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Comparing Ownership of Appliances and Vehicles in India and Pakistan

The hidden truth behind India’s low refrigerator ownership

Nearly 90% families in China today have a refrigerator. What about India?
The 2016 ICE 360° survey showed that a little less than 30% of Indian families have a refrigerator. At first glance, we may conclude that a fridge is still an aspirational product that doesn’t fit into the majority of Indian families’ budgets. That reasoning however, does not hold up.
The same survey showed that even in the top 20% of the richest Indian families, only six out of 10 families have a fridge. This suggests that constraints other than affordability are at work here that influence households’ decision to buy a refrigerator.
While a threshold level of income is a necessary condition for the purchase of a refrigerator, it is not the sufficient condition.
The 2011 census shows that nearly twice the number of households in rural India own a two-wheeler, which costs much more than a fridge.
This kind of hierarchical pattern in the ownership of a two-wheeler and a fridge in India is unlike in any other major economy.
So Women can Chill
In a March 2017 paper in the Journal of Quantitative Economics (From Income to Household Welfare: Lessons from Refrigerator Ownership in India, by Sowmya Dhanaraj, Vidya Mahambare and Poonam Munjal), this apparent puzzle is explored.
Following a robust statistical methodology and controlling for the impact of a number of other determinants such as regional influences, two factors stood out. One, a refrigerator is unique among all energy-using consumer durables.
Unlike the television or air-conditioner, the decision to purchase a fridge depends not only on the access but also reliability and duration of residential power.
Unlike a TV, a fridge is of little use unless uninterrupted power supply is guaranteed. Nearly 43% of rural households and 13% of urban households in India either do not have access to electricity, or receive electricity for less than eight hours. This makes it a major constraint to buy a durable such as a refrigerator. In fact, only around half of India’s population receives residential power for more than 16 hours a day.
Two, unlike a TV, which is a leisure good, a refrigerator disproportionately benefits women in the family.
As a result, a decision to purchase a consumer durable is also driven by their bargaining and decision-making power within a family. And what would tilt the intra-household bargaining power in favour of women? It is largely the function of the education level of women.

By your argument Pakistan should have low penetration of Fridges and washing machines. Pakistan has endemic power shortages and women are less likely to be educated. Pakistan defies these stereotypes suggests that the assumptions are wrong.
Rubbish, biased and unreliable sources ,
Since I follow automobile sector I will state figures for the same

Car sales 2016 data :
- India : 3.04 million for 1.3 Billion, which comes to 0.23 cars sold per 100 citizens in 2016-17
- Pakistan : ~300,000 for 200 million, which comes to 0.15 cars sold per 100 citizens in 2016-17

Delhi NCR alone buys more car than entire Pakistan,

Even in Per Capita terms India is way way ahead of Pakistan for car ownership. Same goes for 2 wheelers.

Complete BS.
In 2015, number of cars sold in India: 2,034,162
Number of cars sold in Pakistan: 190,000
Thus ratio is over 10:1; now give that the population ratio is 6.8:1, cars sales per capita is much higher.

Same is the story with bikes, bike sale ratio is 8.34:1 which means per capita bike sales are higher in India.

in 2015 India car sales is not 2 million, the actual number is 2.78 Million (2,789,208)

Complete BS.
In 2015, number of cars sold in India: 2,034,162
Number of cars sold in Pakistan: 190,000
Thus ratio is over 10:1; now give that the population ratio is 6.8:1, cars sales per capita is much higher.

Same is the story with bikes, bike sale ratio is 8.34:1 which means per capita bike sales are higher in India.
here an unbiased data

since india have higher production but also have higher population compare to pakistan but when you compare cars per capita pakitan evenly match india despite having 3x-4x higher price on same cars
but when you compare average income of an pakitani which is higher then average income of an indian


Here is a UNBIASED report ,from pew research.

car ownership

Pakistan : 3%
India : 6%

Bike ownership

Pakistan : 43%
India : 47%


There i single handedly debunked the ridiculously propaganda biased riashaq again.

