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Cornered Hamas looks back at Iran, Hezbollah


Feb 11, 2013
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(Reuters) - Stunned by turmoil in neighbouring Egypt and starved of funds, the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas is looking to repair damaged ties with its traditional Middle East allies, Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah party.

An off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas celebrated when the Sunni movement's Mohamed Mursi was elected president of Egypt in 2012, believing the vote would boost its own international standing and its grip on the isolated Gaza Strip.

In the meantime, outraged by the bloody civil war in Syria, the Palestinian group quit its headquarters in Damascus, snapping the Iran-led "axis of resistance" that challenged Israel and the West across the turbulent region.

Shi'ite Muslim Iran, which had for years supplied Hamas with cash and arms, was infuriated by what it saw as a betrayal of its close friend, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and drastically scaled back its support. Tehran's Shi'ite partner, Hezbollah, also voiced its fierce disapproval.

But following the ousting of Mursi, removed by the Egyptian military on July 3, political sources said Hamas had had direct and indirect contacts with both Iran and Hezbollah -- anxious to revitalise old alliances and restore its battered funding.

"Some meetings have taken place... to clear the air. There is no boycott (of Hamas) but at the same time, things have not yet got back to normal," said a Palestinian official, with knowledge of discussions, who declined to be named.

Moussa Abu Marzouk, former deputy head of Hamas's political office, saw Hezbollah and Iranian officials in Lebanon last month, with other meetings taking place subsequently.

"It is in the interest of Hamas today to revise its rapport with Iran and Hezbollah for many reasons," said Hani Habib, a political analyst based in the Gaza Strip. "At the end of the day, all the parties have an interest in this partnership."


Locked in conflict with arch foe and neighbour Israel, which it refuses to recognise, Hamas has governed the small, densely populated Gaza Strip since 2007 after a brief civil war against its secular rivals.

With the Muslim Brotherhood in control of Egypt, Hamas felt it did not have to worry so much about its ties with Iran.

Hamas's leader in exile, Khaled Meshaal abandoned his long-time base in Damascus last year because of the civil war that pitted President Assad's forces, backed by reinforcements sent by both Iran and Hezbollah, against mainly Sunni rebels.

Shi'ite and Sunni are the main streams of Islam. There are differences in their interpretations of the Koran and some traditions. The majority of the world's Muslims are Sunni.

One of the veteran leaders of Hamas, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, said there had never been a suspension of relations with Tehran and Hezbollah, suggesting that contacts may have slowed only because of the recent presidential election in Iran.

"We do not yet know the nature of Iran's new policy, but the information we have received, which is not direct, suggests that the old policy will be endorsed by the new administration," Zahar, a renown hardliner, told Reuters in an interview.

Hamas hopes newly installed President Hassan Rouhani will open the financial taps again.

Diplomats estimated that Iran used to give Hamas some $250 million a year, but one Palestinian official reckoned that only 20 percent of that was now being handed over. Ehud Yaari, a Middle East expert from Israel, put the figure at just 15 percent, with no arms being offered up either.

"We have a situation of close to zero arms trafficking through the tunnels into Gaza," said Yaari.

Very little material, weapons or otherwise, is passing at present through the smuggling tunnels that criss-cross the desert border between Egypt and Gaza, with the new rulers in Cairo ordering a clampdown following Mursi's removal.

The army-backed government has accused Hamas of interfering in Egyptian affairs and suggested that Palestinians might be helping Islamist militants active in the Sinai peninsula.

The restrictions on the tunnels, which flourished thanks to an Israeli blockade on the coastal enclave, cost Gaza at least $230 million in July alone, said Hamas Economy Minister Ala Al-Rafati. But he rejected any suggestion of a financial crisis.

"There are some problems and they are being overcome," he told Reuters on Monday, adding that the tunnel trade, which provides Hamas with a crucial source of tax income, had dropped some 60 percent since Mursi's ousting.

In an additional blow, Hamas's close ties with Qatar have also been dented this summer.

The emir of the energy-rich Gulf state visited Gaza last October promising millions of dollars of aid, but he abdicated in June and his heir has shown much less interest in Hamas.


In reaching out once more to Iran and Hezbollah, Hamas's dilemma is as much ideological as political -- how to balance its Sunni Muslim Brotherhood roots with its vital interests to forge partnerships with fellow enemies of Israel.

Leading a special prayer meeting on Friday for the souls of the "Egyptian martyrs", the Hamas prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, made clear that the war with Israel took precedence.

"We understand that the priority of our resistance is to liberate the land, regain the rights and return the Palestinian people to the land they were forced out of," said Haniyeh, the movement's deputy chief.

"We have no military and no security role in Egypt or in the Sinai. Our military and security role is here, on the land of Palestine and against the Zionist enemy."

Founded in 1988, Hamas has regularly squared off against Israel, most recently in November last year in an eight-day conflagration that killed at least 170 Palestinians and six Israelis. The truce was brokered by Mursi.

Israeli analyst Yaari thought Iran would exact a price for welcoming Hamas back into the fold. "It will require them to stop opposing Assad and stop any criticism of Hezbollah's intervention (in Syria) and Iranian support of Assad," he said.

Zahar, who lost two sons in the conflict against Israel in past years and carries great weight in the movement, has always sought to maintain good ties with Iran.

