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Condemn upcoming antisemitic "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series

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Dec 12, 2008
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Human Rights NGOs: Condemn upcoming antisemitic "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series
Petition by
Eldad Tzioni
United States

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have publicly stated that antisemitism is a human rights issue, yet they have not once condemned the endemic and virulent Arab antisemitism that is seen daily by millions in the Arab media.

In July, a highly anticipated mini-series with an all-star cast will be broadcast throughout the Arab world. However, the writer and director of the series make no secret of the fact that the point of the series is to demonize Jews from the time of Moses to today. In other words, the series is meant to incite Arabs to hate Jews. This is a quintessentially human rights issue and it is outrageous that Human Rights Watch and Amnesty have ignored this, as well as many other antisemitic broadcasts in Arabic-language media. Their condemnation can show the Arab broadcasters that such hatred is not acceptable and that Arab nations must be held to the same human rights standards as every other nation on Earth.

More details can be seen here: Elder of Ziyon: Why are human rights organizations silent about Arab and Muslim anti-semitism?

Elder of Ziyon: Arab TV series inciting hate against Jews coming in July. Will anyone do anything to stop it?

Ken Roth, Human Rights Watch
Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch
MENA Group, Amnesty International
Amnesty USA, Amnesty International
David Nichols, Amnesty EU Foreign Policy
Salil Shetty, Amnesty International Secretary General
Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme Director
Joe Stork, Deputy Middle East Director
Please condemn the upcoming "Khaybar" Ramadan mini-series. Its writer, director and actors freely admit that the point of the series is to incite Arabs against Jews, and as such it is a supreme human rights issue. In no way is such incitement considered protected speech.

Arab and Muslim antisemitism is endemic; hatred of Jews is found daily in their media. Now is the time to show that it is unacceptable in today's world.

[Your name]

Sign here: link
Those images are quite disturbing. I am not even sure I would have the heart to watch it....
@Solomon2 I hope you see the pics and then try to find why antisemitism exists in the first place?

Let me quote Karen Armstrong: "The Muslims of Spain had given Jews the best home that had ever had in the diaspora, so the annihilation of Spanish Jewry was mourned by Jew throughout the world as the greatest disaster to have befallen their people since the destruction of the Temple in CE 70."

There is no reason Jews and Muslims (Arab and otherwise) can not co-exist. But why would that happen now when there is so much injustice? One hardly ever comes across any Jew emphasizing the shared concepts and similarities between Judaism and Islam. What one does hear is 'our Judeo-Christian heritage' trumpeted around, as though Crusades and Inquisition (for both Muslims and Jews) never happened - not to talk about Holocaust.
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Israel killed Folke Bernadotte in September 1948. He was ambushed in classic terror attack.

He was a mediator chosen by UN for Arab Israeli conflict. Yitzhak Shamir, who became the PM of ISrael was one of the plotters.

A state created on other people's land, sustained and built on sheer terrorism, against all norms of decency and international law is not the one to tell other what to do and what not to do.

This is just one example. Israeli history is littered with countless stories of terrorism,
Those images are quite disturbing. I am not even sure I would have the heart to watch it....
Can you figure out the plot of a movie from just a few frames in the middle? Pictures and even videos are meaningless without context.

Deeds need context in order to be judged. Since no context is provided, the pictures provided are mere pornography. Do your research, guys. See for yourselves that the pictures demonstrate Jews acting justly and morally. That's why the context has been omitted, of course. And that kind of diseased thinking, inculcated in anti-Zionist cultures for generations, has inevitably led to injustices at home. This is the key lesson of the conflict between Zionists and anti-Zionists, between Jews and antisemites.
Let me quote Karen Armstrong: "The Muslims of Spain had given Jews the best home that had ever had in the diaspora, so the annihilation of Spanish Jewry was mourned by Jew throughout the world as the greatest disaster to have befallen their people since the destruction of the Temple in CE 70."
Ms. Armstrong has her own agenda. You can't compress five hundred years of history into a single sentence without making omissions - in Ms. Armstrong's case, very important ones. You never learned, for example, that treatment of Jews varied depending on who the rulers in Muslim Spain were and depending on what sect the Jews belonged to.

There is no reason Jews and Muslims (Arab and otherwise) can not co-exist. But why would that happen now when there is so much injustice?
Then fight it by voting to condemn the Khaybar series. This stuff of anti-Zionism is lie built upon lie with no foundation of truth. I've demonstrated that many, many times here.

The whole point of making the movie is, most likely, to create more baseless hatred against Jews to hide the fact that so much of the Muslim world has become a hellhole in the post-WWII period - and that such things have happened under Muslim self-rule.

One hardly ever comes across any Jew emphasizing the shared concepts and similarities between Judaism and Islam.
Is that really relevant today? Muslims are keen, as seen in the Spain example above, to cite ancient periods of good relations between Jews and Muslims. They aren't so keen to point out that the Muslim agenda today isn't co-existence with the Jews of the Middle East, but their extermination. - that is, genocide.

Whatever faults Israel and its Jews have, then, pale beside those of its neighbors and nations like Pakistan which have tons of innocent blood on their hands and never faced up to the truth, as the Germans did with the Holocaust and the South Africans did with apartheid. You can fight that, or you can continue to pretend that you are as good as or better than the Jews of Israel - and continue to watch your country decay further. Which will it be?

Freedom of speech and expression should work both ways motha fcukaaa !!!-
Which is why you should feel free to condemn the Khaybar series as a gross distortion. You have the right to your own opinion, that's freedom of speech; what you don't have is the right to your own facts.
Israel killed Folke Bernadotte in September 1948. He was ambushed in classic terror attack.

He was a mediator chosen by UN for Arab Israeli conflict. Yitzhak Shamir, who became the PM of ISrael was one of the plotters.
The assassination was hardly the foundation of Israel. Bernadotte's idea was for Israel to willingly give back tremendous amounts of territory without ending the state of war. That would surely facilitate an Arab re-conquest and extinction of the Jews, as the surrounding Arab states now promised. Probably killing Bernadotte was the wrong thing to do - I never said Israel doesn't make mistakes.

A state created on other people's land, sustained and built on sheer terrorism, against all norms of decency and international law is not the one to tell other what to do and what not to do.
Don't you get it? Mass terror to found a new country - you're describing Pakistan, not Israel!

This is just one example. Israeli history is littered with countless stories of terrorism,
I haven't found one true story yet. So it's lies built upon lies.

Finally, even if you think the "countless stories of terrorism" bit about Israel is true, why can't you find it in you to condemn the incitement of Jew-hatred that is the declared purpose of the Khaybar series?
Let's be clear the Arabs are a Semitic people so it makes no sense calling them or this mini series "anti-Semitic"

I actually want to see the mini-series and didn't know about it until now.

It's odd that no one is stating the events portrayed in the series as not being factually correct. The series simply depicts real life battles from a period in world history no different from movies and documentaries on WWII, the Vietnam war or North Korean war, etc...

I am pretty sure the director didn't just came out and say "yeah, I made this to incite hatred of Jews since their persecution and murder of Palestinians, theft of Palestinian lands as well as their attempts to bomb Kahuta nuclear facilities in Pakistan in the 80s, civilian infrastructure in Lebanon as well as UN Peacekeepers or running bulldozers over foreign peace activists including our brothers/sisters who were murdered by IDF on the Gaza flotilla just wasn't enough to get people riled up"

Why are they trying to stifle "freedom of speech and expression"?
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