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CNN Reports on 'Apocalypse' in India


Confused you with the other guy who keeps posting hatred filled stuff. Deleted my reply.

Your questions are valid.

Such specimens are available on both the sides. Justifying bigotry based on one side is not justified.

Apology accepted and thank you for having a big heart. Goes a long way to actually make me respect you.
She might have got vaccinated

Vaccines don't guarantee protection against Indian mutations.

Confused you with the other guy who keeps posting hatred filled stuff. Deleted my reply.

Your questions are valid.

Such specimens are available on both the sides. Justifying bigotry based on one side is not justified.

You are confused and hateful. Before pointing fingers think straight.

Have you held Modi responsible for COVID spread in Hindustan?
India is a disgrace at all levels and this scum Modi needs to be hanged. India has squandered BILLIONS on weapons but can not even provide basic latrines to its hapless Hindu freak population. India needs a complete rethink and beg China for help. The racist west will not help India as it is only disposable cannon fodder for Zionists.
Lol, they used to say "Pakistan will die the death of Corona" when we had 4000 cases, now they have 1 million+ cases in 1 day...
Considering limited resources and not much foreign help, Pakistan has done well and hope it does so in the future. India's plight is made worse by its corruption and filth. The western racist masters are also culpable as they are goading a impoverished failed Hindu extremist sh1thole into a fantasy conflict with China, the world's only real superpower. The US criminals only push racism, wars and weapons and the inferiority complex ridden Hindus are happy to lick white man's shoes, Covid or not.
Another factor of COVID spreading is the shoddy plumbing in many of the tower block apartments of India, similar to Hong Kong with the 2003 SARS outbreak.

Pakistani apartment owners should see if their buildings have similar defects and look to fix them before a potential future outbreak uses the plumbing as a vector.
Ultimately you reap what you sow. Even today after all this death the idiots are out in numbers to vote.

Or govt is just as stupid for holding by-elections but thankfully in Karachi at least 90% of the electorate didn't turn out.
This is heart wrenching to watch being a covid survivor myself. May God have mercy on humanity.
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