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Communal christian news report from Reuters - how they spread hate and fear.

And yet the same parameter of measurement and action is not extended to Saudia Arabia, Pakistan or China. This is the same nation that raised outrage when there was plans to include a small mosque in WTC and which sanctioned arsenic poisoning of Acharya Rajneesh a.k.a Osho for spreading Hinduism in the US.

US has no moral or legal authority to forcibly arm twist India to facilitate US sponsored christian missionary evangelism.

As a matter of fact, since Hinduism is literally the poorest religion in the world and more over since the govt. of India exercises complete control of all major Hindu temples and is directly responsible for strangulating Hinduism in India, Hinduism does require a certain amount of protection. Especially against a proselytizing religion that is the worlds richest and also the most powerful militarily and exerts tremendous media control.

I completely disagree that only the monetarily or militarily mighty religion deserves to survive and that proselytizing religions are free to use any immoral or unethical means for conversion.

Thankfully you do not get to define the scope of the thread. The thread is about exposing communal religious tendencies in foreign media which we are mutely required to accept as secular and neutral.

If Hinduism requires protection then it indeed is a weak faith..regardless a singular man or woman's freedom is far more important than the protection of any faith..if said protection impinges upon said freedom then it is criminal.
If Hinduism requires protection then it indeed is a weak faith..regardless a singular man or woman's freedom is far more important than the protection of any faith..if said protection impinges upon said freedom then it is criminal.

Why don't people use the same argument when Tigers and Pandas are endangered ? Why take special effort to prevent species from dying out ? after all if they require protection they are a weak species and deserve to be wiped out :lol:

Anyway your naivety apart, Hinduism is different from faith.

Faith is a personal belief system, Hinduism is a philosophy which require practicing masters to decipher it and teach it. It is so vast and extensive that it needs a supporting eco system to nourish it and sustain it. Any damage to that eco system slowly asphyxiate the religion too till it become endangered and finally extinct.

Try to imagine extinction of a band of philosophy that took an estimated 4000 to 15,000 years to evolve and refine.

In any case anti conversion laws in India only target mass conversion triggered by unethical means and not individual conversion based on faith. Eliminating Hinduism only tends to reduce the availability of faith for others, not increase their choice. In essence it reduces freedom of choice, not increase it.
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Jonathan Kay: From Brampton to Bangladesh, anti-Hindu hate is all too real | National Post

............What I found especially disturbing waMany correspondents threw the words “holocaust” and “genocide” around casually. Some spoke of Indian Hindus the way Arab defenders of suicide terrorism speak of Jews.s the manner in which many of my Sikh correspondents demonized India’s Hindu majority, accusing them of all sorts of horrific crimes.

What makes this accusation absurd (as well as hateful) is that it completely ignores the economic and political prosperity that Sikhs have achieved in recent decades. The Punjab is one of the most vibrant parts of India, and Sikhs are well-represented throughout India’s elites. This helps explain why Sikh separatism is a dead letter in India. It is primarily in immigrant communities such as Canada, many of whose leaders are still stuck in a time warp from the time of their arrival, that militant Sikh politics are still in fashion.

The propaganda campaign against Hindus gets relatively scant attention in Western journalistic circles, despite the many articles we pump out about Muslim anti-Semitism and (more recently) anti-Christian violence in Egypt, Iraq and Syria. Presumably this is because we take it for granted that Hindus are well-protected, since they comprise a majority in India, one of the world’s rising powers.

But not all Hindus live in India. In neighboring Muslim-majority Bangladesh, Jamaat-e-Islami militants recently have been attacking Hindu temples, and looting Hindu-owned homes and shops in the southeastern part of the country. The campaign has nothing to do with Hindu predations against Muslims (as in Pakistan, the ethnic cleansing than began in the 1940s drove the vast majority of Hindus out of Bangladesh), but rather is a spillover from opposition to a tribunal that is prosecuting crimes committed by Islamists during the 1971 war. Like Jews and Westerners, Hindus make convenient targets for local demagogues..............
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I have posted this thread to showcase how communal christian agenda is woven in as regular practice and fed to unsuspecting Indians even in a reputed news agency like reuters. My comments are added in Red.

This article will now be picked up by global news agencies including one in India and this propaganda will spread.

