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Coast Guard To Induct 38 More Aircraft By 2020

LCH/LUH suffer from delays and as long as they're expected,
To be fair sir, the LCH and LUH are running to schedule (perhaps a few months behind but still doing okay).

Once D is reached, cut types by choosing inter-services machines ( IN-IA-IAF all the same base )
and one type per use/weight class. NH 90, EC 725, M/S/H-60 or Kamov, it really matters not.
One heavy with navalised version, one middle weight navalised, one for altitude, LUH-LCH as basics.

You then have two HUGE contracts to award and can ask for production lines on such numbers.
Last but not least and I don't know how to say this gently, stick to your flocking decisions ...
something that an observer could be authorized to doubt is at all possible to Indian govt / agencies!

As you have said this is just common sense but it is something that has NEVER happened in India (the RSH being the ONE exception and even then that was nothing spectacular). It is clear there are common requirements and thus a common platform should be adopted across mulitple branches but this has never translated into joint procurement processes. As it stands each service looks at its own requirements and follows its own procurement path to get there, often you will have 2-3 different products serving in the same class just because of this de-centralised and frankly regressive decsion making. The Indian military is still far too "me, me, me", there is little synergy on an operational level, forget about a strategic or procurement level. This is why the post of a CDS has been mooted but even here the inter-service rivalry is dragging out the process.

As far as I see it there are a few areas where procurements of the future could be pooled so as to deliver a common platoform for mulitple services:

-Fighters- Rafale can serve the IAF and IN, IAF has already selected it
-Helos- in the 10+ ton catergory the IN/IA/IAF/ICG ALL have their own requirements but a common platform like the EC-725 can easily suit all of them- as AIrbus Military has proposed now that the ICG has narrowed down on this bird.
-Transports- C-295W can serve mulitple services; IN/ICG/CAPFs/DRDO etc IAF has already selected this platform

Funnily enough France seems to be the sole benificary of all proposed areas.

Its stupidly simple logic and one can only hope sense prevails in the MoD, instead of having 4 different RFI/RFP and 4 different procurement processes for the same class of product with the risk of ending up with 4 different products! This could easily happen with the 10+ ton helo requirements of the IA/IAF/ICG/IN- ICG may go with EC-725, IAF may go with V-22, IN may go with S-29/CH-148 and IA may go with something entirely different altogether.

@PARIKRAMA @Skull and Bones @anant_s @Levina @ni8mare @Water Car Engineer @Guynextdoor2

I scratched my head to find the answer and finally found it

Pollution control pods:
Two pods, each capable of carrying upto 1891 litres of chemicals, can be mounted under the wings. The system, which is monitored and controlled by the main console, is currently in use by Indian Coast Guard for spraying of oil binding agents to remove oil pollutants from coastal waters and prevent contamination.
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - Exports - Dornier 228
I was thinking gun pods lol
(Image wasnt clear :p: )
images (5).jpg
Emergency rescue/supply packages? Although I know these can/are dispensed via the rear door also:

That orange/red can is a sonobuoy. Below is a Low Frequency Dunk Sonobuoy.. Its called Mihir.. but heard its used in helos..perhaps being tested via Do228s..

The above picture of the Do228 can also be for Tadpole Sonobuoy and its airborne signal processor Simhika.. The only issue i heard is tadpole is used with parachutes for soft landing..
That orange/red can is a sonobuoy. Below is a Low Frequency Dunk Sonobuoy.. Its called Mihir.. but heard its used in helos..perhaps being tested via Do228s..

The above picture of the Do228 can also be for Tadpole Sonobuoy and its airborne signal processor Simhika.. The only issue i heard is tadpole is used with parachutes for soft landing..
Bro, 100% the above being dropped by the ICG Do-228 is a air-droppable life raft and survival kit


This is the ICG, they aren't going to be fielding sonobuoys ;)



Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Bravos news once again. Our ICG must be provided enough air power to carry out emergency SAR missions emergency combat zones. Am sure our few new CG vessels are about to get amred with missiles in the future. But air power quick response is not possible. So very good news indeed. Fist line of defence during peace time must be fail proof. So rats can't infiltrate!!!

