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Congratulations India on entering the Top 40 of the most innovative countries.

India did have multiple institutions dedicated to work of excellence in various fields. However, these institutions settled into a deep slumber over the decades. It was also due to lack of political apathy, that they were allowed to be that way for a long time. Look at HAL, DRDO and so many others.
Last decade has seen a push and size 9 kick on the backside of some these these sleeper institutions. Decades of rust might not go away that easy though.

China displayed a considerable resolve in this matter and moved at a galloping pace. Because China has moved faster and ahead of India doesn’t mean that Indians needs to sulk over it. It’s not a 100m race with only one winner. It is like a community walkathon where every participant gains good health in the long run. Resolve to do well and perseverance is what is important.
Journey has started, hopefully in the right direction for India.
It is ridiculously funny how Indians always say China can't innovate and can only copy now is super happy with a list where India is twenty spots behind China in innovation. lol
India did have multiple institutions dedicated to work of excellence in various fields. However, these institutions settled into a deep slumber over the decades. It was also due to lack of political apathy, that they were allowed to be that way for a long time. Look at HAL, DRDO and so many others.
Last decade has seen a push and size 9 kick on the backside of some these these sleeper institutions. Decades of rust might not go away that easy though.

China displayed a considerable resolve in this matter and moved at a galloping pace. Because China has moved faster and ahead of India doesn’t mean that Indians needs to sulk over it. It’s not a 100m race with only one winner. It is like a community walkathon where every participant gains good health in the long run. Resolve to do well and perseverance is what is important.
Journey has started, hopefully in the right direction for India.
Sulk no try our hardest yes it's cumulative we are accumulating quick now like a snowball down a hill just have to keep at it

India did have multiple institutions dedicated to work of excellence in various fields. However, these institutions settled into a deep slumber over the decades. It was also due to lack of political apathy, that they were allowed to be that way for a long time. Look at HAL, DRDO and so many others.
Last decade has seen a push and size 9 kick on the backside of some these these sleeper institutions. Decades of rust might not go away that easy though.

China displayed a considerable resolve in this matter and moved at a galloping pace. Because China has moved faster and ahead of India doesn’t mean that Indians needs to sulk over it. It’s not a 100m race with only one winner. It is like a community walkathon where every participant gains good health in the long run. Resolve to do well and perseverance is what is important.
Journey has started, hopefully in the right direction for India.
I can confidently say in 5 yrs we will be 30 and then let's see
In 2021 we were 46

India's progress is staggering and impressive
Thanks it's china that's inspiring
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Pakistan after all came out of India only.... we don't have indus? It joins Pakistan after crossing India once she originates in Tibet..... in India we call her SINDHU.... sindh region of Pakistan is a gift of Indian name SINDHU given to this river.....
that patch of indus you claim on..look closely that is in the disputed area of j&k. So you don't have any indus in the Internationally recognized India... lol
Lol we r the ones who named it sindh thousands of years ago.... you are from ganga civilization the south Indian culture you don't belong to our land.
Pakistan didn't come from your india, pakistan came from A british empire called BRITISH india ...its more like British columbia.. people there know thay have nothing to do with columbia . Even there was nothing called british india before britsh occupied in 19th century. You were not even a nation or a unified religion prior to that.

Land beyond Indus was called India by ancient travellers . Their is a reason why real history should be taught in Pakistan , maybe then they will learn who was Megathenes and about which empire is written in his book INDICA.
No it was not . Ancient greeks called the river 'indos' not indica which is latin for (of indos) nor india ,india is an anglosaxon term that came much much later . The first Greek ever to come here was megasthanes and he didn't even cross present day punjab .. read his writings ,he refers present day pakistan as indos..which we called sindha. You don't have any sindh in your present day india therefore you have no claim on this.
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that patch of indus you claim on..look closely that is in the disputed area of j&k. So you don't have any india in the Internationally recognized India... lol
Lol we r the ones who named it sindh thousands of years ago.... you are from ganga civilization the south Indian culture you don't belong to our land.
Pakistan didn't come from your india, pakistan came from A british empire called BRITISH india ...its more like British columbia.. people there know thay have nothing to do with columbia . Even there was nothing called british india before britsh occupied in 19th century. You were not even a nation or a unified religion prior to that.

No it was not . Ancient greeks called the river 'indos' not indica which is latin for (of indos) nor india ,india is an anglosaxon term that came much much later . The first Greek ever to come here was megasthanes and he didn't even cross present day punjab .. read his writings ,he refers present day pakistan as indos..which we called sindha. You don't have any sindh in your present day india therefore you have no claim on this.
Your corrupted logics based on Hindus hate can't change the history of a civilization and neither your DNA.