Its from riashaq its the definition of trash media.
Kush hone ke liye bahane hazaro (1000) khojne padte hai....
Dosto itne zalim bhi na banoo...
aisi report banane ke liye false data bhi google per hazaro (1000) khojne padte hai....

Rubbish, biased and unreliable sources ,
Since I follow automobile sector I will state figures for the same

Car sales 2016 data :
- India : 3.04 million for 1.3 Billion, which comes to 0.23 cars sold per 100 citizens in 2016-17
- Pakistan : ~300,000 for 200 million, which comes to 0.15 cars sold per 100 citizens in 2016-17

Delhi NCR alone buys more car than entire Pakistan,

Even in Per Capita terms India is way way ahead of Pakistan for car ownership. Same goes for 2 wheelers.

in 2015 India car sales is not 2 million, the actual number is 2.78 Million (2,789,208)

and any source which does not favor india it doesn't mean its an unreliable source please go and check your brain many car in pakistan are imported which make them cheap from the they produce in pakistan cause less duty on them and thats why many people buy those thing
and due to monopoly in pakistan by 3 companies are the real reason our car production is less then we sells but for india not every product you manufactured is sold to your people many are exported
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The stats I gave are not for vehicle production but number of vehicles sold.
Also Gross National Income of India is much higher than Pakistan:
first go and read what is GNI and how it is work

Ownership of durables like computers, home appliances and vehicles is often seen as an important indicator of the size and health of the middle classes in emerging economies. Examples of periodic household surveys used by researchers to measure such data include NSS (National Sampling Survey) in India and PSLM (Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement) in Pakistan.

Durables Ownership in India and Pakistan. Source: KSBL

India-Pakistan Comparison:

Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani, a professor at Karachi School of Business Leadership, has recently analyzed household surveys in India and Pakistan to discover the following:

1. As of 2015, car ownership in both India and Pakistan is about the same at 6% of households owning a car. However, 41% of Pakistani household own motorcycles, several points higher than India's 32%.

2. 12% of Pakistani households own a computer, slightly higher than 11% in India.

3. Higher percentage of Pakistani households own appliances such as refrigerators (Pakistan 47%, India 33%), washing machines (Pakistan 48%, India 15%) and fans (Pakistan 91%, India 83%).

4. 71% of Indian households own televisions versus 62% in Pakistan.

Durables Ownership Growth in Pakistan. Source: KSBL
Growth over Time:

Dr. Abdul Ghani has also analyzed household data to show that the number of Pakistani households owning washing machines has doubled while car and refrigerator ownership has tripled and motorcycle ownership jumped 6-fold from 2001 to 2014.

Income/Consumption Growth in Pakistan. Source: KSBL

Rapid Income Growth:

Rising ownership of durables in Pakistan has been driven by significant reduction in poverty and growth of household incomes, according to Dr. Abdul Ghani's research. Households with per capita income of under $2 per day per person has plummeted from 57% in 2001 to 7% in 2014. At the same time, households earning $2 to $10 per day per person has soared from 42% of households in 2001 to 87% of households in 2014. Those earning over $10 per day per person has jumped 7-fold from 1% of households in 2001 to 7% of households in 2014.

Pakistani Middle Class:

Only 5% of Pakistanis in $2-$4 per day per person income group have college degrees. But 20% of those in $4-$10 have college degrees, according to the survey results.

Pakistan Middle Class Profile. Source: KSBL

Credit Suisse Income and Wealth Data:

Average Pakistani adult is 20% richer than an average Indian adult and the median wealth of a Pakistani adult is 120% higher than that of his or her Indian counterpart, according to Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016. Average household wealth in Pakistan has grown 2.1% while it has declined 0.8% in India since the end of last year.

Median wealth data indicates that 50% of Pakistanis own more than $1,180 per adult which is 120% more than the $608 per adult owned by 50% of Indians.