It's not nearly enough. All Chetaks need to be replaced and as the nodal SAR agency in India the ICG needs to induct some medium/heavy weight maritime helos along the lines of the CH-148/EH-101/EC-725 to cover the entire Indian coast line. And in the long term they should have US-2s for long range SAR missions, the IN, by current plans, has no role in SAR beyond 2025.

For some reason (that I just can't fathom) for all forces (IA,IAF, ICG,IN etc) the procurement of helicopters is woefully neglected on a horrific scale. Other than the ALH and V5s, no new helos have been inducted into the Indian armed forces for DECADES- it is mind boggling.

@PARIKRAMA @Ankit Kumar @anant_s @Levina @Guynextdoor2 @Water Car Engineer @Taygibay @Ind4Ever

Can't agree more !!! And that's why we call it 10 years of decay.....

But how did you forget about Ka226 under process. It will replace our large fleet of outdated LUH . Our HAL'S LUH and especially the intent and phase looks promising.

We will be broke in few years if you became our PM or DM or FM :P All your choice of weapon platforms are heavily priced. Sadly we don't have any other options for heavy duty choppers :(

It's not nearly enough. All Chetaks need to be replaced and as the nodal SAR agency in India the ICG needs to induct some medium/heavy weight maritime helos along the lines of the CH-148/EH-101/EC-725 to cover the entire Indian coast line. And in the long term they should have US-2s for long range SAR missions, the IN, by current plans, has no role in SAR beyond 2025.

For some reason (that I just can't fathom) for all forces (IA,IAF, ICG,IN etc) the procurement of helicopters is woefully neglected on a horrific scale. Other than the ALH and V5s, no new helos have been inducted into the Indian armed forces for DECADES- it is mind boggling.

@PARIKRAMA @Ankit Kumar @anant_s @Levina @Guynextdoor2 @Water Car Engineer @Taygibay @Ind4Ever

Can't agree more !!! And that's why we call it 10 years of decay.....

But how did you forget about Ka226 under process. It will replace our large fleet of outdated LUH . Our HAL'S LUH and especially the intent and phase looks promising.

We will be broke in few years if you became our PM or DM or FM :P All your choice of weapon platforms are heavily priced. Sadly we don't have any other options for
Bro, 100% the above being dropped by the ICG Do-228 is a air-droppable life raft and survival kit


This is the ICG, they aren't going to be fielding sonobuoys ;)



Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence


Is there any armed versions with Anti ship missiles? If so its possible to arm it with brahmos?

That's could be something !!!
. Am sure our few new CG vessels are about to get amred with missiles in the future. But air power quick response is not possible. So very good news indeed. Fist line of defence during peace time must be fail.

Coast Guard is equivalent to the Police force. And you know , police force doesn't get artillery and tanks.

However I agree they should get some form of CIWS, maybe Ak630s from old navy vessels. Because the black market , you know... the terrorists have their hands on all kind of things.

Yes but maybe the Navy's OPVs will get some form of offensive weaponry in future.
It's not nearly enough. All Chetaks need to be replaced and as the nodal SAR agency in India the ICG needs to induct some medium/heavy weight maritime helos along the lines of the CH-148/EH-101/EC-725 to cover the entire Indian coast line. And in the long term they should have US-2s for long range SAR missions, the IN, by current plans, has no role in SAR beyond 2025.

For some reason (that I just can't fathom) for all forces (IA,IAF, ICG,IN etc) the procurement of helicopters is woefully neglected on a horrific scale. Other than the ALH and V5s, no new helos have been inducted into the Indian armed forces for DECADES- it is mind boggling.

@PARIKRAMA @Ankit Kumar @anant_s @Levina @Guynextdoor2 @Water Car Engineer @Taygibay @Ind4Ever

Can't agree more !!! And that's why we call it 10 years of decay.....

But how did you forget about Ka226 under process. It will replace our large fleet of outdated LUH . Our HAL'S LUH and especially the intent and phase looks promising.

We will be broke in few years if you became our PM or DM or FM :P All your choice of weapon platforms are heavily priced. Sadly we don't have any other options for
Bro, 100% the above being dropped by the ICG Do-228 is a air-droppable life raft and survival kit


This is the ICG, they aren't going to be fielding sonobuoys ;)



Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence


Is there any armed versions with Anti ship missiles? If so its possible to arm it with brahmos?