Narendra Modi campaign stirs religious divide in UP| Reuters

(Reuters) - Prime ministerial hopeful Narendra Modi used a large rally in the historic city of Agra on Thursday to push his Hindu nationalist agenda ( :cheesy: Nowhere did he talk about Hindutva in Agra - attempt 1) in a key election state where the sizeable Muslim minority eyes his campaign with alarm. (attempt 2 - injecting hate and fear among all community by using opinion as a news article)

1. You called Hindu National Agenda as Hindutva here ;) in red. means you yourself is in clash with your court's definition .

2. Secondly an article is an opinion.

3. Muslims do have fears about his political rise nothing unusual in Reuters' story.

:)))))))))))) ahhh your question itself casts a shadow of doubt over knowledge of Modi about his own country. The Reuters put Modi's statement about 75% and 25% in quotes. So please ask Modi if India have 25% Muslims? or even Modi cares to have some research before making Hindutvas fool?

"Doing injustice to 75 percent of the people is all they have done," he said to cheers from a rowdy crowd where very few Muslims were visible. (Attempt 4 - First they indirectly claim the crowd was Hindu, and then they call it Rowdy :cheesy: Why Rowdy ? did they holler, rape or loot ? ...no they are rowdy because they cheered for Modi :P)

NVM. Modi cheered dearth of hundreds of Muslims in Gujarat by calling them puppies .

released on bail. whats the big deal Indian parliament is said to have 90% criminals as elected reps

Way of life? for only Hindus NOT Muslims.

Hindu nationalist Agenda aka Hindutva ideology is NOT way of life for Muslims of India.
The Washington Post: Anti-Hindu Bias at U.S. Commission - Aseem Shukla

This week, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) placed India on its "watch list." By this designation, India, the largest multi-ethnic and multi-religious democracy joins a motley cabal comprised of the likes of Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Somalia and Venezuela. Countries like Bangladesh, that so recently forced the exodus of thousands of Hindus under an Islamist government, enjoy higher status with the Commission than India. How is this possible?

The watch list defines those countries that the USCIRF believes are in danger of being listed among the worst offenders of religious freedom. The government of India reacted predictably to this rather dubious distinction, "regretted" the action, said India guaranteed freedom of religion and aberrations are dealt "within our legal framework, under the watchful eye of an independent judiciary and a vigilant media."

A closer look at the India designation, however, shows the Commission's innate bias, lack of insight, absence of understanding, and loss of credibility. Worse, putting India on the watch list will be perceived as a self-defeating and egregious act that needlessly complicates relations between two diverse, pluralistic and secular democracies.

Created by Congress in 1998, the Commission can only advise the State Department, which has its own list of countries of concern and amiably ignores the Commission's recommendations. But the Commission's pronouncements still carry the symbolism of an official government entity judging the fitness of another's country's human rights record.

There is power in symbolism, and the attention credible human rights groups bring to a cause gives succor to the oppressed and isolate the oppressor . But therein lies the rub-- credibility--and the USCIRF, in its composition, methodology and ideology, is running low on gas.

Let's begin with the India chapter in the USCIRF report itself. In its 11 pages, the document details three specific episodes to justify slamming India: Riots between Hindus and Muslims in the state of Gujarat that broke out after a Muslim mob torched a train full of Hindu pilgrims killing 58 in 2002; riots between Hindus and Christians that left 40 dead in the state of Orissa in 2008 after a Hindu priest, long opposed by fanatic missionaries, was murdered; a brief incident where miscreants attacked "prayer halls" built by the New Life Church -- a revivalist Protestant group -- that had distributed a pamphlet denigrating Hindu Gods and Goddesses and allegedly engaged in mass conversions of Hindus.

These three episodes in a country of a billion condemn an entire nation?

Incredibly, the Commission's India chapter paints a portrait of minority religions on the run in India, pursued by a rabid Hindu majority! This in a country whose last President was Muslim, whose leader of the largest political party is Christian and whose Prime Minister is Sikh. In contrast, behold the shrill outcry when our own President Obama was alleged to be Muslim!

A terrible riot that left hundreds of Muslims and Hindus dead and occurred closer to a decade ago mandates an entire section, but the ongoing attacks by jihadis in India's Kashmir targeting Hindus; several recent bombings in Hindu temples carried out by Islamists, and Hindu temple desecrations in Christian Goa; and an analysis into the incendiary results of attempts to convert Hindus by coercive means fail any mention at all.

Indian Americans know the story of the subcontinent, and without an exploration of these original sins that sparked riots, is to tell half a story--a problem now wholly the Commission's.

