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1897 cases reported in a day. Huge 827 recoveries and 73 deaths in a day. India conducted 54031 tests in a single day

Covid19 death toll in India surpasses 1000 deaths.
Their Recoveries have also passed 7500 and tests have passed 750000
Watch: How Bangalore's War Room is playing its role in fighting Coronavirus.

@Ace of Spades

Comments on below please.

Thanks to 50 autopsies carried out on patients who died from COVID-19, they found that it is NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not kill pneumocytes of its type only but uses an inflammatory storm to create an endothelial vascular thrombosis, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but also, it produces a heart attack or stroke, and many other thrombotic diseases. In fact the protocols have left the useless antiviral therapies and have concentrated on the inflammatory and anti-clotting.

These therapies must be done immediately, even at home, where the treatment responds very well to the patients. Later they are less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had reported it, they would have invested in home therapy, not Intensive Care! It is a case of DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCUAL COAGUALATION (THROMBOSIS). So, the way to combat it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulates.

An Italian anatomical pathologist reports that the Pergamo hospital made a total of 50 autopsies, Milan 20; the Chinese have only made 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. Success is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation activated by the virus, so interstitial pneumonia would have nothing to do with this, it would have been just a big diagnostic error. In retrospect, I have to rethink these chest radiographs that were discussed a month ago as interstitial pneumonia, it could actually be fully consistent with a disseminated interstitial coagulation DICA.
People go to ICUs for thrombus, generalized venous embolism; generally, lupus. If this were the case, intubations and resuscitations would be useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. Ventilating a lung where blood does not reach is useless. In fact, nine out of ten die because the problem is cardiovascular not respiratory. It is venous micro-thrombosis and not pneumonia that determines mortality.

Why do thrombi form? Because inflammation according to the school text induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. So what the scientific literature said especially from China until the middle of March was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now the therapy that is being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics as in influenzas, and the number of hospitalized patients has been reduced. Many deaths even in their 40s had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not adequately treated here. The inflammation destroyed everything and created the ground for the formation of thrombi, because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cell where the virus enters. In fact, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have never been admitted to the covid departments, because they are on cortisone therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. That is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a treatable disease at home. By treating it well at home, not only hospitalization is avoided but also the risk of thrombosis. It was not easy to understand, because the signs of micro-embolism have faded even in the echocardiogram.
This weekend the comparison was made of the data of 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who do not and the situation seems very clear.

With this important finding, it would be possible to return to normal life and open the businesses closed by the quarantine, not immediately, but it is time to publish these data, so that the health authorities of each country make their respective analysis of this information and avoid more useless deaths and the vaccine may come later.

In Italy from today the protocols are changing. According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and Intensive Care Units are not required. So we must rethink investments to adequately address this disease.
@Ace of Spades

Comments on below please.

Thanks to 50 autopsies carried out on patients who died from COVID-19, they found that it is NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not kill pneumocytes of its type only but uses an inflammatory storm to create an endothelial vascular thrombosis, with the corresponding diffuse thrombosis the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but also, it produces a heart attack or stroke, and many other thrombotic diseases. In fact the protocols have left the useless antiviral therapies and have concentrated on the inflammatory and anti-clotting.

These therapies must be done immediately, even at home, where the treatment responds very well to the patients. Later they are less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had reported it, they would have invested in home therapy, not Intensive Care! It is a case of DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCUAL COAGUALATION (THROMBOSIS). So, the way to combat it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulates.

An Italian anatomical pathologist reports that the Pergamo hospital made a total of 50 autopsies, Milan 20; the Chinese have only made 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. Success is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation activated by the virus, so interstitial pneumonia would have nothing to do with this, it would have been just a big diagnostic error. In retrospect, I have to rethink these chest radiographs that were discussed a month ago as interstitial pneumonia, it could actually be fully consistent with a disseminated interstitial coagulation DICA.
People go to ICUs for thrombus, generalized venous embolism; generally, lupus. If this were the case, intubations and resuscitations would be useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. Ventilating a lung where blood does not reach is useless. In fact, nine out of ten die because the problem is cardiovascular not respiratory. It is venous micro-thrombosis and not pneumonia that determines mortality.

Why do thrombi form? Because inflammation according to the school text induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. So what the scientific literature said especially from China until the middle of March was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now the therapy that is being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics as in influenzas, and the number of hospitalized patients has been reduced. Many deaths even in their 40s had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not adequately treated here. The inflammation destroyed everything and created the ground for the formation of thrombi, because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cell where the virus enters. In fact, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have never been admitted to the covid departments, because they are on cortisone therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. That is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a treatable disease at home. By treating it well at home, not only hospitalization is avoided but also the risk of thrombosis. It was not easy to understand, because the signs of micro-embolism have faded even in the echocardiogram.
This weekend the comparison was made of the data of 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who do not and the situation seems very clear.

With this important finding, it would be possible to return to normal life and open the businesses closed by the quarantine, not immediately, but it is time to publish these data, so that the health authorities of each country make their respective analysis of this information and avoid more useless deaths and the vaccine may come later.

In Italy from today the protocols are changing. According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and Intensive Care Units are not required. So we must rethink investments to adequately address this disease.

