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Controversy at Taj Mahal, this time it is over offering namaz

My dear chap their were no Dravidians in coterminous Pakistan, whom you may erroneously perceive as Dravidian were actually Neolithic farmers who were present from Kashmir to Southern Iran and had no ethnic relationship with either the forest aboriginals of the Ganga or the more civilized Dravidians from South India BTW whom I have nothing against.
Haha!! Your madarassa version of history won't change the facts .

No point in convincing me.
Pick a 100 terrorists from all around the world,
all 100 of them would belong to only one religion.

Your arguments may get some claps on pdf but in the real world, this statement would be met with "WTF are you smoking dude" look.

Does anyone remember the name of the guy who went KooKoo with a knife and gas cylinders in Melbourne recently? o_O

Define terrorist first. Let us hear your defination first.
Muslims have demolished Hindu monuments and built those qutub minars and taj mahals...India was so advanced in science and maths by the time these tribes from central Asia entered India..they have literally destroyed India and threw it 5000 years back
true, but now Modi ji have arrived and putting everything on its right track. those illiterate baboons destroyed everything but once again India has achieved or will achieve in 2020 super power status and that is just a starting point to regain its lost glory. once surviving vedic texts and knowledge is collected combined and decoded everything will be once again same like vedic times.

Like Pakistanis say Imran Khan will change everything, for India Modi is the man and he has started already.

so my friend, no need to cry over spilled milk, just make sure Modi Maharaj stays in control and will be back including Akhand Bharat. be positive.
true, but now Modi ji have arrived and putting everything on its right track. those illiterate baboons destroyed everything but once again India has achieved or will achieve in 2020 super power status and that is just a starting point to regain its lost glory. once surviving vedic texts and knowledge is collected combined and decoded everything will be once again same like vedic times.

Like Pakistanis say Imran Khan will change everything, for India Modi is the man and he has started already.

so my friend, no need to cry over spilled milk, just make sure Modi Maharaj stays in control and will be back including Akhand Bharat. be positive.
Don't worry ,Modi will rule India for another 10 years
These Hinduvata types won't be at rest until they come across some ISIS types. They are provoking and prodding waiting for an extremely violent reaction. Lets hope for the sake of sanity, nothing such happens.
So there is a slight sympathy for ISIS in your heart.
It seems ISIS will find recruits easily from such people.

As for Taj Mahal, it should not be used as a place of worship since it is a grave and grave worship is not actually promoted in Islam.
Do hindu needs a temple to pray or some Muslim justice gonna have to tell em to only pray in their homes and offices?

As for Taj Mahal, it should not be used as a place of worship since it is a grave and grave worship is not actually promoted in Islam.
Nice try but there's a mosque adjacent to that grave. I think you folks must erase it to the ground and build a mandir there like what happened in the babri masjid case. Reclaim your past glory.
So there is a slight sympathy for ISIS in your heart.
It seems ISIS will find recruits easily from such people.

As for Taj Mahal, it should not be used as a place of worship since it is a grave and grave worship is not actually promoted in Islam.
My heart doesn't need isis. My nation is protected by the Pakistani army. Now once you people have finished giving Indian Muslims the Rohingya treatment, they will worship anyone who puts a gun in thier hand.

Syria and Iraq were well educated, economically stable relatively secular countries. Sheer desperation and humiliation after the Genocide carried out against them turned large elements of those societies into the hands of militant groups. Many analysts agree that the recruitment isis or Al Queda did in Iraq was not on ideological grounds but rather a pragmatic marriage of convenience between people who were seeking revenge, and those with the means to facilitate it.

The same will happen in India if you carry on these policies and they lead to the inevitable Genocide of Indian Muslims.

I'm just glad our border with you is sealed.
Do hindu needs a temple to pray or some Muslim justice gonna have to tell em to only pray in their homes and offices?

Nice try but there's a mosque adjacent to that grave. I think you folks must erase it to the ground and build a mandir there like what happened in the babri masjid case. Reclaim your past glory.
There is no glory in destruction, only a stupid person will destroy ancient mosques and temples in the name of glory.

My heart doesn't need isis. My nation is protected by the Pakistani army. Now once you people have finished giving Indian Muslims the Rohingya treatment, they will worship anyone who puts a gun in thier hand.

Syria and Iraq were well educated, economically stable relatively secular countries. Sheer desperation and humiliation after the Genocide carried out against them turned large elements of those societies into the hands of militant groups. Many analysts agree that the recruitment isis or Al Queda did in Iraq was not on ideological grounds but rather a pragmatic marriage of convenience between people who were seeking revenge, and those with the means to facilitate it.

The same will happen in India if you carry on these policies and they lead to the inevitable Genocide of Indian Muslims.

I'm just glad our border with you is sealed.
Considering the present situation of radicalisation and terror attacks in Pakistan, I am even more happy that our borders are sealed.
Isis has entered Pakistan already please wake up and smell the coffee before war on terror reaches your doorstep.

Don’t worry about Indian Muslims as they have chosen secular India over Islamic Pakistan.
Considering the present situation of radicalisation and terror attacks in Pakistan, I am even more happy that our borders are sealed.

Isis has entered Pakistan already please wake up and smell the coffee before war on terror reaches your doorstep.

Don’t worry about Indian Muslims as they have chosen secular India over Islamic Pakistan.

We have dealt with ISIS ka baap, we will deal with the puttar - no problem.

Indian Muslims chose secular India, what they are getting in larger and larger doses now is Hinduvata India.
There is no glory in destruction, only a stupid person will destroy ancient mosques and temples in the name of glory.

Considering the present situation of radicalisation and terror attacks in Pakistan, I am even more happy that our borders are sealed.
Isis has entered Pakistan already please wake up and smell the coffee before war on terror reaches your doorstep.

Don’t worry about Indian Muslims as they have chosen secular India over Islamic Pakistan.
Do Hindus need a temple to pray ?

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