Cured: 164

I want to give you thumbs for all your posts.

But the situation is grim and it's not appropriate.

The only thing I can support you is by this post.

In my opinion, the peak of coronavirus will be around April and May.

After that, it will be gradually fallen.

Coronavirus will never be eradicated completely, it will become a common disease.

Not to mention that the medical world is getting better on how to treat coronavirus patients.

Slowly everything will back to normal, as everyone is already getting bored with it.

Maybe it will take one or two years.

The legacy of coronavirus is we will have a good hygiene habit.
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I want to give you thumbs for all your posts.

But the situation is grim and it's not appropriate.

The only thing I can support you is by this post.

In my opinion, the peak of coronavirus will be around April and May.

After that, it will be gradually fallen.

Coronavirus will never be eradicated completely, it will become a common disease.

Not to mention that the medical world is getting better on how to treat coronavirus patients.

Slowly everything will back to normal, as everyone is already getting bored with it.

Maybe it will take one or two years.

The legacy of coronavirus is we will have a good hygiene habit.

I also think the same, it is difficult to contain this disease if we dont use the same measure of what China has been done. Until Today the number of death and infection in our country are also relatively similar with the last 3-5 days numbers, it means we cannot contain the infection but luckily the infection magnitude also still looks very mild, not severe like happening in early covid 19 infection in China and current condition in Italy, French, Spain, Iran, and USA. Maybe it is due to our tropical climate which is hotter then those mentioned countries and also the fact that many infection happen with the regions whose people are living in apartment, where only few Indonesian living in apartment.

I dont think we can contain the disease but social distancing implementation with other measures like quarantining Covid 19 patients, rapid test, and many businesses apply working from home system are quite effective to slow the speed of infection rate.

We should slow the infection rate while waiting for the effective drugs and possibly vaccine to come. There is good news in term of founding effective drug from existing medicine in Australia where the research has found one drug which can eliminate the virus within just 2 days. I hope this drug is trully as effective as what they said and thus after undergoing some test and further examining can be used on treating this disease soon.
This is the protocol of treating Covid 19 death in Indonesia. Families are not allowed to attain the funeral procession and the death body will be buried in the same location for each city.


That is in Jakarta, Covid 19 epicenter in Indonesia.
Update 6 April, ASEAN countries

ASEAN @ 06/04/2020 (09.48 GMT) :

INDONESIA : 2491 positive, 192 recovered, 209 deaths

MALAYSIA : 3793 positive, 1241 recovered, 62 deaths

THAILAND : 2220 positive, 793 recovered, 26 deaths

PHILIPPINES : 3660 positive, 73 recovered, 163 deaths

SINGAPORE : 1309 positive, 320 recovered, 6 deaths

BRUNEI : 135 positive, 82 recovered, 1 death

VIETNAM : 241 positive, 95 recovered, 0 death

CAMBODIA : 114 positive, 53 recovered, 0 death

MYANMAR : 21 positive, 0 recovered, 1 death

LAOS : 12 positive, 0 recovered, 0 death
Indonesia to receive 50,000 COVID-19 PCR test kits from South Korea
  • Tri Indah Oktavianti
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Sun, April 5, 2020 / 03:25 pm

Some 50,000 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) COVID-19 test kits from South Korea are expected to arrive at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Sunday afternoon, the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul has said.

The embassy announced on Sunday that the PCR diagnostic kits had been donated by four companies under South Korea's LG group, namely LG Electronics, LG Chem, LG Innotek and LG International Indonesia.

The kits were sent from Seoul on Garuda Indonesia flight GA879 directly to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang, Greater Jakarta.

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) expressed gratitude for the LG group donation.

"Here we can see that LG is not only an investor but also Indonesia's best friend. We certainly hope that the current solid ties between the two countries will become stronger," BKPM spokesperson, Tina Talisa said in a written statement on Tuesday.

Experts consider PCR tests the “gold standard” of COVID-19 testing. Rapid tests, though faster, are less accurate.

According to the Health Ministry, only 9,712 people nationwide had undergone PCR testing as of Saturday. Of those tested, 2,092 have tested positive, while 7,620 have tested negative.

Vietnam donates Indonesia 500 self-produced test kits, which can be used for 25000 people, with nearly 100% accuracy.
Vietnam donates Indonesia 500 self-produced test kits, which can be used for 25000 people, with nearly 100% accuracy.

500 test kit that can test 25.000 people ?
35 manufacturers ramp up capacity to produce COVID-19 protective gear
  • Made Anthony Iswara
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Tue, April 7, 2020 / 07:01 pm


A medical worker takes a blood sample from a man to test for COVID-19 in Bogor, West Java, on Tuesday. (REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan)

Indonesian industries are ramping up their capacity to produce the medical equipment required to combat COVID-19 and will potentially export the products to other countries if there is an excess, a minister has said.

Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said on Monday that 35 companies were preparing produce, together, about 18.3 million pieces of protective gear by early May, consisting of 1.2 million medical-grade pieces of gear made of polypropylene plastics and over 17 million pieces of non-medical grade gear made of cotton, nylon and polyester.