GDP Estimates Using Household Survey Data:

Pakistan's GDP calculated from consumption data in PSLM is significantly higher than the government estimates based on production data. The reverse is true of Indian GDP.

M. Ali Kemal and Ahmed Waqar Qasim, economists at Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), explored several published different approaches for sizing Pakistan's underground economy and settled on a combination of PSLM (Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement) consumption data and mis-invoicing of exports and imports to conclude that the country's "informal economy was 91% of the formal economy in 2007-08".

Prominent Indian economists Abhijit V Banerjee, Pranab Bardhan, Rohini Somanathan and TN Srinivasan teaching at MIT, UC Berkeley, Yale University and Delhi School of Economics believe that India's GDP estimate based on household survey (National Sampling Service or NSS) data is about half of what the Indian government officially reports as India's GDP.

Who is Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani?

The PSLM household data cited in this blog post is taken from a recent presentation made by Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani at the Karachi School of Business and Leadership (KSBL) where he teaches. KSBL has been established in collaboration with Cambridge University's Judge Business School. Prior to his current faculty position, Dr. Abdul Ghani taught at MIT's Sloane School of Management and Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). He has a computer science degree from MIT and an MBA from Wharton Business School.


Pakistan has managed to significantly reduce poverty and rapidly grow its middle class since 2001 in spite of major political, security and economic challenges. The foundation for the rise of the middle class was laid on President Musharraf's watch by his governments decisions to invest in education and infrastructure projects that led to expansion of both human and financial capital. My hope is that the continued improvement in security and implementation of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) related projects will bring in higher long-term investments and accelerate Pakistan's progress toward a prosperity for all of its citizens.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016

Pakistan: A Majority Middle Class Country

Karachi School of Business and Leadership

State Bank: Pakistan's Actual GDP Higher Than Officially Reported

College Enrollment in Pakistan

Musharraf Accelerated Development of Pakistan's Human and Financial Capital

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor


why don't you give a International report rather than karachi based bussiness school's data???

your source is unreliable.
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here an unbiased data

since india have higher production but also have higher population compare to pakistan but when you compare cars per capita pakitan evenly match india despite having 3x-4x higher price on same cars
but when you compare average income of an pakitani which is higher then average income of an indian


and any source which does not favor india it doesn't mean its an unreliable source please go and check your brain many car in pakistan are imported which make them cheap from the they produce in pakistan cause less duty on them and thats why many people buy those thing
and due to monopoly in pakistan by 3 companies are the real reason our car production is less then we sells but for india not every product you manufactured is sold to your people many are exported

There are no sources in the opening article, I am quoting figure from Pakistan Auto association and India auto association.
I am not talking about exports , I have quoted number for domestic sales.
Car sales is pretty standard term and you will find numbers easily, I dont know how the person in the article has fucked up such a simple data point. Such data points are so trivial that even a person with just above average IQ can figure out.

India has 6.5 times Pakistan's population. (I guess you will agree with Population multiple)
India domestic car sales is 10 times than that of Pakistan. (there are tonnes on Government/ Private research/ Auto Industry Association sources both for India and Pakistan supporting this claim, ratio varies from 9-10.5)

Nation Master is quoting a figure where it says India and Pakistan has similar car ownership, I dont know how they are calculating, Its just a number. But current sales can be compared.

Domestic car sales in India (2016-17) was 3.04 million (i am not including exports, Its domestic sales and not production), Please find me a single source contradicting this. I am 100% sure about this number.

Domestic Car sales in Pakistan : 280,000-320,000 (there are different sources, I have mentioned the range) I would be extremely happy if you have other source which states otherwise.
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97% of Pakistan are Muslim but only 14% of Indians are Muslims.
97% of Pakistan are Muslim but only 14% of Indians are Muslims.
what has your religion got to do with your nations economic progress ?