India's history--beginning with the bloody partition of the country by religion into East Pakistan (1947)/Bangladesh (1971) and Pakistan in 1947 --created a tinderbox of tension. But a land that gave birth to Hinduism and Buddhism--a Mahatma Gandhi and a syncretic Muslim emperor like an Akbar centuries before were both defined by these traditions--offered a unique experiment that sought to replicate what our own Founding Fathers did here: create a secular, inclusive democracy.

That experiment is put to a singularly arduous trial by the machinations of Pakistan that sees its identity as an Islamic nation threatened by India's pluralism -- its adventures in Mumbai in 2008 and Kashmir massacres are examples. And a small minority of Indian Muslims choose the ideology of the Taliban rather than embrace that of the great Pashtun, Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the patriot whose non-violent struggle against the concept of carving a piece of India into Pakistan is legendary--reactionary Hindu groups form and trouble brews. It is in this context that terrible riots too often validate devious provocateurs--and a point that sadly eludes the USCIRF.

Then there is the explosive issue of coerced conversions in India. Today, the largest aid donor to India is not the government of any country. Nearly half a billion dollars are sent to India under the auspices of Christian missionary organizations. Some of these groups are involved in truly uplifting work amongst the poorest, but the underlying subtext for some churches is a bargain: convert and we will help. The New York Times famously reported on evangelical tsunami aid organizations disproportionately lavishing help on those communities that agreed to convert. Legions of converts testify to the pressure they received in the form of a job, medical aid, education -- if they just agreed to change their faith. Families are turned against families and communities -- a potent brew that also raises tensions that can escalate. And when these evangelical groups proclaim their work and their scores of new converts couched in colorful videos at suburban megachurches, the dollars flow and enrich itinerant missionary mercenaries -- a fact blithely ignored by the Commission.

Examine the makeup of the USCIRF: Six members are Christian, one is Jewish and one Muslim. Not a single non-Abrahamic faith is represented. The chair is Vice President of the far-right Federalist Society, and another commissioner is an executive at the evangelical Southern Baptist Convention, which publishes material which calls Hinduism grand festival of Diwali "devil worship."

Finally, Hindu Americans are wondering today if there is quid pro quo at work. The USCIRF was denied a visa this month to travel to India for a "fact-finding" trip. But the Commission was clear that it would not visit Kashmir (because of threats by Muslim terrorists) nor the Northeast of India where militant Christian terrorists are displacing Hindus and fighting for separatism. It would not look into Hindu temple desecrations in Goa and other attacks. It only wanted to visit Gujarat and Orissa. The Government of India said, "thanks, but no thanks." The USCIRF was outraged at the denial, and we can only ponder whether this was payback.
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@Spring Onion I am aware of your reputation as a Anti-Hindu and Anti-India troll.

I do not wish to dignify your post with my reply. Do not reply to my posts and do not expect replies from me either. I hope this is clear enough.
@Spring Onion I am aware of your reputation as a Anti-Hindu and Anti-India troll.

I do not wish to dignify your post with my reply. Do not reply to my posts and do not expect replies from me either. I hope this is clear enough.

:P bwahahahahahahahah if it was like that you should not post at all. You can keep talking to yourself.

Your first post failed miserably now your propaganda that Christians are spreading hate in India needs some solid back up points. if you have then post otherwise STFU
I told many Bjp fellows long time ago, but most of them were unconcerned they thought they could do things old school, now you see since the impact of Social Media, the support for the right wing in internet and how its growing.

There is no legal action that can be taken against propaganda. It is difficult to prove their malicious intent. Take the movie Slumdog Millionaire for instance.

The movie is a classic eg. of anti Hindu propaganda where the parents of the hero 'jamal' and brother 'salim' killed by Hindus during Hindu Muslim riots in Mumbai. It then shows the struggle of a Muslim boy who gets beaten up all his life by "Hindu India".

This movie was adaptation of the Boeke prize wining book "Q & A" by Vikas Swarup. However in the original book the character of Jamal is instead named 'Ram Mohammad Thomas.' He has been given a Hindu name, Muslim name, and Christian name by the village elders in order to maintain the balance among all the religious communities after his mother abandons him at birth. Unlike Jamal, Ram does not have a biological brother, and instead Salim is his best friend in the novel. He grows up in an orphanage, and his only 'brothers' are his fellow orphans. He never meets his mother. Ram is adopted by a Christian priest as a youth, which is how he learns English, and then is nearly molested by a visiting priest. The priest scenes are not included in the film script, and the movie does not explain how Jamal learns fluent English. Latika is not his childhood friend in the book but rather a prostitute named Nita with whom Ram falls in love when he visits a brothel at age 17".
Reuters has better things to do than concentrate on "communal Christian news."

