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Comparison of military power, Pak-India


Dec 28, 2006
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Comparison of military power, Pak-India

Air Marshal Ayaz A Khan (R)

Unfortunately India and Pakistan had adversarial relations since sixty years. After the Mumbai carnage Pakistan is under threat of pre-emptive strikes. Fourth Indo-Pakistan war could be triggered by another terrorist attack anywhere in India. This is a dangerous scenario. India and Pakistan have fought three wars, and war drums for the fourth war are getting louder. It is in order therefore to comprehend Indian military capabilities, and Pakistan’s ability to defend itself. Defense capability is an interplay of economic and military potential. Indian economy is booming, and its GDP growth is in double digits. The global recession has impacted Indian economy, but its defense capability remains intact. Military power and capabilities are sustained by economic and industrial potential. Geography, demography, population, oil resources and reserves, industrial capability including defense production, dollar reserves, self reliance, education, quality of manpower and leadership have a bearing on military power. Seven lakh Indian troops are tied down in Jammu and Kashmir. India has over one hundred billion dollar reserves. The West, Israel and Russia are India’s weapon suppliers.

Indian Army has eighteen Corps with 34 Divisions including four Rapid Action Divisions, which would spear head ground offensives. Pakistan Army has ten Corps and twenty five divisions. Indian Army has eighteen Infantry, ten Mountain, three Armored, and two Artillery Divisions. Besides it has five Infantry, one parachute, thirteen Air Defense, and four Engineering Brigades, designated as independent formations. In addition there are two Air Defense Groups, and fourteen Army Aviation Helicopter units. This is a sizeable force, capable of launching major offensives from several fronts. The decentralized command structure will be an advantage, as compared to Pakistan’s centralized Army command organization. Pakistan Army has an active force of 620,000 well trained personnel, with 528000 reservists, and 150000 para-military troops. Pakistan armed forces are seventh largest in the world. Pakistan Army’s doctrine of “Offensive Defense”, evolved by General Mirza Aslam Beg was put to test in 1989 in Exercise Zarb-e Momin. The doctrine is to launch a sizeable offensive into enemy territory, rather than wait for enemy strikes or attacks. In case of Indian land offensive Pakistan Army and Air Force will respond with land and air offensives to gain and hold enemy territory. Before embarking on further offensive, gains shall be consolidated. In 1990 the Central Corps of Reserves was created to fight in the desert sectors , where enemy land offensives are expected. These dual capable formations trained for offensive and holding actions are fully mechanized.

Pakistan Army has ten Corps including the newly formed Strategic Corps. The Army has twenty six divisions (eight less than India). Two more divisions were raised as Corps reserves for V and XXXI Corps. Pakistan Army has two armored divisions, and ten independent armored brigades. Presently one hundred thousand troops are stationed on the Pak Afghan border to fight terror. Special Service Group-SSG comprises two airborne Brigades i.e. six battalions. Pakistan Army has 360 helicopters, over two thousand heavy guns, and 3000 APC’s. Its main anti-tank weapons are Tow, Tow Mk II, Bakter Shiken and FGM 148 ATGM. The Army Air Defence Command has S.A- 7 Grail, General Dynamics FIM-92 Stinger, GD FIM Red Eye, and ANZA Mk-I, Mk-II, Mk-III and HQ 2 B surface ti air missiles. Radar controlled Oerlikon is the standard Ack Ack weapon system. The ballistic missile inventory of the Army is substantial. It comprises Ghauri III and Shaheen III IRB’S; medium range Ghauri I and II and Shaheen II, and short range Hatf I- B, Abdali, Ghaznavi, Shaheen I and M -11 missiles. All the ballistic missiles can carry nuclear war heads. Nuclear and conventional weapon capable Babur Cruise missile is the new addition to Pakistan’s strategic weapon inventory. Number of ballistic missiles and war heads are almost the same as India has. So there is a parity in nuclear weapons, which is a deterrent.

Indian armor is of Russian origin. Out of 2295 Indian Army’s Main Battle tanks, 2235 are of Russian origin. The main battle tanks are; 310 T-90-S Bishsma’s (300 are on order), 1925 T-72M Ajeya’s.. The T-90 and the T-72 have 125 mm smooth barrel guns. T-72 though old is the backbone of Indian Armor Corp’s. 268 Ajeya’s have been upgraded with Israeli Elbit thermal imaging systems. 1000 T-72 MBT’s are awaiting up-gradation. There have been several instances of T-72’s gun barrel bursting. 124 Indian made Arjun (heavy 56 ton) MBT are on order. Sixty Arjun’s are in operational service. Arjun’s engine overheating problem has not been solved. Arjun has a 120 mm gun, but is unfit or desert operations.