Global Innovation Index 2022: India up 6 spots, first time in top 40​

This was mainly due to an improvement in information and communication technologies (ICT) services exports, venture capital recipients' value as well as finance for start-ups.​

WIPO | India | Global Innovation Index
Shreya Nandi | New Delhi Last Updated at September 30 2022 00:08 IST

India's rank has risen by 41 places since 2015, when it was at the 81st spot. The

India rose to 40th among 132 countries in the Global Innovation Index 2022, jumping six places from a year ago, according to the rankings released by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

This was mainly due to an improvement in information and communication technologies (ICT) services exports, venture capital recipients’ value as well as finance for start-ups.
India’s rank has risen by 41 places since 2015, when it was at the 81st spot. The country’s rank stood at 46 in 2021 in the index that tracks innovation both in government policies and industry practices.
“Switzerland, the US, Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands are the world’s most innovative economies, with China on the threshold of the top 10. Other emerging economies are also showing consistently strong performance, including India and Turkey, both of which entered the top 40 for the first time, an official statement from WIPO said. India has overtaken Vietnam (48th) as the top lower middle-income economy for innovation,” it said.
“With their rise in terms of innovation performance in the shadow of shocks to global supply chains, Turkey, and India are positively enriching the global innovation landscape, while Indonesia shows promising innovation potential,” GII co-editor and dean of Saïd Business School at Oxford University, Soumitra Dutta, said.
“India Innovating Like Never Before! India climbs to the 40th rank in the Global Innovation Index of WIPO, a huge leap of 41 places in 7 years. The steady rise testifies that India under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi is rapidly emerging as the global innovation hub,” Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said in a tweet.
How come not a single expat wants to come and work in India? even Indians living abroad don't want to come back even if their life depended on it.

India is speeding now. Next 3-4 years are crucial. Definitely we can hope big now.
The "progress" is the rich getting richer while the poor gets even poorer, it wont take away from the fact that the quality of life for your average Indian is piss poor and miserable. Last time I checked most lack basic sanitation.
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Your corrupted logics based on Hindus hate can't change the history of a civilization and neither your DNA.
An overlapping dna means nothing, it happens everywhere else. you Wana judge me hating u..go ahead. But folks here know I have never post any racist or colorist posts.
What said abive is truth as it is and its not easy for u to accept as you have lived a lie your while life.
How come not a single expat wants to come and work in India? even Indians living abroad don't want to come back even if their life depended on it.
There are thousands of foreign expats working in India
The "progress" is the rich getting richer while the poor gets even poorer, it wont take away from the fact that the quality of life for your average Indian is piss poor and miserable. Last time I checked most lack basic sanitation.
Quality of Life Index proves otherwise

And most lack basic sanitation? Lol thats news to me.
There are thousands of foreign expats working in India

Quality of Life Index proves otherwise

And most lack basic sanitation? Lol thats news to me.
Why get mad the snowball effect has started ? Oy infrastructure need improvement now rest will follow shortly
that patch of indus you claim on..look closely that is in the disputed area of j&k. So you don't have any indus in the Internationally recognized India... lol
Lol we r the ones who named it sindh thousands of years ago.... you are from ganga civilization the south Indian culture you don't belong to our land.
Pakistan didn't come from your india, pakistan came from A british empire called BRITISH india ...its more like British columbia.. people there know thay have nothing to do with columbia . Even there was nothing called british india before britsh occupied in 19th century. You were not even a nation or a unified religion prior to that.

No it was not . Ancient greeks called the river 'indos' not indica which is latin for (of indos) nor india ,india is an anglosaxon term that came much much later . The first Greek ever to come here was megasthanes and he didn't even cross present day punjab .. read his writings ,he refers present day pakistan as indos..which we called sindha. You don't have any sindh in your present day india therefore you have no claim on this.
We care to hoots about internationally recognized India..... if world body has to make it a point India vs Pakistan then i think except China there will be no one to actually be wasting it's time on this....

We have our beloved SINDHU before she hugs Pakistan and nothing can change this fact....
We care to hoots about internationally recognized India..... if world body has to make it a point India vs Pakistan then i think except China there will be no one to actually be wasting it's time on this....

We have our beloved SINDHU before she hugs Pakistan and nothing can change this fact....
Ya but people there dont want to be with you..
Had they wanted there would have been no dispute to begin with. You are insisting for something that was never yours. .. this is what happens when you try to rewrite history from your own lens.. with crumbs in ur hand u try to be us . And it falls flat.
Lol, we Chinese in higher rank are jealous of indian in lower rank. We also jealous of india who reach Mars orbit ahead of China but can't even land a rover properly on moon while our mars rover are roaming free and working well.

Must have make u sleep better in night with your delusion. :enjoy:
With this budget, good luck with them

With this budget, good luck with them

This is actually a good sign that despite lack of funding our scientists and engineers are continuing to make good progress, this shows innovation in India isn't held back due to lack of skill but due to lack of funding. Now with economic growth and slowly improving socioeconomic condition of general populace we would able to reduce expenditure for welfare schemes and spend more of that money in r&d.
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