Yes that is correct, but it's not standalone thrombosis problem. When lungs are going in to overdrive and over-inflammation of lungs due to autoimmune response that's where we are seeing this problem more. Since inflammation is happening more than necessary and it's causing coagulation of blood. There is a direct link between IL-6 (which is a inflammatory marker) and D-Dimer's increased production in covid 19 patients. Hence the more the inflammation the more chances of coagulation and lots of hospital deaths are happening because of the reason. And indeed there is no point of putting a lung on mechanical ventilator when it's necrotic or have no oxygen carrying capacity.
Yes that is correct, but it's not standalone thrombosis problem. When lungs are going in to overdrive and over-inflammation of lungs due to autoimmune response that's where we are seeing this problem more. Since inflammation is happening more than necessary and it's causing coagulation of blood. There is a direct link between IL-6 (which is a inflammatory marker) and D-Dimer's increased production in covid 19 patients. Hence the more the inflammation the more chances of coagulation and lots of hospital deaths are happening because of the reason. And indeed there is no point of putting a lung on mechanical ventilator when it's necrotic or have no oxygen carrying capacity.

I have been tinkering with (DIY & safe) earthing of body, specifically myself during work at desk at home and the bed as well. I was going to start a thread on it along with other papers showing measured benefits of grounding, specifically in reduction of inflammation all over the body and neutralising of Free Radicals. Top athletes have been using this for healing injuries as well.

I am grounded almost 20hrs per day for past 2 weeks with significant reduction in the lingering pain in back and neck that started about a year or so ago with major improvements in sleep as well. Best I've found is laying in the garden with feet, hands and head in contact with earth - one hour of that is just amazing! First week was a very interesting one with noticeable tingles in various parts of the body including the face - need to get rid of these damn cancer causing mercury/poison fillings!

The above two posts made me recall one of the research papers I had read prior to implementing the grounding setup. This relates to reduction of blood clotting and it could potentially be useful as an add-on treatment of COVID19 patients since it is a very straight forward setup with ECG/EKG electrodes. My understanding is that patients are grounded during some operations as well.

Please review and share your thoughts.


There are a few other papers on this site as well. Earthing or Grounding in search.

@Mangus Ortus Novem ... One for you sir, if not already known.

@PakSword @StormBreaker
I have been tinkering with (DIY & safe) earthing of body, specifically myself during work at desk at home and the bed as well. I was going to start a thread on it along with other papers showing measured benefits of grounding, specifically in reduction of inflammation all over the body and neutralising of Free Radicals. Top athletes have been using this for healing injuries as well.

I am grounded almost 20hrs per day for past 2 weeks with significant reduction in the lingering pain in back and neck that started about a year or so ago with major improvements in sleep as well. Best I've found is laying in the garden with feet, hands and head in contact with earth - one hour of that is just amazing! First week was a very interesting one with noticeable tingles in various parts of the body including the face - need to get rid of these damn cancer causing mercury/poison fillings!

The above two posts made me recall one of the research papers I had read prior to implementing the grounding setup. This relates to reduction of blood clotting and it could potentially be useful as an add-on treatment of COVID19 patients since it is a very straight forward setup with ECG/EKG electrodes. My understanding is that patients are grounded during some operations as well.

Please review and share your thoughts.


There are a few other papers on this site as well. Earthing or Grounding in search.

@Mangus Ortus Novem ... One for you sir, if not already known.

Not something that i would say is the sole reason for the effects you've been experiencing. It can be just relaxation that is induced by laying down in garden decreasing your stress and hence the symptoms. Alternative medicine is not my area of expertise but this paper is extremely low quality with only 10 subjects in experimental group and the experimental design is very bad to say the least. Human physiology is not that simple that grounding can take some charge away from body and will help with blood clotting.

First week was a very interesting one with noticeable tingles in various parts of the body including the face - need to get rid of these damn cancer causing mercury/poison fillings!

Were you hyperventilating while laying down? Deep breathing? if so, that explains the tingling
Were you hyperventilating while laying down? Deep breathing? if so, that explains the tingling

No hyperventilating, just normal.

Tingling was whilst grounded on desk working and in bed. On ground there's no tingling, just pure relaxation and feel of earth and body being one and completely zoning out.

Alternative medicine is not my area of expertise but this paper is extremely low quality with only 10 subjects in experimental group and the experimental design is very bad to say the least. Human physiology is not that simple that grounding can take some charge away from body and will help with blood clotting.

Most of Grounding research is privately sponsored hence small samples. However it is becoming popular in many physicians and even some neurosurgeons.

Another paper:

Re alternative medicine, have a look into Dr Rashid A Buttar who is a general surgeon with 30+ years experience. His clinic has even treated stage 4 cancer patients successfully without Chemotherapy. You'll no doubt understand the process way better so all I'll say here is that almost all his treatments start with heavy metals detoxification first and foremost, via Chelation therapy.

Grounding for 30 minutes per day is advised by him as well.
Much improved testing by India I must say. Credit where it's due.

It's an interesting staggering of accelerations in different countries. I didn't realise Russia had tested so many just recently also. Their positive rate is also relatively low.
Indian Railways today crosses 3 million mark in distribution of free meals.


Bangalore pharma company begins export of Favipiravir used to treat Covid-19 infection.

Portable ventilator by Noida based startup.
Company has recently supplied it's initial batch of 500 ventilators and they intend to make 10000 units/month using manufacturing facilities of automobile giant Maruti Suzuki.
In total Government of India has placed orders for 59000 ventilators with 9 different companies.

About 2000 cases reported in a day. 564 recoveries and 73 deaths.

India did whooping 72453 tests in a single day

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