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Coronavirus deaths reported in the US hit a high yesterday. Today will be worse

Pakistani Fighter

Jul 4, 2011
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Coronavirus deaths reported in the US hit a high yesterday. Today will be worse
By Jessie Yeung, Joshua Berlinger, Adam Renton, Meg Wagner, Emma Reynolds and Mike Hayes, CNN

Updated 11:00 a.m. ET, March 26, 2020

3.3 million unemployment claims were filed in the US — the highest number of initial jobless claims in history.
  • Nearly a third of the world’s population are living under coronavirus-related restrictions.
We been in shelter in home in Chicago -- it's getting tough :(

But luckily some like me can work from home.

Stay home my friend, and make sure you help your elderly ..
I am worried about my wife a lot , she is telling me that her brother's work place is shutting down and soon her dad's too, they live pay check to Pay check I don't know what will happen after that, we know that we have Chippa, Selaani and other welfare Orgs who help with Groceries, i wonder if there are any working in S.Carolina ?
This is disgusting, look at that disease-ridden stool pit. If we had a prime minister worth a penny he'd have shut down the border long ago. I don't need those zombies coming up here.
‘People Are Dying’: Battling Coronavirus Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital | NYT News
This video is so scary, people came in with a stomachache ended up being a covid infected, people came in because of car accident ended up being a covid infected... any many infected are aging from 30-50
Stay home my friend, and make sure you help your elderly ..
I am worried about my wife a lot , she is telling me that her brother's work place is shutting down and soon her dad's too, they live pay check to Pay check I don't know what will happen after that, we know that we have Chippa, Selaani and other welfare Orgs who help with Groceries, i wonder if there are any working in S.Carolina ?

Have the family contact ICNA and the local masjid they should be able to provide food for the family - -they'll drop it of to their house if situation gets worse. They will help and also government will provide unemployement benedits for 4 months starting in a week or two just has to pass the house now.

One of my brothers had to take a 25% pay cut -- Allahkashukar the other 2 work in an essential medical factory doing quality control testing in Chicago.
Sounds like today's New York is worse than Wuhan at its virus peak...just scary

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Have the family contact ICNA and the local masjid they should be able to provide food for the family - -they'll drop it of to their house if situation gets worse. They will help and also government will provide unemployement benedits for 4 months starting in a week or two just has to pass the house now.

One of my brothers had to take a 25% pay cut -- Allahkashukar the other 2 work in an essential medical factory doing quality control testing in Chicago.

They won't allow that bro, My Father in law is not very Fond of Muslims, so I doubt he will let her do it or do it himself .

Thank you brother Starlord!

Doing OK :tup: Here in Philadelphia

Glad to know :tup:
Sounds like today's New York is worse than Wuhan at its virus peak...just scary

Unfortunately many in US believe it is a conspiracy and are openly skirting the lockdown. Govt has sent army tanks to scare people in NYC and nearby states.

People are hoarding paper products (toilet paper, bounty, even baby wipes,) disinfectant is sold out, and now even some basic food items are gone (bread, cans, etc.) People now are hoarding guns anticipating the breakdown of society, so they can rob people or defend from looters.

People have been watching too many shows and movies from Hollywood like Walking Dead, Mad Max, etc. Some idolize those scenarios and hope for them (like Trumpies,) as they survive on the bottom-most rung of the ladder.

We are glad to be Pakistani, we don't need toilet paper, only lota. And we can survive of simple atta (wheat flour) and daal (lentils) for months.

You can still find items, but they go quick to resellers or to hoarsers.

Medicines like chloroquine are only reserved for medical staff of hospitals now.
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