Rubbish, biased and unreliable sources ,
Since I follow automobile sector I will state figures for the same

Car sales 2016 data :
- India : 3.04 million for 1.3 Billion, which comes to 0.23 cars sold per 100 citizens in 2016-17
- Pakistan : ~300,000 for 200 million, which comes to 0.15 cars sold per 100 citizens in 2016-17

Delhi NCR alone buys more car than entire Pakistan,

Even in Per Capita terms India is way way ahead of Pakistan for car ownership. Same goes for 2 wheelers.

in 2015 India car sales is not 2 million, the actual number is 2.78 Million (2,789,208)

Typically this riaz ul haq guy considers everything about Pak in 1980 when it used to have higher PER capita than India.

what has your religion got to do with your nations economic progress ?

View attachment 395709
Islamic banking
Typically this riaz ul haq guy considers everything about Pak in 1980 when it used to have higher PER capita than India.

Islamic banking
well that was comming and for that very reason pakistan has driftd towards SA led 41 nation front which has rubbed iran the wrong way but pakistan has no other choice if it needs money from Islamic bank where SA has the major say lets see how it plays out :sarcastic:
How authentic are Pakistani figures. They are doing their census after 19 years. I take their data with pinch of salt.
To all the Indians on this thread. Pakistan's economy is better than India. Their science is way ahead. As a result of this, their ability to purchase is much higher. Which is why the entire world is looking to setup factories in Pakistan and not India.

Give respect to an old man, who is frustrated. Say Amen and move on.
first go and read what is GNI and how it is work
There are no sources in the opening article, I am quoting figure from Pakistan Auto association and India auto association.
I am not talking about exports , I have quoted number for domestic sales.
Car sales is pretty standard term and you will find numbers easily, I dont know how the person in the article has fucked up such a simple data point. Such data points are so trivial that even a person with just above average IQ can figure out.

India has 6.5 times Pakistan's population. (I guess you will agree with Population multiple)
India domestic car sales is 10 times than that of Pakistan. (there are tonnes on Government/ Private research/ Auto Industry Association sources both for India and Pakistan supporting this claim, ratio varies from 9-10.5)

Nation Master is quoting a figure where it says India and Pakistan has similar car ownership, I dont know how they are calculating, Its just a number. But current sales can be compared.

Domestic car sales in India (2016-17) was 3.04 million (i am not including exports, Its domestic sales and not production), Please find me a single source contradicting this. I am 100% sure about this number.

Domestic Car sales in Pakistan : 280,000-320,000 (there are different sources, I have mentioned the range) I would be extremely happy if you have other source which states otherwise.
read my post again i already told most of the cars in pakistan are exported i.e daihatsu mira, toyota vitz ,premio, etc etc which are one of the most selling cars in the country but they are not produce in pakistan they are imported due to less duties they are cheaper then which are present in pakistan comparatively (due to monopoly by 3 companies pakistan lack in production for those cars but going to change soon cause in 2018 about 5-6 car manufacturer will start their production ) the whole topic is how many people posses appliances in which pakistan stands higher then india (by sources which i have post in my previous posts ) if not better but not worst in income average pakistani earn better then average indian (link posted in previous post)

Ownership of durables like computers, home appliances and vehicles is often seen as an important indicator of the size and health of the middle classes in emerging economies. Examples of periodic household surveys used by researchers to measure such data include NSS (National Sampling Survey) in India and PSLM (Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement) in Pakistan.

Durables Ownership in India and Pakistan. Source: KSBL

India-Pakistan Comparison:

Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani, a professor at Karachi School of Business Leadership, has recently analyzed household surveys in India and Pakistan to discover the following:

1. As of 2015, car ownership in both India and Pakistan is about the same at 6% of households owning a car. However, 41% of Pakistani household own motorcycles, several points higher than India's 32%.

2. 12% of Pakistani households own a computer, slightly higher than 11% in India.

3. Higher percentage of Pakistani households own appliances such as refrigerators (Pakistan 47%, India 33%), washing machines (Pakistan 48%, India 15%) and fans (Pakistan 91%, India 83%).