Pakistan Army is equally strong in armor, capable of giving a fitting response to any Indian military adventure. Main Battle tanks Al-Khalid and Al-Zarrar are the backbone of Pakistan’s armor Corp’s. Both are Pakistan made. Pakistan’s tank armory comprises :five hundred Al-Khalid MBT’s; 320 Al-Zarrar type 85 II MBT’s, 500 Al-Zarrar MBT’s; 450 79II AP (Chinese type 81 upgrade, and 570 T-80 UD MBT of Ukranian make. In addition Pakistan has 880 Type 59, which were procured from China in 1970.This makes a total of three thousand six hundred and twenty tanks. All Pakistani MBT’s except T-59’s have 125 mm smooth barrel guns. Indian armor offensives in Kashmir, Punjab, and Sind would be effectively challenged by Pakistani armor and mechanized formations, depending on PAF’s ability to keep the skies over the battle areas clear of Indian Air Force. India’s modern air defense system has Israeli Arrow anti-missile missiles, and 90,000 surface to air missiles-SAM’s. India has one hundred nuclear armed ballistic missiles (Agni-1 and Agni II), and Brahmos the new supersonic cruise missile. Indian Army is well trained, equipped and highly professional, and so is Pakistan Army.

Air power is likely to play a key, if not a decisive role in any future major or minor India-Pakistan armed conflict. The aim of Indian pre-emptive strikes will be maximum destruction by surprise air attacks, combined with shock commando action. A possibe scenario is; intensive bombing of the target to be followed by attacks by armed helicopters and ground assault by heliborne Commandoes. An overview of Indian Air Force and Pakistan Air Force will help comprehension of IAF’s offensive capabilities, and defensive capabilities of Pakistan Air Force. Indian Air Force has 3000 aircraft including training, transport, helicopters and 800-1000 combat air craft, which operate from sixty air bases, including Farkhor airbase in Tajikistan.. Six hundred IAF’s strike and air defense fighters are expected to be operational. Pakistan Air Force has 630 aircraft, which include 530 combat aircraft, with 400 operational at any time. In 1996 India signed an agreement with Russia for the purchase of 90 Su 30 Mk-1 multi-role fighter-bombers. In 2004 a multi-billion licence was signed for building additional 140. 240 Su30-Mk-1’s were ordered, 120 are already in service. With a maximum speed of Mach 2.3 and range of 8000 Km with refueling and ability to carry tons of conventional munitions and nuclear weapons, it is a lethal and menacing weapon system for the strike and interception role. Other IAF’s advanced strike and combat aircraft are: 51 Mirage-2000 (of Kargil fame), 60 Mig-29’s (for air defense), 250 old Mig-21’s (110 have been refurbished with Israeli help), 47 Jaguars and 70 Mig-27’s for ground attack. 220 LCA Teja’s under manufacture at HAL Bangalore will start entering service in 2010... IAF’s fighter pilots are well trained and have out shone American pilots during joint exercises.

Pakistan Air Force has 200 rebuilt Mirage- 3’s ( for night air defense) and Mirage-5’s for the strike role. They can carry nuclear weapons. They have been upgraded with new weapon systems, radars, and avionics. Additionally the PAF has 42 F-16’s, 150 F-7’s including 55 latest F-7 PG’s. Manufacture of 150 JF 17 Thunder fighters (jointly designed) is underway at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra. The JF -17 Thunder is a 4th generation fly by wire multi-role fighter aircraft. Eight are already in PAF service. An order has been placed with China for the purchase of 36 JF-10, a Mach 2.3 -5th generation multi-role fighter, comparable in performance to the Su-30 Mk-1 with the Indian Air Force. PAF is on Red Alert, and is maintaining full vigil to intercept and destroy IAF intruders. During the recent air space violation, the IAF intruders were in the sights of PAF’s F-16’s, but were allowed to escape unscathed to avoid a major diplomatic crisis. PAF pilots and technicians are well trained, high professionals, who will be able to prove their mettle in the future battle with India. A comparison of Indian Navy and Pakistan Navy reveals that Pakistan Navy could inflict substantial damage to the Indian Navy. Indian Navy has 16 submarines; Pakistan Navy has ten, some are brand new. Indian Navy has 27 war ships, Pakistan Navy has ten. Indian Aircraft Carrier Veerat, will be a menace, and must be sunk by submarine or air attacks, if it attempts to block Pakistan’s sea lanes or ports. It is hoped that better sense prevails and India desists from invading and attacking Pakistan. If it does, the consequences will be horrible for both the countries.

Pakistan Observer - Newspaper online edition - Article
These figures will look far better if Pakistan decides to use this power against militants and, if necessary, asks India to assist. :cheers:
These figures will look far better if Pakistan decides to use this power against militants and, if necessary, asks India to assist. :cheers:

maybe India should also stop hosting terrorist groups (which asks its members using suicidal attacks against Chinese) like Tibetan Youth Congress. you know we Chinese are always just a phone call's away, always ready to help you guys.

Tibetan Youth Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please clean up your own s.h.i.t before blaming others. your government is hosting terrorist groups in your home country. see the above wiki page for more details.
maybe India should also stop hosting terrorist groups (which asks its members using suicidal attacks against Chinese) like Tibetan Youth Congress. you know we Chinese are always just a phone call's away, always ready to help you guys.

