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Condemn upcoming antisemitic "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series

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This is clearly a FREEDOM OF SPEECH issue. If the movie is based on lies, it will die its own death. Every year HOLLYWOOD makes a countless number of Anti-Muslim movies. How can a movie based on historical facts be wrong.
If the movie is based on lies, it will die its own death.
What world are you living in?

How can a movie based on historical facts be wrong.
In many different ways. For example, I could make a movie demonstrating that Galileo used his telescope to "prove" the Earth was the center of the universe. That Galileo perfected the telescope as an astronomical instrument is a historical fact. That Galileo's discoveries proved Earth the center of the universe is a complete lie.
Let's be clear the Arabs are a Semitic people so it makes no sense calling them or this mini series "anti-Semitic"
I didn't I used "antisemitic". One word. I didn't invent it - it was invented by a nineteenth century German to justify Jew-hatred on a racial basis rather than the then-unfashionable religious one.

I actually want to see the mini-series and didn't know about it until now. It's odd that no one is stating the events portrayed in the series as not being factually correct.
I don't think the precise content is known yet. What is known is that the producer's publicly stated purpose is to incite Jew-hatred.

The series simply depicts real life battles from a period in world history no different from movies and documentaries on WWII, the Vietnam war or North Korean war, etc...
This is a sadly typical Pakistani argument: "Just because people in other cultures worked hard to produce factual documentaries, books, and movies, why can't I make up what I want for mine and have it accepted as equally valid as theirs?"

Why are they trying to stifle "freedom of speech and expression"?
Probably the most constructive way to view the series is the way I've pointed out: that it's meant to incite Jew-hatred as a means to distract Muslims from their main problem: oppression by other Muslims. That's another why the series should be condemned - and doing so is itself part of freedom of speech.
What world are you living in?

In many different ways. For example, I could make a movie demonstrating that Galileo used his telescope to "prove" the Earth was the center of the universe. That Galileo perfected the telescope as an astronomical instrument is a historical fact. That Galileo's discoveries proved Earth the center of the universe is a complete lie.

And such movie would be laughed at because it will be inherently based on a false premise. But I would not campaign to outlaw such movie. The problem with the Zionists is that they spread all kind of propaganda through HOLLYWOOD but cry foul when someone gives them a taste of their own medicine.

I m sure you will get over it eventually and the movie won't scar you for life.
it's no different than when zionist channels portray Muslims in negative light and utilize Islamophobic rhetoric

works both ways i suppose. I never even heard of this "mini series" until I saw this thread :laugh:
This is a sadly typical Pakistani argument: "Just because people in other cultures worked hard to produce factual documentaries, books, and movies, why can't I make up what I want for mine and have it accepted as equally valid as theirs?"

You clearly stated that "I don't think the content is known yet" meaning you definitely haven't seen it so why shouldn't this piece be deemed equally valid to any other war documentary?

Furthermore, I initially thought that no one saw it but apparently two episodes were leaked according to a website I just read (though I can't find the episodes anywhere) and no one is saying that the events weren't factually correct they're just against the idea of a documentary based on a real life historical event in which Muslims are fighting Jewish tribes.

Probably the most constructive way to view the series is the way I've pointed out: that it's meant to incite Jew-hatred as a means to distract Muslims from their main problem: oppression by other Muslims. That's another why the series should be condemned - and doing so is itself part of freedom of speech.

I am not against their right to protest just questioning why they want to take away the right to "freedom of speech" for foreign producers seeing as they come from countries that seem to hold it so dear to their hearts it's routinely used as an excuse to produce films that vilify Muslims and non-Muslims (ex. the Chinese, N. Koreans and Russians) for example the new movie "Olympus has Fallen"

This series has nothing to do with trying to incite "Jew hatred" as I've pointed out already in my previous post they've done enough to get both Muslims and non-Muslims to hate them (and I doubt Muslims hate every Jew on Earth since a few are campaigning against the occupation of Palestine).

Condemning this series is like condemning a WWII documentary because it shows Germans in a bad light.
Don't waste your time, @Solomon2 is a spineless, brainless propaganda troll. I don't know why don't mods ban him.

@Solomon2 I hope you see the pics and then try to find why antisemitism exists in the first place?

Let me quote Karen Armstrong: "The Muslims of Spain had given Jews the best home that had ever had in the diaspora, so the annihilation of Spanish Jewry was mourned by Jew throughout the world as the greatest disaster to have befallen their people since the destruction of the Temple in CE 70."

There is no reason Jews and Muslims (Arab and otherwise) can not co-exist. But why would that happen now when there is so much injustice? One hardly ever comes across any Jew emphasizing the shared concepts and similarities between Judaism and Islam. What one does hear is 'our Judeo-Christian heritage' trumpeted around, as though Crusades and Inquisition (for both Muslims and Jews) never happened - not to talk about Holocaust.
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Like Muslims are not demonized around the world. Its called history deal with it white boy.

A Muslim equivalent would be "innocence of Muslims". We know how Muslims handled it. That was infact an Ameture video, unlike khaybar which is a proper production set to be shown in hundreds of millions of homes.
Please condemn the upcoming "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series. Its writer, director and actors freely admit that the point of the series is to incite Arabs against Jews, and as such it is a supreme human rights issue. In no way is such incitement considered protected speech.

Arab and Muslim antisemitism is endemic; hatred of Jews is found daily in their media. Now is the time to show that it is unacceptable in today's world.