4. 71% of Indian households own televisions versus 62% in Pakistan.

Durables Ownership Growth in Pakistan. Source: KSBL
Growth over Time:

Dr. Abdul Ghani has also analyzed household data to show that the number of Pakistani households owning washing machines has doubled while car and refrigerator ownership has tripled and motorcycle ownership jumped 6-fold from 2001 to 2014.

Income/Consumption Growth in Pakistan. Source: KSBL

Rapid Income Growth:

Rising ownership of durables in Pakistan has been driven by significant reduction in poverty and growth of household incomes, according to Dr. Abdul Ghani's research. Households with per capita income of under $2 per day per person has plummeted from 57% in 2001 to 7% in 2014. At the same time, households earning $2 to $10 per day per person has soared from 42% of households in 2001 to 87% of households in 2014. Those earning over $10 per day per person has jumped 7-fold from 1% of households in 2001 to 7% of households in 2014.

Pakistani Middle Class:

Only 5% of Pakistanis in $2-$4 per day per person income group have college degrees. But 20% of those in $4-$10 have college degrees, according to the survey results.

Pakistan Middle Class Profile. Source: KSBL

Credit Suisse Income and Wealth Data:

Average Pakistani adult is 20% richer than an average Indian adult and the median wealth of a Pakistani adult is 120% higher than that of his or her Indian counterpart, according to Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016. Average household wealth in Pakistan has grown 2.1% while it has declined 0.8% in India since the end of last year.

Median wealth data indicates that 50% of Pakistanis own more than $1,180 per adult which is 120% more than the $608 per adult owned by 50% of Indians.

GDP Estimates Using Household Survey Data:

Pakistan's GDP calculated from consumption data in PSLM is significantly higher than the government estimates based on production data. The reverse is true of Indian GDP.

M. Ali Kemal and Ahmed Waqar Qasim, economists at Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), explored several published different approaches for sizing Pakistan's underground economy and settled on a combination of PSLM (Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement) consumption data and mis-invoicing of exports and imports to conclude that the country's "informal economy was 91% of the formal economy in 2007-08".

Prominent Indian economists Abhijit V Banerjee, Pranab Bardhan, Rohini Somanathan and TN Srinivasan teaching at MIT, UC Berkeley, Yale University and Delhi School of Economics believe that India's GDP estimate based on household survey (National Sampling Service or NSS) data is about half of what the Indian government officially reports as India's GDP.

Who is Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani?

The PSLM household data cited in this blog post is taken from a recent presentation made by Dr. Jawaid Abdul Ghani at the Karachi School of Business and Leadership (KSBL) where he teaches. KSBL has been established in collaboration with Cambridge University's Judge Business School. Prior to his current faculty position, Dr. Abdul Ghani taught at MIT's Sloane School of Management and Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). He has a computer science degree from MIT and an MBA from Wharton Business School.


Pakistan has managed to significantly reduce poverty and rapidly grow its middle class since 2001 in spite of major political, security and economic challenges. The foundation for the rise of the middle class was laid on President Musharraf's watch by his governments decisions to invest in education and infrastructure projects that led to expansion of both human and financial capital. My hope is that the continued improvement in security and implementation of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) related projects will bring in higher long-term investments and accelerate Pakistan's progress toward a prosperity for all of its citizens.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Credit Suisse Wealth Report 2016

Pakistan: A Majority Middle Class Country

Karachi School of Business and Leadership

State Bank: Pakistan's Actual GDP Higher Than Officially Reported

College Enrollment in Pakistan

Musharraf Accelerated Development of Pakistan's Human and Financial Capital

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor


Wow, great research Riaz sahab!
well that was comming and for that very reason pakistan has driftd towards SA led 41 nation front which has rubbed iran the wrong way but pakistan has no other choice if it needs money from Islamic bank where SA has the major say lets see how it plays out :sarcastic:
The thing is that Pakistan army owns the country and it can do what it wants.
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