That's could be something !!!
Can't agree more !!! And that's why we call it 10 years of decay.....

But how did you forget about Ka226 under process. It will replace our large fleet of outdated LUH . Our HAL'S LUH and especially the intent and phase looks promising.

We will be broke in few years if you became our PM or DM or FM :P All your choice of weapon platforms are heavily priced. Sadly we don't have any other options for

Is there any armed versions with Anti ship missiles? If so its possible to arm it with brahmos?

That's could be something !!!
Armed version exists with gun pods not AShM
Dorniers could be armed with the light weight anti ship missiles like sea skua or in near future by sea venom(under development by france/uk)
brahmos-no,the hardpoints cant take that much load
The outer hardpoints can take around 270kgs while the inner hard pounts can take around 230 kgs....the weight of brahmos is around 2500kg

Sea skua missile
images (6).jpg


IN seaking firing a sea skua missile

Sea venom
It's not nearly enough. All Chetaks need to be replaced and as the nodal SAR agency in India the ICG needs to induct some medium/heavy weight maritime helos along the lines of the CH-148/EH-101/EC-725 to cover the entire Indian coast line. And in the long term they should have US-2s for long range SAR missions, the IN, by current plans, has no role in SAR beyond 2025.

For some reason (that I just can't fathom) for all forces (IA,IAF, ICG,IN etc) the procurement of helicopters is woefully neglected on a horrific scale. Other than the ALH and V5s, no new helos have been inducted into the Indian armed forces for DECADES- it is mind boggling.

@PARIKRAMA @Ankit Kumar @anant_s @Levina @Guynextdoor2 @Water Car Engineer @Taygibay @Ind4Ever

Can't agree more !!! And that's why we call it 10 years of decay.....

But how did you forget about Ka226 under process. It will replace our large fleet of outdated LUH . Our HAL'S LUH and especially the intent and phase looks promising.

We will be broke in few years if you became our PM or DM or FM :P All your choice of weapon platforms are heavily priced. Sadly we don't have any other options for
Bro, 100% the above being dropped by the ICG Do-228 is a air-droppable life raft and survival kit


This is the ICG, they aren't going to be fielding sonobuoys ;)



Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence




Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropping the Life Raft during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence

Coast Guard Dornier Aircraft dropped the Life Raft in the sea during a exercise at eastern region of CG some where near to Chennai on February 9, 2010. P D Photo Courtesy Ministry of Defence


Is there any armed versions with Anti ship missiles? If so its possible to arm it with brahmos?

That's could be something !!!
@Abingdonboy You are correct bro

Check out this baby.. i think this can change the outlook of Naval Do228s by a huge margin.. its size can enable it fit into the pylons surely..

Italian company WASS (member of Finmeccanica) was showcasing two of its latest toperdo systems during IDEF 2015 (the International Defence Industry Fair currently held in Istanbul, Turkey). The Black Scorpion mini torpedo designed to support the contact classification process and the Black Arrow new generation lightweight torpedo.


A Black Scorpion mini torpedo model on WASS stand during IDEF 2015

Talking to Navy Recognition during IDEF 2015, a WASS representative explained that the Black Scorpion was designed to be launched from sonobuoy tubes found on board ASW helicopters and Maritime Patrol Aircraft. The mini torpedo is intended to be used when the submarine contact is not accurate. The Black Scorpion "pings" in the water which either locates the target or forces the target to move. Black Scorpion retains the abillity to hit the target and induce damage with its small warhead.

In a complex international scenario in which the ASW is rapidly moving from deep blue waters to littoral and coastal areas warm shallow waters, the operational ambient conditions for sensors and weapons is turning out to be very crytical for them to perform efficiently: warm shallow waters multiply "false targets" and create "false alarms" as the noise propagates through the water, interacting with seabed, sea surface or submerged objects. Hence the FAR (False Alarm Rate) increases tremendously.

In addition, the increasing number of conventional mini submarines (midgets) in the modern warfare scenario has widened the range of threarts which navies must be able to detect. All this has called for modern reliable weapons designed to raise the level of confidence of the sonar contact with a low cost flexible and efficient process.