Tibetan Youth Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please clean up your own s.h.i.t before blaming others. your government is hosting terrorist groups in your home country. see the above wiki page for more details.

Please give me credible proof (NOT Wiki) that India is supporting Tibetan separatists. India does not allow Tibetan exiles to execute any operations against China. All we do is protect a wise old man, the Dalai Lama from a certain and horrible death in China. Just ask the Falun Gong.
Numbers have seldom decided wars for Muslims historically. There's an even bigger and powerful weapon for Muslims if they empoy it, Eman. And that has always decided our wars.
Numbers have seldom decided wars for Muslims historically. There's an even bigger and powerful weapon for Muslims if they empoy it, Eman. And that has always decided our wars.

Well, historically, wars were fought face to face. It is hardly a practice now a days. Also, Pakistan's population is about 172,800,000 and there are about 160,000,000 muslims in India.

Most importantly, who the hell told you people other than Muslims are not brave? :coffee:
Very nice article, I got the feeling some Indians might not appreciate it due to the lack certain things that haven't been mentioned like: "Indian supremacy" "Allmighty India" "India will crush Pakistan" "IAF much stronger then PAF" etc.
Thank you for posting this Baazi, the article has educated me further. :tup:
Well, historically, wars were fought face to face. It is hardly a practice now a days.

All the more reason not to relying on numbers. It could leave one bloodied.

Most importantly, who the hell told you people other than Muslims are not brave? :coffee:

How did I imply that? On the contrary Hindus are very brave, they are messing with Pakistanis, aren't they? :)
Those numbers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out also when did Pakistan get the javelin?
maybe India should also stop hosting terrorist groups (which asks its members using suicidal attacks against Chinese) like Tibetan Youth Congress. you know we Chinese are always just a phone call's away, always ready to help you guys.

Tibetan Youth Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please clean up your own s.h.i.t before blaming others. your government is hosting terrorist groups in your home country. see the above wiki page for more details.

You know one thing? In India, Mr. Nehru is criticized for only one reason - he trusted China. It was his lack of foresight that he believed China will never attack India. He gave a catch-line called 'Hindi-Chini bhai bhai" (which Indians and Chinese people are like brothers). This foolish assumption got what it deserved - 1962 defeat.

India - War with China

This is a third party article about it. I didn't have to dig it out, it is the first link if you google for this topic.
How did I imply that? On the contrary Hindus are very brave, they are messing with Pakistanis, aren't they? :)

Again you got it wrong, not HINDUS, but "INDIANS are messing with Pakistanis" should be your statement. You people always blunder in such things, because you lack what it takes to be a secular nation. :agree:
I want to bring into your attention that, Hindustan is not a secular state as countless articles and news reports posted on this forum indicate. Yeah! Yeah! I know, your constitution, prime minister, you and some other guys who desperately wana believe that it is secular but ... Word gets out.

Search a little bit on the forum before replying.:pop:
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I want to bring into your attention that, Hindustan is not a secular state as countless articles and news reports posted on this forum indicate. Yeah! Yeah! I know, your constitution, prime minister, you and some other guys who desperately wana believe that it is secular but ... Word gets out.

Search a little bit on the forum before replying.:pop:

I don't need to see anything.
I am living here and certainly know more than the outsiders.
And one thing, denying every proof, obvious conclusions, theories, authorized facts will get you nowhere.
You show us drainage system map of India and say 'this is India'.
We do not deny any facts, but the problem is - you always talk about exceptions.
You don't trust India, then Indians, then their theories, then proofs, then USA,then your politicians, then your govt....and the list goes on.
The question is, if in Pakistan no one believes anyone other than himself, then how you called it a nation?
There are bad elements in India, no one can deny the facts. Govt always gets criticized for this. But exceptions cannot be rules. You have fooled yourself and now you are trying to fool the world. :agree:
Surgical Strikes is a misnomer. Any military overt action, accross the border, is an act of war. India, will also have to pay the price for a strike, which, at this moment will have negative yield because of colateral damages, as the targets are well aware of this threat. In addition, It is not Pakistani citizen, but the terrorists and their handlers who needs to be taken out.:sniper: A military strike is the last thing that will secure India. But it will definitely distablise the nacent democratic process. It is not in the interest of India or Pakistan.:disagree:

India's response had been very measured and responsible. Sure, we understand that Pakistan cannot be seen to be taken actions against ( believe it or not our, common enemy :blah:) the terrorist groups pointed out under Indian pressure. Fair enough, we understand. Have back channel discussions, as to how you would like to eliminate the common enemy, without Pakistan and India loosing public face:cheers:...

It it good to gloat about nukes. But for MAD doctrine, they are quite useless... Hope the powers recognise that, they will found sitting on a nuke with a all powerfull smirk, while the Mullahs steal the nation...:devil:
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