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Comparison of planes - is it needed?


Mar 6, 2009
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Every nation has it's own doctrine. The defence of the country is surrounded around that doctrine. US has it's doctrine and Russia it's own. They develop weapons based on those philosophies.

Likewise Pakistan has its needs while India has its own needs. So Pakistan has the weapons that it has while India has the weapons it has.

In any scenario, there is no way to say which plane is better unless the planes have participated in a full blown 1:1 conflict, BVR and WVR, between two balanced forces. Even in simulated conditions during exercises, the planes work in handicap mode so as to not get successfully spied upon.

Most of us here are defence enthusiasts who do not know the complete details and worse, can not know the details except for what is in the public domain, officially confirmed.

Yes we can go by our respective jingoistic feelings and put down the efforts of our hard working scientists, whether Pakistan scientists or the Indian counterparts and have a go at each other but can we not do better? This forum would be so much more better if we did not go into "this versus that" posts as they have no logical conclusion.

It is a humble request and if it is not appropriate or not in the right forum, I apologize. Moderators please do let me know.

Every nation has it's own doctrine. The defence of the country is surrounded around that doctrine. US has it's doctrine and Russia it's own. They develop weapons based on those philosophies.

Likewise Pakistan has its needs while India has its own needs. So Pakistan has the weapons that it has while India has the weapons it has.

In any scenario, there is no way to say which plane is better unless the planes have participated in a full blown 1:1 conflict, BVR and WVR, between two balanced forces. Even in simulated conditions during exercises, the planes work in handicap mode so as to not get successfully spied upon.

Most of us here are defence enthusiasts who do not know the complete details and worse, can not know the details except for what is in the public domain, officially confirmed.

Yes we can go by our respective jingoistic feelings and put down the efforts of our hard working scientists, whether Pakistan scientists or the Indian counterparts and have a go at each other but can we not do better? This forum would be so much more better if we did not go into "this versus that" posts as they have no logical conclusion.

It is a humble request and if it is not appropriate or not in the right forum, I apologize. Moderators please do let me know.

Anoop sir, that is an excellent post and I believe every poster on this forum, whatever nationality, should take into account the points you have raised. The "x is better than y because of z" is nothing but a slap to the face of the engineers around the world who have worked hard to make these amazing machines, the people who will operate them and the organisations that have selected them after considering all the other options. I am not a moderator, but there is no need to apologise for any of the points you have raised, sir. They are clearly the writings of a very sensible, humble and educated fellow.
Anoop sir, that is an excellent post and I believe every poster on this forum, whatever nationality, should take into account the points you have raised. The "x is better than y because of z" is nothing but a slap to the face of the engineers around the world who have worked hard to make these amazing machines, the people who will operate them and the organisations that have selected them after considering all the other options. I am not a moderator, but there is no need to apologise for any of the points you have raised, sir. They are clearly the writings of a very sensible, humble and educated fellow.

duh this is what ive been saying in jf-17 has edge over LCA :pak officials thread but no one is listening to my posts why good atleast this has been noticed now nice one anoop

here are my posts

if this is for me i am not comparing jf-17 wid LCA i just corrected his mistakes and am furious of his childishness and it is not feasible to compare because not of the fact that jf-17 is operational but because they are being built for completely different reasons

LCA is to gain or update our knowledge of building airplanes and structuring some or many of its systems and to replace mig -21bis wid a domestic aircraft coz it seems feasible due to its role( point defense ) and complexity

jf-17 is replacing old and aging fighters in your force with newer thech and a cheap replacement of f-7s by the Chinese and will also continue to strengthen your friendship with them and starting local production of complex aircraft systems


if you stop comparing and fighting I will leave the forum!!! and so will many.

Just because some one says this plane can do this an that cannot, doesn't mean either India or Pakistan have won a war!!! Only a few can argue without losing their cool..if you cant keep your cool don't be involved if you are don't be afraid to be banned!!! Come on its an online forum and its always good to hear two sides of a story :pop:
if you stop comparing and fighting I will leave the forum!!! and so will many.

Just because some one says this plane can do this an that cannot, doesn't mean either India or Pakistan have won a war!!! Only a few can argue without losing their cool..if you cant keep your cool don't be involved if you are don't be afraid to be banned!!! Come on its an online forum and its always good to hear two sides of a story :pop:

Oh I am absolutely for all the discussions. I just wonder how many of us here understand what all it takes for a platform to be called better than another platform!!! Given a platform, I wonder how many of us will even be able to identify where the radars are. I am not trying to prove I know better because I do not know much about planes, missiles etc simply because neither I am a weapons designer, nor is my academic background related to it in any way. And I am certainly not the end user, meaning a pilot or an ammunition expert.

Just for example, an AESA is widely acknowledged to be better than PESA but it does have a few drawbacks (and they become prominent in certain circumstances). So how does one compare the two?

With in AESA's itself, the size matters. How many of us take that into account?

So if the discussion is with the intent to learn, there are benefits for all. But if it is merely to say X is better than Y, well I guess I just gave an opinion and others have the choice to ignore it.

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