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Clinical human trials begin for COVID-19 vaccine in China

China provides vaccine aid to 53 developing countries, exports to 22

By Leng ShumeiPublished: Feb 08, 2021 04:41 PM


Chinese COVID-19 vaccines provided around the world Infographic: GT

China is providing vaccine aid to 53 developing countries and exporting vaccines to 22 countries, including those in Africa which lags behind in inoculation.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday that a shipment of Chinese COVID-19 vaccines will leave for Equatorial Guinea on Tuesday.

The Global Times learned from Chinese vaccine producer Sinovac on Monday that the company had delivered more than 10 million doses to countries in Asia, the Mediterranean, Latin America and Africa.

China has also decided to provide Egypt and the Arab League with batches of COVID-19 vaccines, and is willing to facilitate Egypt's procurement of vaccines produced by Chinese companies, said Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Liao Liqiang on Sunday at an online press conference.

The move reflects the profound friendship between the heads of state of China and Egypt and the sincere feelings of the Chinese people toward the Egyptian people, and will help Egypt overcome the pandemic at an early date, the Chinese envoy said.

The moves came amid reports of South African health officials' announcement on Sunday of pausing the country's rollout of AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine after a study showed it offered reduced protection against the COVID-19 variant first identified there.

"I have been expecting a low efficacy of AstraZeneca's vaccine on the variant in South Africa due to previous results of Pfizer and Moderna on the variant, but have not thought it could be so low, nearly useless," Zhuang Shilihe, a Guangzhou-based vaccine expert, told the Global Times on Monday.

Nineteen of the 748 people in AstraZeneca's clinical trials in South Africa were infected with the new variant, compared to 20 out of 714 people in the group who were given a placebo, according to media reports.

Other world-leading vaccines producers, Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax and Johnson & Johnson, have also said that studies showed their COVID-19 vaccines were less effective in South Africa than in the US.

Considering the low efficacy, Zhuang called for global vaccine makers to adjust their vaccines to the new variant in South Africa immediately before it spreads more widely in the world.

"mRNA vaccines may require 2-3 weeks to adjust coding. Inactivated vaccines may take longer than two months as vaccines makers have to cultivate new virus of the new variants, but as far as I know Chinese vaccine makers are able to adjust in a shorter period," Zhuang said.

The variant in South Africa accounts for about 90 percent of infections in that country and is powering record case numbers in the sub-region. It has been found in Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Comoros, Zambia and in 24 non-African nations.

Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a previous conference that China's inactivated and recombinant protein vaccines are still effective on the variant in South Africa as serum antibody tests showed that efficacy against the variant only decreased by 1.6 times.

The data is not bad compared to the performance of AstraZeneca's vaccine, but as it is only the result of a neutralization test of serum antibody, it still requires clinical trials to determine the accurate efficacy of Chinese vaccines on the new variant, Zhuang said.​
CanSino 66% effective, ‘good’ as single-dose to cover bigger population
By Hu Yuwei and Bai Yunyi
Published: Feb 08, 2021 09:30 PM


CanSino Bio Photo:VCG

Chinese vaccine producer CanSino's single-dose COVID-19 vaccine Ad5-nCoV showed 90.98 percent efficacy rate in preventing severe disease in interim analysis, and is effective to prevent 65.7 percent of symptomatic diseases in clinical trials conducted in multiple countries including Pakistan, Faisal Sultan, Special Assistant to the Pakistani Prime Minister on Health, announced on Monday. It became China's third vaccine to release specific efficacy data in final-stage trials.

The interim analysis in Pakistan showed 100 percent efficacy at preventing severe disease, and 74.8 percent for symptomatic diseases, Sultan said.

No severe adverse cases related to the vaccine had occurred in trials across the world.

It did not report any serious safety concerns in the trials that finally found 101 confirmed COVID-19 cases among 30,000 volunteers in the placebo-controlled trials.

Experts said the efficacy rate is "good" considering it is one of the few single-dose vaccines available in the world so far. "Normally speaking, it is difficult for a dose to achieve high antibody levels without the second dose to enhance the immunology," a Beijing-based immunological professor who asked not to be named told the Global Times on Monday.

"A 70 percent effective single-dose vaccine may be more valuable than a two-dose regimen with 90 percent efficacy," the WHO Ad-hoc Expert Group previously said in the New England Journal of Medicine. Under the same efficacy rate and capacity conditions, the single-shot vaccine doubles the amount of people being immunized.

