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Combating China’s COVID-19 Propaganda Offensive to Undermine US On Global Stage – Analysis

What a load of horse manure...america needs to stop acting all butthurt, wake up & smell the coffee. The Chinese people are loyal & disciplined, they acted rapidly & with efficiency while fully cooperating with their government thus bringing the epidemic under control while the deeply divided & polarized american people panicked as the american government dragged its feet. I know, I LIVE HERE! my wife works in a big hospital and they have to reuse old masks that are normally discarded after the first use in spite of all the money & manufacturing capabilities for goodness sakes! that should indicate there inefficiency & lethargy of the american society in general! americans need to blame themselves & do some inner reflection for a change instead of making piddly little whining excuses like "those gish darn Chinese"!
True. I guess that puts the German Health Ministry on the Commie Propaganda Machine List (can I trademark this?). Oh dear. :laugh:
What's more funny is that these clown Americans think that the world needs their leadership right now, They think we are all sitting duck over here waiting for the Americans to take the lead and save the world from COVID-19! But in reality, What the rest of us need from them is to suck a d!ick and fvck off.
Taiwanese talkshow's analysis on the US origin of Covid 19

The article was a good read. The write-up is discussing State Behaviour and not the behaviour of multiple human beings. Relations amoung states are free from racism. They are only shaped by the pursuit of Power. The feelings of prejudice, jealousy, racism and cultural superiority are only human social construct and are hence applicable to only humans and not states. I hope some student of International Relation can agree with this fact.

The article is true to judge that Chinese are very proactive with propaganda because they want to outclass USA in global governance and the global economy in the coming future. Any other state would have done the same. The article is not an opinion piece, but is stating true facts.
The article

No. Your opinion is complete nonsense. There are no facts in this article. It's a propaganda hit piece against China. It's laughable that you think racism plays no role in state to state relations. Racism THE defining trait of modern (if not ancient) western European (and especially of anglosaxon) states. Take for instance, the two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan, the genocidal aerial bombings of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. More bombs were dropped INDIVIDUALLY on each of those three countries than were dropped on the entire Axis powers during ww2 despite only being at war with Vietnam (a nation that was illegally invaded and suffered genocidal war at the hands of European Americans). If that is not the expression of extreme racial hatred then nothing is.

Once again, the daily beast link exposes the author's true agenda.

The article was a good read. The write-up is discussing State Behaviour and not the behaviour of multiple human beings. Relations amoung states are free from racism. They are only shaped by the pursuit of Power. The feelings of prejudice, jealousy, racism and cultural superiority are only human social construct and are hence applicable to only humans and not states. I hope some student of International Relation can agree with this fact.

The article is true to judge that Chinese are very proactive with propaganda because they want to outclass USA in global governance and the global economy in the coming future. Any other state would have done the same. The article is not an opinion piece, but is stating true facts.

It is indeed an excellent article!
What propaganda exactly?

Countries around the world ask China for help and China goes and helps them.

Countries ask the US for help and they get a response, "America first".

China creates the virus through garbage health practices, and then tries to make themselves the heros by helping countries that they infected with their disgusting culinary habits.
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