There is no legal action that can be taken against propaganda. It is difficult to prove their malicious intent. Take the movie Slumdog Millionaire for instance.

The movie is a classic eg. of anti Hindu propaganda where the parents of the hero 'jamal' and brother 'salim' killed by Hindus during Hindu Muslim riots in Mumbai. It then shows the struggle of a Muslim boy who gets beaten up all his life by "Hindu India".

This movie was adaptation of the Boeke prize wining book "Q & A" by Vikas Swarup. However in the original book the character of Jamal is instead named 'Ram Mohammad Thomas.' He has been given a Hindu name, Muslim name, and Christian name by the village elders in order to maintain the balance among all the religious communities after his mother abandons him at birth. Unlike Jamal, Ram does not have a biological brother, and instead Salim is his best friend in the novel. He grows up in an orphanage, and his only 'brothers' are his fellow orphans. He never meets his mother. Ram is adopted by a Christian priest as a youth, which is how he learns English, and then is nearly molested by a visiting priest. The priest scenes are not included in the film script, and the movie does not explain how Jamal learns fluent English. Latika is not his childhood friend in the book but rather a prostitute named Nita with whom Ram falls in love when he visits a brothel at age 17".

Where's the propaganda?

Hindu-Muslim riots don't happen in India?

Minorities don't get oppressed in Hindu India?

Wasn't the script formulated with the full consent(and paid for content) of the author?

So what are you on about?
Reuters has better things to do than concentrate on "communal Christian news."

Yes they should have better things to do than do propaganda.

Where's the propaganda? Hindu-Muslim riots don't happen in India? Minorities don't get oppressed in Hindu India? Wasn't the script formulated with the full consent(and paid for content) of the author? So what are you on about?

The propaganda is when the story is diluted to dismiss the secular nature of an India where the elders name the kid as "Ram Mohammad Thomas" showing equal respect for all religions.

The propaganda is when the kid is then given a muslim name and the movie shows he was killed in a Hindu muslim riot, thus indirectly blaming the hindus for making him orphan. Its subtle, but that is how propaganda works.

The propaganda is when the edit out the part where the christian priests is attempting to molest the kid.

Riots do happen in India and there are movies that are about those riots. e.g. Bombay. But when the riots are used as a background to set up a 'victim' and 'villans' then it becomes propaganda.

Even majority gets oppressed in Hindu India. Everybody gets oppressed in India. There is no religious color to oppression in India. People who try to give religious color to oppression is doing propaganda.

How is the author getting money for his script got anything to do with anything ? This thread is not about copyright distribution. Classic Red Herring. Keep the logical fallacy out.
Yes they should have better things to do than do propaganda.

Sure. Shame on them being the prominent news media group in India to be indulging in....oh wait, they don't figure anywhere near the influential ones in the nation to be spreading "communal Christian agendas."

The propaganda is when the story is diluted to dismiss the secular nature of an India where the elders name the kid as "Ram Mohammad Thomas" showing equal respect for all religions.

The propaganda is when the kid is then given a muslim name and the movie shows he was killed in a Hindu muslim riot, thus indirectly blaming the hindus for making him orphan. Its subtle, but that is how propaganda works.

The secular nature of India rests on a name from a fictitious account from a fictitious book? If you say so.

I missed the part where the riots were singularly blamed on Hindus. I'm sure you'd be helpful enough to point it out.

The propaganda is when the edit out the part where the christian priests is attempting to molest the kid.

The Catholic priests scandal isn't a hidden one. I don't necessarily understand the point trying to "edit" it from a feature film. Wasn't there a recent Indian movie highlighting the same?

Riots do happen in India and there are movies that are about those riots. e.g. Bombay. But when the riots are used as a background to set up a 'victim' and 'villans' then it becomes propaganda.

Propaganda for what? Last time I checked, most riots in India result in more Muslims deaths than Hindus.

Even majority gets oppressed in Hindu India. Everybody gets oppressed in India. There is no religious color to oppression in India. People who try to give religious color to oppression is doing propaganda.

Hahah. The majority is actively oppressed in India? Seriously? You are talking to another Indian here.

How is the author getting money for his script got anything to do with anything ? This thread is not about copyright distribution. Classic Red Herring. Keep the logical fallacy out.

