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CNN Poll: Trump bears most blame for shutdown

Oct 15, 2017
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WASHINGTON (CNN)Amid the longest government shutdown in US history, a majority say Donald Trump bears more responsibility for it than the Democrats in Congress, and the President's disapproval rating has climbed five points since last month, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

Negotiations between the President and congressional leaders have stalled as neither side seems willing to budge on funding for a wall along the border with Mexico. That proposal remains deeply unpopular with the public, according to the poll. Overall, 56% oppose a wall, 39% favor it. That's almost exactly the same as in December. And less than half view the situation at the border as a crisis (45% say it's a crisis, 52% that it is not).

Among those who do see the situation as a crisis, most feel that a border wall would help improve things. The subset who feels that way, however, amounts to only 31% of US adults.
All of these results are sharply divided along party lines. Nearly 9 in 10 Democrats oppose a wall along the border while 8 in 10 Republicans favor one. Seven in 10 Republicans say the situation at the border is a crisis and two-thirds believe a wall would fix it, while about three-quarters of Democrats say there is no crisis, and just 4% feel that there is one that a wall would help improve.

Overall, the President's approval rating in the poll stands at 37% approve to 57% disapprove. Disapproval has risen five points since December, while his approval number has held roughly the same. Trump's current approval rating matches Ronald Reagan's at this point in his presidency. January of 1983 was the only time during Reagan's tenure when his approval rating fell below 40%, according to Gallup. Trump has hit a low point of 35% in CNN's polling two times -- in December 2017 and February 2018 -- and has been at 40% or above just nine times out of the 20 CNN has polled on it.

more at https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/13/politics/cnn-poll-shutdown-trump/index.html
Looks like Trump walked into Democrats trap. Democrats will NEVER EVER fund a wall. Trump can't afford to back down or he lose his base. So the shutdown will drag on for months or years and come election season he's toast.
Rare people know this is for a murder case.

1053. Government shutdown manipulation (12/22/2018)

There was a crisis of government shutdown. It was resolved like this:

Senate approves bill to keep government running into 2019

Senators passed the measure, which would keep government running to Feb. 8, by voice vote without a roll call.


I view it as a Feds oriented plot. Feb.5/2019 is Chinese New Years Day. My family members used to gather together to celebrate it. Feds also used to chose such date to carry on a raid. Why do they relate it to a government shutdown? Because that is a framed case, the Feds will kill many people because they are innocent. Some law enforcement officers and correctional officers may not be there to do the bail work. That's why the Feds used to frame a case on Friday, the jail won't do bail on week end. A shut down gives the Feds more time to commit murder while innocents are in custody.

What surprises me is this morning's news(12/22) says Trump refusing to sign the budget because it doesn't include the fund to build a wall to the US-Mexico border. The abrupt action of Trump indicates how eagerly the Feds is to finish my case.They even can't wait to February - their original plan date. Today is 12/22. My family members have a dinner party for Christmas. I think that is the recent target of the Feds.

One thing I'd like to remind people, the Feds used to activate big event to distract a big case. The distract case will be bigger than North California wild fire(Paradise fire) or Las Vegas mass shooting. And mass murder will take place.
Looks like Trump walked into Democrats trap. Democrats will NEVER EVER fund a wall. Trump can't afford to back down or he lose his base. So the shutdown will drag on for months or years and come election season he's toast.

Most Americans don't care about a stupid wall.
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