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Consquences of military operation in North waziristan

Jun 23, 2010
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It should have been general tariq khan, because the new army chief raheel shareef lacks the experience of command in FATA and north west and is committing some big blunders without taking into consideration the complexities of tribal social infrastructure and the history of the region. In December 2013 army was attacked at khajori, they blamed uzbeks for the attack and retaliated by attacking mir ali town with gunship helicopters which has presence of uzbeks and other foreigners according to reports.They claimed that gunship helicopters chased attackers running on the ground all the way from khajori to mir ali, the question arises how the hell attackers survived the shelling of chasing helicopters above their heads?......The gunship helicopters destroyed the entire bazaar, houses and mosques killing more than hundred civilians according the reports of locals, local journalists, parliamentarians and JUI-F.....This clearly indicated that raheel shareef instructed to army to retaliate with full force and apply collective punishment on all those villages and towns where there are militants. Basically Army has been given permission to reply in the same manner as TTP, also increasing the intensity of collective punishment tactic by army. After the attack army imposed continuous curfew in mir ali, hafiz gul bahadur threatened pak army of consequences and army immediately lifted curfew through political administration..............

Army retaliated in response to bannu attack, again with brutality but on much larger scale, jets were used to bomb the hell out of mir ali, eight other villages of north wairistan and also tirah. The message was very clear by army, for every attack on us(not civilians) we would bomb the hell out of your people (militants plus civilians of waziristan).......Pak army could have used highly planned commando raids on houses of taliban in the middle of night, but jets were used as intention was revenge and terrorize the locals..........Now it seems that Pak army is heading for full scale military operation in north waziristan, the false reports of deaths of adanan rasheed, shaheen bhittani and uzbeks were propagated by pak army and political administration under it, to convince the general public and government that congratulate us on our effective and 100 % precise bombardments and support us in military operation which would relive you from terrorism that is taking place in punjab, balochistan and karachi.

No one is discussing about the consequences. Lets discuss about the consequences of military operation in north waziristan without peace talks.

1- Hafiz gul bahadur.
The most powerful the local Taliban commander in north Waziristan which has tribal base of utmanzai wazirs and dawars, which the haqqanis do not. He is descendant of famous faqir of ipi and is proper aalim so he has huge respect and support among wazirs and dawars. He has peace deal with army since 2007 i guess and is focused on Afghanistan. He is allied with haqqani network and he is also sheltering TTP in north waziristan. . Your peace treaty with him would become null and void in case of full scale military operation in north waziristan. He would join hands with TTP and even uzbeks against you .unlike south waziristan operation of 2009 in which mehusd taliban preferred to retreat due to leadership crisis after death of baitullah mehsud , hafiz gul bahadur would offer you a very solid resistance, he has draws very solid loyalties from tribal elders of utmanzai wazirs.........moreover the area of north waziristan adjacent to afghan border is under his influence , they would simply retreat to afghanistan if overwhelmed by military power.

2- TTP
They are not natives to north waziristan but the area has become their operational base after they lost mehsud territoy to army in 2009. They are dangerous for punjab because they have alliances with all Punjabi militants and sectarian outfits (except lashar e taiba). They have also support of uzbeks. Moreover they are also allied with mangal bagh now. They have operational cooperation with haqqani netwrok in afghanistan.Their new leader fazlullah , has great respect among afghan taliban. They would fight along side hafiz gul bahadur and haqqanis against you and would simply retreat to afghanistan once they lost north waziristan. cross border attacks from kuner and nooristan against army check post would increase by many folds after that.

3-Haqqani network
Long-time allies of the Pakistani ISI. north Waziristan is operational base for them. Also lakki marwat, bannu, and tank are recruiting areas for them. Haqqani have friendhips with both TTP and hafz gul bahadur group. Haqqani network needs sanctuaries in paksiatn to operate successfully in Afghanistan. By denying them space in north wairistan , you are not only making them enemies but also all afghan Taliban groups. Loya pakyita (khost, paktika and paktiya) are strongholds by haqqabi network, they border pakistan. HQ has relationships with Uzbeks, ttp, hafiz gul bahadur group and Taliban of ahmadzai wazirs of south waziristan. Their focus is afghanistan, so they might not engage you miliatrily in north waziristan. But as they would suffer huge losses due to loss of sanctuaries in pakistan, they would provide TTP and hafiz gul bahadur , IMU and Punjabi taliban sanctuaries in loy paktiya.....or even the entire pashtun belt of afghanistan might become strategic depth for TTP.

4_ Ahmadzai wazirs of south waziristan
The taliban groups among them are allied with haqqani network and would support fellow wazirs of north waziristan . Nek mohammad and mullah nazir were their prominent taliban leaders. Like utmanzias, taliban have deep social roots in ahamazai wazirs. Half of their tribe is on other side of durand line so they pose a serious threat. Moreover the mehsud area is sandwiched between wazirs of south wazitistan and of north waziristan. The army in ghost region of mehsuds might face attacks from three sides 1-wana, shakai 2-afghanistan 3-shawal valley of north waziristan................it might prove disaster for pak army.,
so what are the other options do we have except operations? People are dying on a regular basis and we have 2 bomb blasts per day.
One large scale operation is needed in FATA to wipe out the terrorists once and for all.
Bull Crap, when you are fighting a battle with an enemy that is killing your people you shouldn't give a damn about consequences.

