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Controversy about Osama resurfaces after admiral’s email

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Controversy about Osama resurfaces after admiral’s email
Updated 2014-02-18 08:34:59
WASHINGTON: A conservative political group in the United States has launched a campaign to force the Obama administration to release the photos of the Abbottabad raid that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

The Judicial Watch claims that the administration is refusing to release the pictures because it wants to hide something that may cast doubt on President Barack Obama’s greatest achievement: eliminating Osama.

This week, the group claimed uncovering “smoking gun evidence that the Obama administration's efforts to keep these photos secret included an order by a top Pentagon official to destroy them.”

In this email, dated May 13, 2011, the then head of the US Special Forces, Vice Admiral William McRaven, orders the commandos who participated in the operation to destroy all the pictures they might have taken.

“One particular item that I want to emphasise is photos; particularly

Osama's remains. At this point, all photos should have been turned over to the CIA; if you still have them, destroy them immediately or get them to the (redacted).”

The order to purge the photos came 11 days after Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the US Department of Defence for “all photographs and/or video recordings of Osama Bin Laden taken during and/or after the US military operation in Pakistan on or about May 1, 2011”. Judicial Watch is seeking the photographs and videos to prove if it was actually him.

The US administration had announced after the May 2, 2011 operation that they had buried OBL at sea because they could not find a country that would bury him within 24 hours, in accordance with the Muslim custom. They also avoided burying him on the land because they feared that Osama’s grave would become a shrine for his followers.

Later, President Obama explained that he had decided not to release the pictures for similar reasons. “It is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence, as a propaganda tool,” he told CBS News.

The refusal encouraged rumour mongers to insist that it was somebody else, and not, the Al Qaeda leader, who was killed in the raid. The rumours, which had subsided, resurfaced this week after Judicial Watch released Admiral McRaven's email message.

This forced US officials to release another denial, saying that there was no question who was killed in the Abbottabad raid. Along with being visually identified on the scene by US operatives, Bin Laden was identified by name by a woman believed to be one of his wives, they argued.

CIA specialists compared photos of the body with known photos of Bin Laden, determining with 95 per cent certainty that they were one and the same, the officials said.

The denial, however, did not satisfy the rumour mongers who are once again busy spinning out all sorts of theories.

They claim that Osama arrived at the American hospital in Dubai on July 4, 2001 for renal processing or a Kidney Dialysis and left on July 14. While at the hospital, he also met a person in charge of the CIA.

He came to Dubai on July 4 by plane from Quetta and was immediately transferred to the hospital for a renal processing.

The rumours mongers use such reports to prove that Osama had a serious kidney problem and needed regular treatment. After, the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he could not get this treatment and died of kidney failure.

An American anti-War activist Cindy Sheehan wrote that those who believed the government's claim that Osama was killed in the raid were ‘stupid.’

“Just think to yourself, they paraded Saddam's dead sons around to prove they were dead, why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of Osama at sea?”

US officials dismiss these claims as “figments of someone's wild imagination” that better be ignored but this does not discourage rumour mongers from claiming that Osama did not die in the raid.
''They also avoided burying him on the land because they feared that Osama’s grave would become a shrine for his followers.''

This clearly shows how ignorant the American establishment is. His followers would have been the first ones to demolish the so called 'shrine'.
''They also avoided burying him on the land because they feared that Osama’s grave would become a shrine for his followers.''

This clearly shows how ignorant the American establishment is. His followers would have been the first ones to demolish the so called 'shrine'.
I have no problems with US erring on the side of ignorance and caution.
Just ask all his family members who were standing there during the Abbottabad raid.
They have eyes and mouths too.

Why even bother asking the soldiers (whom you wouldn't trust) for pictures (which people would claim are photoshopped anyway)..

New details of Osama bin Laden raid revealed in leaked Pakistani intelligence files | Mail Online


The families were taken into custody by ISI and were transported to an unnamed country. No one knows for a fact what went down between them and the ISI. Later the ISI demolished the 'compound'.

How the heck do Pakistani intelligence 'secret' files get 'leaked' into media so frequently?

ISI has never spoken to the media. Its bullcrap journalism from a tabloid.

I have no problems with US erring on the side of ignorance and caution.

The issue is not where the buried him but the stupid reason given for it. The fellows of OBL are Salafists, they don't build shrines but prefer to be buried in simple graves with no markings.
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The issue is not where the buried him but the stupid reason given for it. The fellows of OBL are Salafists, they don't build shrines but prefer to be buried in simple graves with no markings.

Please keep in mind that may be the consideration was to the many other sympathizers of OBL who are not hardcore Salafists, but are influenced by them, who are denied a physical focal point by burying OBL at sea.
The issue is not where the buried him but the stupid reason given for it. The fellows of OBL are Salafists, they don't build shrines but prefer to be buried in simple graves with no markings.
The word 'shrine' is not to be taken literally, as in something ornate and visible for miles and miles, or at least within a few city blocks. It is meant to be a place where jihadists can use to enlist potential candidates, to gather in small groups to inspire each other, etc...
The word 'shrine' is not to be taken literally, as in something ornate and visible for miles and miles, or at least within a few city blocks. It is meant to be a place where jihadists can use to enlist potential candidates, to gather in small groups to inspire each other, etc...

any kind of gathering around a dead person's burrial place would be considered shirk as this act it will fall under seeking help through the dead rather than from God himself so in all liklihood if the bin laden burrial place would have become a 'shrine' of any type , the hardcore element would have blown it to bits themselves
The word 'shrine' is not to be taken literally, as in something ornate and visible for miles and miles, or at least within a few city blocks. It is meant to be a place where jihadists can use to enlist potential candidates, to gather in small groups to inspire each other, etc...

They wouldn't have done either since it goes against their core beliefs.
Personally, I would have bin Laden's body embalmed and put on display at Gitmo. Any Muslim want to go there to draw inspiration, we can accommodate the trip.
Personally, I would have bin Laden's body embalmed and put on display at Gitmo. Any Muslim want to go there to draw inspiration, we can accommodate the trip.

Even now, if anyone wishes to join OBL in helping him count fish in the Arabian Sea, we would be happy to arrange the meeting. :D
They claim that Osama arrived at the American hospital in Dubai on July 4, 2001 for renal processing or a Kidney Dialysis and left on July 14. While at the hospital, he also met a person in charge of the CIA.

My uncle had same medical issues and despite being rich, he survived only 2-3 years.
No way an 80 year old sick man survived so long, but instead grew younger.

Just before the Abbotabad raid, facilitated by Zardari, who banned a Pakistani movie named 'Tere bin Laden'

Tere Bin Laden (2010) - IMDb
Personally, I would have bin Laden's body embalmed and put on display at Gitmo. Any Muslim want to go there to draw inspiration, we can accommodate the trip.

so basically you dont agree with the way the said body of bin laden was disposed by the america government , you would have rather had it displayed , yet on the other hand you offered the explanation of the shrine , you wanted to see that proof just like Judical Watch
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