“If we assume that national needs are about 5 to 10 million pieces of protective gear every month, then Insya Allah [God willing], we can export the leftovers, as the items are much needed in the world,” he said during a meeting with the House of Representatives. “Certain types of items, like ventilators, have yet to be produced locally. [Protective gear] could be our bargaining item with countries that produce ventilators.”

Agus added that industries would diversify their raw materials to make the gear. PT Pan Brothers has shifted its usual production to manufacture 10 million cloth masks every month, and garment manufacturer PT Sritex plans to increase its protective gear production to a monthly 1 million pieces from the current 150,000 units.

How many medical supplies does Indonesia produces every month?


There is a global shortage of medical equipment, including masks, protective gear, test kits and ventilators, as countries around the world struggle to contain the rapid spread of COVID-19. Exporting such items would fulfill Indonesia’s promise to join in global efforts to produce medical supplies crucial for the fight against COVID-19.

Involving more sectors in the production of medical supplies could also keep factories running. Indonesian manufacturing output slumped to an all-time low in March, according to IHS Markit’s Purchasing Managers Index (PMI).

A least 198 companies are able to produce items required to fight COVID-19, a ministry survey shows. Those include 17 companies producing 318.4 million masks every month, six companies producing 8.6 billion rubber gloves every month and 104 companies producing 16,400 kiloliters of hand sanitizer every month, among other products.

Read also: Indonesian manufacturers step up as G20 nations coordinate global medical supply

Lawmaker Andre Rosiade from House Commission VI said in the meeting that despite the ministry's optimistic figures, almost every hospital in his electoral district of West Sumatra was struggling to obtain protective gear.

“I ask all government officials to stop giving false statements because we are still lacking protective gear,” said Andre, condemning initiatives to export such items.

Indonesia Association of Medical Device Manufacturers (Aspaki) Division I head overseeing domestic product promotion Erwin Hermanto said on Tuesday that producers would be able to supply domestic demand for masks. The country’s 22 surgical mask producers could produce 200 million masks monthly, he said. The Health Ministry estimates that the country needs only about 50 million masks over the next four months.

“Even though domestic mask production capacity is sufficient [to supply needs], local producers are currently facing significant problems with raw materials, and thus, production activities are unable to run optimally,” he wrote in a statement.

Read also: COVID-19: Textile factories face hurdles as they switch to producing medical gear

Erwin added that the country’s capacity to produce protective gear was limited as the product was not in significant demand before the pandemic. Currently, six identified manufacturers in the country can produce 400,000 pieces of protective gear every month. The Health Ministry estimates it will need 3 million pieces in the next four months.

Indonesia did not have the capacity to export medical gear in April, he said. However, he saw potential for exporting masks and protective gear in the upcoming months if the government initiative to mobilize the textile industry and contain the virus went as planned.

“ASPAKI supports government policies to prioritize domestic needs and develop domestic production to meet needs during the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

He suggested the government subsidize raw materials, stabilize the rupiah exchange rate and ensure that transportation, logistics and import flows were undisrupted by the government’s large-scale social distancing policy.

ASPAKI also proposed that the government relax its import tax and duties on machinery and raw materials needed to produce protective gear and masks. The government could also, according to ASPAKI, push state banks to facilitate low-interest loans for the purchase of machinery and expand the necessary facilities to produce such items.

Update: 8 April

Accumulative Number

Total Infection: 2.956

Total Death: 240

Total Cured/Recovered: 222
Just like China, Indonesia only need 8 days to make a new hospital in Galang Island for corona patients that has 1000 rooms. This is the building process since day one. The contractor is Wika Gedung, a subsidiary of state owned contractor, PT Wijaya Karya.

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I hope the infection rate can get slower ....

Update 9 April

Accumulative Number

Total Infection : 3. 293
Daily new Infection : 337
Total Death : 280
Total Recovered/Cured : 222
TikTok donates Rp 100 billion for COVID-19 medical workers
Jakarta / Fri, April 10, 2020 / 10:39 am

Chinese video sharing platform TikTok, which has gained popularity among young Indonesians, donated Rp 100 billion (US$6.28 million) to medical workers on the frontlines of the country’s battle against COVID-19.

"During this difficult time, we are committed to providing support globally [...] including by donating Rp 100 million for the government of Indonesia to buy protective equipment for medical staff working on the frontlines in the battle against the coronavirus pandemic," Donny Eryastha, the head of public policy for TikTok Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, said on Thursday.

He symbolically handed over the donation to national COVID-19 rapid response task force head Doni Monardo at the National Disaster Mitigation Agency’s (BNPB) headquarters in Jakarta on Thursday.

“Through collaborations like this, we'll be able to fight this pandemic,” Doni said.

Since April 7, the app has also invited its users to show their appreciation for medical professionals by using the hashtag #PahlawanGardaDepan (#FrontlineHeros) on every uploaded post.

"Together with the government, businesses, NGOs and Indonesian citizens, we commit to doing the best we can. We will survive and eventually rise as a united community," Donny said.

Originally called Douyin in China, TikTok was launched in 2016 by Zhang Yimin, who is also the founder of Beijing news and information platform Toutiao. TikTok was brought to Indonesia in September 2017 by tech company ByteDance. The app allows its users to create short music videos.

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