But he also says the organisation, which is estimated to have around 30,000 well-equipped fighters, has survived difficult situations in the past when U.S.-backed strongman Hosni Mubarak ruled Egypt and kept Gaza in a vice.

"We became very strong in an era where the entire surrounding environment was hostile," he said. "Our resistance relies mainly on God and also on its capabilities. History proved we have always emerged stronger every time."
that was comming!!!
we should welcome them back in case they take a non-ethical stance towards syria
iran is the #1 supporter of palestine
that was comming!!!
we should welcome them back in case they take a non-ethical stance towards syria
iran is the #1 supporter of palestine

I agree. Iran should embrace Hamas with open arms, and restore ties.

I dont agree with Hamas stance against Syrian government, but I think since we have mutual interests (liberation of Palestine and resisting Zionism) we can work together and overcome differences.
I agree. Iran should embrace Hamas with open arms, and restore ties.
yeah and now that islamic jihad is distributing iranian food &.... aid
hamas feels that gazans might change prospective towards islamic jihad:pop:

but what is important is that they never should be left helpless, for the sake of poor gazans:cry:
As a sunni Muslim apart from the horrendous decision to support assad which is hurting Iran big time

Iran is better than the Saudi whose two faced nature a lot of Muslims have woken up to with their actions in Egypt

Help our brothers in Palestine Iran

Saudi Arabia would never have been a substite of Iran anyway for Hamas, regardless of the situation in Egypt. Iran sends missiles and other weapons to Hamas.
Something no other regional country has had the balls to do. Iran observe different tactics deployed by both Hamas and the Israeli enemy, to adjust the own tactics, weapons and doctrine.
Even if Saudi Arabia had the intention and the will, I doubt they have that level of strategic depth/thinking and capability.

This is why a country like Saudi Arabia can never be a strategic substitute for Hamas or Syria, instead of Iran.
Iran is simply in a different class.

I think we can all agree to disagree on the question of Syria. Right now, that situation is so entrenched and messy.
Right now we should overlook differences and work together for the liberation of Palestine and defeating the Zionist settler enterprise.
Are you going to fall for it again? They are using you for funds, that's it. Next time there's an Arab vs Iran conflict, they'll certainly chose the Arabs. Let common sense prevail and ask them to get lost. It's funny many of you think they'll be of any use to you against Israel. They drop a primitive rocket on Israel , 2-3 Israelis die. The next day, Israel takes out an F-16 for a joyride and kills a 1000 of them.
The 'palestinians' are expert back stabbers and absolute wh0res with their begging bowls.

The Iranians tend to have their own way of thinking regarding Israel. They will support anyone who kills a single Israeli or a million, regardless if whom they are supporting, they I'll carry on..
Lol at the Iranian members who posted above, They think Saudi Arabia is acting barbaric like their Khomainis gov do. Saudi Arabia support legitimate governments not militias nor terrorist organizations. So enjoy your medieval mentality and FoK America fok Israel slogan.:omghaha::rofl:
Iran should not accept them because when the time comes, they will turn in to enemies. If Iran does accept them we should give them 10-20% of the support that we gave them in the past.
As a sunni Muslim apart from the horrendous decision to support assad which is hurting Iran big time

Iran is better than the Saudi whose two faced nature a lot of Muslims have woken up to with their actions in Egypt

Help our brothers in Palestine Iran

I confused whom to support in Syria.It is not easy to ditch Asad in a day. Because all the promises plan for future would have been made with Asad. I think Iran would have supported fight against syria. But problem is there is no gurantee that opposition will have good relation with Iran. Probably this is main reason behind iran support to Asad.

Iran or Hezbullah and Hamas did not break up..Their relation wasnt broken at all. These are just some foreign media speculation. For example, many days back i had read interview about Hamas leader talking about Hezbullah and its support.

Iran is not saudi.
Lol at the Iranian members who posted above, They think Saudi Arabia is acting barbaric like their Khomainis gov do. Saudi Arabia support legitimate governments not militias nor terrorist organizations. So enjoy your medieval mentality and FoK America fok Israel slogan.:omghaha::rofl:

Last time i checked only less than 20 countries came to friends of syria conference and hence recognise it, Most of the world doesn't. Funnily enough with all the anti- iranian proganda around in England, Iran is looked upon more positively than KSA in UK. Then again one would expect that since women can't drive or vote in KSA and look like ninjas......that's seems medieval to me bro
Hamas chose to betray the Syrian people and chose to betray the ones that keeping it alive... they left Damascus went to Cairo, and now they left Cairo and went to Doha... Qatar gov is of course an Israel puppet who will not support any group that is against Israel... Qatar bought Hamas... let Hamas suffer... they chose their own fate... they chose to lose against Israel when they became allies with Israel's puppets...

Iran, Syria, Hezbollah should abandon Hamas and not even recognize Hamas at all anymore... they are now fighting against Syrian Army and killing Syria people... instead of Hamas fighting Israel, they are fighting Syrian army...
To the Sunni world the supreme credential of Iran is its active support for Palestine, a Sunni Arab nation. So Iran is not supposed to disown Hamas and compromise its image. Then again Hamas should know better than to involve itself in Shia Sunni conflict at least because their support for anyone of the warring parties in Syria doesn't affect the outcome of the Syrian war, nor is it even expected.
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