What is the consequence of not destroying this enemy ?

Have you thought about that , Genius ?

While we are discussing consequences, I would suggest discussing the consequences of not taking a firm action against any Traitor Terrorist Beast.
Bull Crap, when you are fighting a battle with an enemy that is killing your people you shouldn't give a damn about consequences.

What is the consequence of not destroying this enemy ?

Have you thought about that , Genius ?

While we are discussing consequences, I would suggest discussing the consequences of not taking a firm action against any Traitor Terrorist Beast.

I admit that i am not genius like you but my akhroat-self has observed that military operation against your own people always have bad consequences. Dialogues should always be the priority. I agree with ansar abasi that Allah is punishing Pakistan in the form of TTP for siding with America against afghans and cooperating with them on every level, american invasion killed more than 1 million afghans and pakistan is partner in crime. Siding with America and betraying Afghans on one phone call of collin powel brought you worst consequences in the form of TTP
Analysts and intellectuals were telling your pak army not to enter into south waziristan and violate agreement of jinnah with tribals. But naak-ki-seedh may sochnay walay faujis pointed guns at ahmadzai wazirs without thinking about the consequences. You broke shakai agreemnat on american pressure and killed nek mohammad by requesting american drone.......opening the door for violation of sovereignty of Pakistan by america in the form of drone strikes. Nek mohammad was declared "shaheed" by locals and his death inspired many wazirs and mehsuds to take arms against your army.
You carried out lal masji operation in brutal way, used chemicals on them and killed hundreds of female students without thinking about consequences. by doing this , TNSM announced their war against you in malakand. And baitullah mehsud extended his war outside waziristan to avenge lal masjid incident. Lal masjid incident gave birth to TTP, against which you are still in the state of war.
Your army killed akbar bugt without thinking about the consequences, now balochs are attacking your security forces, burning your flags and banning your national anthem.
Consequences of north waziristan operation will be of greater magnitude, there is a reason why pak army always shied away from north waziristan operation.
How Pakistan army is ensuring that they are killing only terrorists while arial bombing? It is practically impossible. It appears Pakistani army accepted that there will be death of innocent people during the process nd they ignored it.
I remember that in India , there was pressure to use Army combat helicopter to bomb Maoist. It was discussed a lot but finally rejected as for the fear of killing of normal citizen by mistake and further alienation of the tribes. Another argument was that the army cannot bomb its own citizen. Air-force is only trained to destroy the enemy target without considering the death which will not help to fight internal insurgency. The decision was right I think as Maoists are now almost in control without army help.
There is consequences of using air force against its own people. It is a failure from planners ( army+civilian leadership) that they could not design a more focussed and pin pointed operation.
Kya haal hey ashna?:-)
I am still on the run but north waziristan situation forced me write this down.......ab itni mehnat kar key lika hey to koi motta sa replay bi post kar dey.

Mujhee nahin pataa kiyaa ho rahaa hai ya kiyaa honeiii ja rahaa haiii - All I want is peace ! :(
Consequences of operation, OP asks!!

Consequence of the way they are proceeding will be terrorists finding new places to hide. Scatter. Come up with counter plans.Slip away.

A so-called operation that's being WIDELY & LOUDLY announced long before it might happen, will only help terrorists survive & continue to inflict damage on Pak.
i really wish for a full scale operation now. anyone giving sanctuary to any armed group should be targeted (including haqqani people). all these groups provide each other a sanctuary which is why none can be eliminated fully without targeting all of them. Now that the govt is thinking of an operation, I hope they do it properly.

peace talks might have been a better way but no one seems to know how to conduct them leaving us with this last option.
lets discuss consequences of this operation,

lets not discuss of the consequences of not conducting operation and continue this disease to fester?

we are too much fearful about the consequence of swat operation, but ultimately it brought peace in swat , the heavenly place is now open for tourism, and it has been saved from becoming another tribal area

the operation must be carefully planned in order to minimise IDP situation and check posts must be established in order to keep a check on taliban movement away from tribal area in to other pakistani lands
lets discuss consequences of this operation,

lets not discuss of the consequences of not conducting operation and continue this disease to fester?

we are too much fearful about the consequence of swat operation, but ultimately it brought peace in swat , the heavenly place is now open for tourism, and it has been saved from becoming another tribal area

the operation must be carefully planned in order to minimise IDP situation and check posts must be established in order to keep a check on taliban movement away from tribal area in to other pakistani lands

so think with the SWAT successful operation army didn't get any exp. and analysis ?
Mr, Army did its homework, and no one is going to tell things directly to public as things might leak out to TTP..

IK asking if the decision is being made for operation then let us know, which has a biggest issue of leaking things and plan out to TTP, so only Gov. and Army knows how they are going to conduct the operation, we will In Sha Allah see the good results ...

Also TTP controls significant areas in Tirah & sunni tribal areas of orakzai.
Some reports say border villages of mohmand have significant TTP presence/control.
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