WASS has accomplished synergy with the technology developed in the field of MTE countermeasures system, has upgraded some weapon sections in electronic, sensors and energy fields and has created a very small (5") torpedo: the Black Scorpion.

Main features:
» Capacity of operating in shallow waters at sea depths ranging from 30 to 200 meters
» Highly resistant structure
» Enough payload capacity to counteract conventional submarines/midgets and abort their missions
» Capacity of setting sea surface searches cut out for collision against the quick-works of small watercrafts
» Max speed higher than 15 knots
» Exercise version available

At IDEF 2015 WASS Showcased the Black Scorpion and Black Arrow torpedoes

Some more pictures of this pocket baby



its bigger version is this

Its bigger version is black arrow
Coast Guard is equivalent to the Police force. And you know , police force doesn't get artillery and tanks.

However I agree they should get some form of CIWS, maybe Ak630s from old navy vessels. Because the black market , you know... the terrorists have their hands on all kind of things.

Yes but maybe the Navy's OPVs will get some form of offensive weaponry in future.

Its not just some state police force for regional issues but central government agency purely for sake of National Security . And its not my idea either . Its already under consideration by highest level office of defence establishment.

Our coast could operate in combat situation when the need comes.

Check this out !!!

Patrol vessels (OPVs) armed with missiles.

"We have submitted a proposal to the Indian Navy that all the future OPVs should be developed with the missile on board. That will give more combat muscle to the vessel. If fitted with missile the pricing of the vessel goes up only by ten per cent," GSL's Chairman and Managing Director Rear Admiral (retd) Shekhar Mital told PTI

@Abingdonboy You are correct bro

Check out this baby.. i think this can change the outlook of Naval Do228s by a huge margin.. its size can enable it fit into the pylons surely..

Italian company WASS (member of Finmeccanica) was showcasing two of its latest toperdo systems during IDEF 2015 (the International Defence Industry Fair currently held in Istanbul, Turkey). The Black Scorpion mini torpedo designed to support the contact classification process and the Black Arrow new generation lightweight torpedo.


A Black Scorpion mini torpedo model on WASS stand during IDEF 2015

Talking to Navy Recognition during IDEF 2015, a WASS representative explained that the Black Scorpion was designed to be launched from sonobuoy tubes found on board ASW helicopters and Maritime Patrol Aircraft. The mini torpedo is intended to be used when the submarine contact is not accurate. The Black Scorpion "pings" in the water which either locates the target or forces the target to move. Black Scorpion retains the abillity to hit the target and induce damage with its small warhead.

In a complex international scenario in which the ASW is rapidly moving from deep blue waters to littoral and coastal areas warm shallow waters, the operational ambient conditions for sensors and weapons is turning out to be very crytical for them to perform efficiently: warm shallow waters multiply "false targets" and create "false alarms" as the noise propagates through the water, interacting with seabed, sea surface or submerged objects. Hence the FAR (False Alarm Rate) increases tremendously.

In addition, the increasing number of conventional mini submarines (midgets) in the modern warfare scenario has widened the range of threarts which navies must be able to detect. All this has called for modern reliable weapons designed to raise the level of confidence of the sonar contact with a low cost flexible and efficient process.

WASS has accomplished synergy with the technology developed in the field of MTE countermeasures system, has upgraded some weapon sections in electronic, sensors and energy fields and has created a very small (5") torpedo: the Black Scorpion.

Main features:
» Capacity of operating in shallow waters at sea depths ranging from 30 to 200 meters
» Highly resistant structure
» Enough payload capacity to counteract conventional submarines/midgets and abort their missions
» Capacity of setting sea surface searches cut out for collision against the quick-works of small watercrafts
» Max speed higher than 15 knots
» Exercise version available

At IDEF 2015 WASS Showcased the Black Scorpion and Black Arrow torpedoes

Some more pictures of this pocket baby



its bigger version is this

Its bigger version is black arrow
Armed Naval do228 would make massive defense impact in wartimes securing our waters while Navy focus on offensive . If couple of lightweight advanced ASW missiles can be mounted our doni fleet could act as force multipliers for our Navy.

@Ankit Kumar :)
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