I love to see your love for human rights particularly in cases where there is no even no violation .
Did you guys and these so called HR NGO's ever raised the issue of killing of hundred of thousands of Muslims in Iraq when you guys came looking for WMD which everybody from Tel aviv till DC knew doesnt exist but was just an excuse to implememnt your NWO .
Thats just one example and I can quote dozens from Nagasaki , veitnam till afghanistan .
When Cartoons of MUHAMMAD (PBUH) were Published where were these supporters of human rights and Muslims rights ?

And have you forgotten those scores of movies where Muslims and Arabs are shown in bad light ?

This is no human right violation to factually state history to show the world real , mean and hypocrite face of the Jews elite . One more thing we all Muslims love, respect and accept Moses as one of the Prophets of Allah but Jews deviated from his teachings just for some worldly gains

You guys even dont let anyone discuss the causes of Holocaust suppressing all rights of free speech just because there is something jews elite doesnt want world to know and here you are complaining about something which is based on facts and[size=+1] all historians of that era agree on[/size] .

Truth cant be hidden no matter how hard some one try to manipulate it . Stop acting as if this world revolves around jews and their rights which are violated by the Israeli Govt more than anything else through wiretapping their phones and keeping tap on each and every activity of their citizens . I guess very few here know that Isreal has the worlds best systems to keep a precise track of their citizens much more sophisticated and disguised than NSA's program that got recently leaked .
[size=+2]Now this is a real human rights violation something DC touts like you would never raise a voice against as you are brainwashed to believe its for the betterment of your coming generations [/size]
Israel is created on a lie. So its backers and the state itself goes at all extremes to suppress any remote argument to challenge this lie.

I mean what the hell will happen if that serial actually airs? No one will come out at the end of the episode to bomb Israel. Its just that liars have a deep psychological insecurity. they cant countenance challenge as they are afraid their flimsy facade will fall off.
Can you figure out the plot of a movie from just a few frames in the middle? Pictures and even videos are meaningless without context.

Deeds need context in order to be judged. Since no context is provided, the pictures provided are mere pornography. Do your research, guys. See for yourselves that the pictures demonstrate Jews acting justly and morally. That's why the context has been omitted, of course. And that kind of diseased thinking, inculcated in anti-Zionist cultures for generations, has inevitably led to injustices at home. This is the key lesson of the conflict between Zionists and anti-Zionists, between Jews and antisemites.

Ms. Armstrong has her own agenda. You can't compress five hundred years of history into a single sentence without making omissions - in Ms. Armstrong's case, very important ones. You never learned, for example, that treatment of Jews varied depending on who the rulers in Muslim Spain were and depending on what sect the Jews belonged to.

I would very much like you to explain what you think is her Agenda? I would also like you to explain the relevance of her self described love of Jewish learning and thinking exemplified by her teaching at a Rabbinical College, Leo Baeck College in London. I have read a few of her books so far and all I can see in her is a desire for respectful inter-faith dialogue and understanding. Probably awful agenda for you, since Zionism thrives upon Hatred and Survival instinct.

Then fight it by voting to condemn the Khaybar series. This stuff of anti-Zionism is lie built upon lie with no foundation of truth. I've demonstrated that many, many times here.

The whole point of making the movie is, most likely, to create more baseless hatred against Jews to hide the fact that so much of the Muslim world has become a hellhole in the post-WWII period - and that such things have happened under Muslim self-rule.

Is that really relevant today? Muslims are keen, as seen in the Spain example above, to cite ancient periods of good relations between Jews and Muslims. They aren't so keen to point out that the Muslim agenda today isn't co-existence with the Jews of the Middle East, but their extermination. - that is, genocide.

Not everyone carries the burden of millennial thinking. You are just displaying paranoia, or perhaps using oft-used propaganda tools. I do not wish for anybody's extermination, I want peace. Your rhetoric is the particular reason for hate and conflict. Why would anyone wish to engage with people like you, seeing that you are beholden to a uni-dimensional, survivalist thinking?

Whatever faults Israel and its Jews have, then, pale beside those of its neighbors and nations like Pakistan which have tons of innocent blood on their hands and never faced up to the truth, as the Germans did with the Holocaust and the South Africans did with apartheid. You can fight that, or you can continue to pretend that you are as good as or better than the Jews of Israel - and continue to watch your country decay further. Which will it be?

A self-confessed Zionist, Israel apologist, and hate-monger cites apartheid? Well, well, well..... Kettle, Pot, black.....?????

Better not worry about us. We are doing reasonably well given the circumstances.

Which is why you should feel free to condemn the Khaybar series as a gross distortion. You have the right to your own opinion, that's freedom of speech; what you don't have is the right to your own facts.

What pompous flourish to end your rant "what you don't have is the right to your own facts"..... I am about to swoon here.... May I turn around and tell you the same thing?

Seriously, you are doing far more damage to the interest of Jews than I could ever manage if I wanted to. By equating Zionism and Judaism, you are ensuring that simple people continue to equate the two, when in fact they are actually different things. When you equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, then you make anti-Semites out of the rest of the world - quite a prop to your collective victim complex that fuels that horrible survival instinct.

Do you use twitter? Follow JihadiJew. Might do you good.
Opssssss zionists are feeling uncomfortable at their own psyops tool aka "phreedom of expression"??

Poison is poison right? or no wait Jew poison is all laden with civil society norms Muslim poison is BAD BAD.

Israel is created on a lie. So its backers and the state itself goes at all extremes to suppress any remote argument to challenge this lie.

I mean what the hell will happen if that serial actually airs? No one will come out at the end of the episode to bomb Israel. Its just that liars have a deep psychological insecurity. they cant countenance challenge as they are afraid their flimsy facade will fall off.

lie or not ...it exists and will be...so deal with it...
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