No logical fallacies, you previously built your case on what the original rendition and references of the book were. All that comes to a headfirst splat when you consider the author himself was consulted in the process. Which brings me to my previous(and unanswered) question: what are you on about?
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Christian Europe and America - that is what Sakha class taught Sanghi boys.
Sanghparivar is equivalent of JuD or Taliban. stop the brainwashing ban RSS and Sanghi organizations which are part and parcel of BJP led new age Hindu terror.
Sure. Shame on them being the prominent news media group in India to be indulging in....oh wait, they don't figure anywhere near the influential ones in the nation to be spreading "communal Christian agendas."

So you agree that Reuters was indulging in Anti-Hindu articles and baiting ?

Why don't you share what is your standard for determining 'influence' in Print media ? Last time I checked Reuters was in the top 50 Most Valuable Brands List.

The secular nature of India rests on a name from a fictitious account from a fictitious book? If you say so.

Strawman argument. LOL.

I missed the part where the riots were singularly blamed on Hindus. I'm sure you'd be helpful enough to point it out.

Strawman argument again. Pathetic.

The Catholic priests scandal isn't a hidden one. I don't necessarily understand the point trying to "edit" it from a feature film. Wasn't there a recent Indian movie highlighting the same?

It moves the narrative away from christian involvement to a purely Hindu vs Muslim narrative. It is more polarizing and malicious.

Propaganda for what? Last time I checked, most riots in India result in more Muslims deaths than Hindus.

Anti Hindu propaganda. This has been mentioned 20 times in this thread. Either you are retarded or you have a different agenda. You tell us.

Considering Hindus constitute 85% of India and muslim 12% one would expect more Muslim casualty especially since there are govt. reports that say 90% of ALL riots were started by muslim.

Hahah. The majority is actively oppressed in India? Seriously? You are talking to another Indian here.

Yes. Seriously.

No logical fallacies, you previously built your case on what the original rendition and references of the book were. All that comes to a headfirst splat when you consider the author himself was consulted in the process.

How does it matter if the author was consulted ? :lol: ...the changes made the narrative by boyd still continues to be Anti-Hindu. This is classic Red Herring. You do not even understand what a logical fallacy is.

Which brings me to my previous(and unanswered) question: what are you on about?

I repeat : Anti Hindu propaganda. This has been mentioned 20 times in this thread. Either you are retarded or you have a different agenda. You tell us.

Christian Europe and America - that is what Sakha class taught Sanghi boys.
Sanghparivar is equivalent of JuD or Taliban. stop the brainwashing ban RSS and Sanghi organizations which are part and parcel of BJP led new age Hindu terror.

LOL. I was wondering who would be the first to raise the bogey of RSS chadiwala :lol:
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@takeiteasy Let me show you what terror is and how India deals with them...

Seven Christian Extremists convicted for Swami Laxmanananda murder


BHUBANESWAR: A court in Odisha Monday held seven people guilty of the murder of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati and four of his aides in Kandhamal district of Odisha in 2008, a lawyer said Monday. Special additional district session Judge R.K. Tose pronounced the verdict in his court at Phulbani, the headquarters of Kandhamal district, about 200 km from state capital Bhubaneswar, prosecution lawyer Bhagaban Mohanty told IANS.

The quantum of sentence would be pronounced Oct 3, he said. Those convicted were Duryodhan Suna Majhi, Munda Bada Majhi, Sanatan Bada Majhi, Garnatha Chalanseth, Bijay Kumar Samseth, Bhaskar Suna Majhi and Budhadev Nayak.

The convicts were part of a mob of about 50 people who had attacked the swami and his aides, the lawyer said. All of the convicts are Christians and they had committed the crime because according to them the swami was forcing Christians to convert to Hinduism, the lawyer said. Two of the men were convicted under the Indian Arms Act, 1959, for possession of illegal guns, the lawyer said. “The judge convicted them purely on the basis of circumstantial evidence and the deposition of witnesses,” said lawyer Mohanty.

Swami Laxmanananda and four of his disciples, including a woman, were gunned down on the night of ‘Janmastami’ celebration on August 23, 2008. The killing triggered communal violence in the state, in which at least 38 people were killed. More than 25,000 Christians were forced to flee their homes after their houses were attacked by rampaging mobs, who held Christians responsible for the murders. Police, however, blamed the murders on the Maoists.

7 convicted for Swami Laxmanananda’s murder, sentencing on October 3 | Niti Central

Eight get life sentence in Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati murder case | NDTV.com

Swami Laxmanananda murder case: life term for 8 - Hindustan Times
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