"The single dose can vaccinate as many people as possible in the short term compared to traditional two-dose inactivated vaccines. Moreover, it relieves the pressure on production capacity and reduces the cost of administration and transportation," Shanghai-based vaccine observer Tao Lina told the Global Times on Monday.

Whether a second shot is needed to boost immunity is still being studied, and the conclusions will be released in the future, a source close to CanSino told the Global Times on Monday. Some of the volunteers in Phase I and II clinical trials of the Ad5-nCoV had already received a second booster dose, the Global Times learned.

According to CanSino's previous announcement, the Ad5-nCoV has successfully met its pre-specified primary safety and efficacy criteria at the interim analysis.

The Phase III clinical trials of Ad5-nCoV saw more than 40,000 volunteers, aged 18 and above, who were administered with the vaccine in 78 clinical trial sites across five countries in three continents, according to a notice CanSino sent to the Global Times on Monday.

The Ad5-nCoV vaccine is a recombinant adenovirus vector vaccine jointly developed by CanSino Biologics and researchers from the Institute of Military Medicine under the Academy of Military Sciences led by Chen Wei.

Unlike inactivated vaccines, CanSino's vaccine is effective with a single dose and can bring dual protection - humoral and cellular immunity - at the same time.

Ad5-nCoV's Phase II and III trials all involved aged participants and saw no serious adverse reactions, demonstrating that it is safe for the elderly, the Global Times learned from a source close to CanSino on Monday.

The vaccine can be stored and transported at temperatures of between 2 and 8 C, and production does not require biosafety level three laboratories, which is the case with inactivated vaccines. Experts said this makes it more accessible for developing countries with limited facilities.

CanSino's global multi-center clinical trials in countries like Russia, Mexico, Pakistan, Argentina and Chile used uniform standards and organizational plans. Each center had a principal investigator and a contract research organization as partners.

The COVID-19 vaccines developed by Russia's Sputnik V, British-Swedish pharmaceutical and the US' AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson use a similar approach as CanSino.

The only other single-dose vaccine, produced by Johnson & Johnson, reported 66 percent overall efficacy against moderate and severe cases 28 days after vaccination. However, it did not release trials results on mild cases.
CGTN @CGTNOfficial
China state-affiliated media

Data from the phase-III trial in Turkey showed the two-dose #Sinovac vaccine to be 91.25% effective, the pharmaceutical company said. In Brazil, the vaccine trial results showed a 50.65% efficacy, but it's 100% effective in preventing severe or death cases https://bit.ly/2YMuXMX

8:21 PM · Feb 5, 2021
China Economy @CE_ChinaEconomy
China state-affiliated media

Turkey has made a deal for 50 mln more doses of Chinese #vaccines, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Feb. 10. #Turkey has received 13 mln doses of the #CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine so far.

11:00 AM · Feb 13, 2021
Which Chinese vaccine is effective against British and south african strain
Which Chinese vaccine is effective against British and south african strain
Global Times @globaltimesnews
China state-affiliated media

Two Chinese #COVID19 vaccines separately developed by Sinopharm Beijing institute and Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical are effective against coronavirus variant discovered in South Africa: report. (File Photo)

2:40 PM · Feb 3, 2021
One more Chinese COVID-19 vaccine enters late-stage human trials
Source: Xinhua| 2020-11-20 17:01:56|Editor: huaxia

A staff member displays a sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Yuwei)

HEFEI, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese vaccine maker Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has commenced phase-3 clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine, planning to recruit 29,000 volunteers across the world.

This is China's first phase-3 efficacy study for a recombinant subunit COVID-19 vaccine candidate, the company said in a statement on Thursday.

Jointly developed by the company and the Institute of Microbiology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the vaccine was issued with a clinical research permit from the National Medical Products Administration on June 19.

Researchers started phase-1 and phase-2 clinical trials on June 23, which were randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. Volunteers, aged between 18 and 59 from Beijing, Chongqing and Hunan, received the vaccine to determine whether it is safe for use on humans.

The results of the early-stage trials support the safety and immunogenicity of this vaccine, suggesting the potential for further clinical tests. The Chinese drug regulator granted the developers permission to conduct global multi-center research on Nov. 4.

The company said the research, which plans to enroll up to 29,000 adults aged 18 and up, was launched on Wednesday in Xiangtan County, central China's Hunan Province. Global trials are expected to begin in Uzbekistan late this month, followed by trials in Indonesia, Pakistan and Ecuador.

A COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing plant of the company was put into use in September. The annual production capacity for the COVID-19 vaccine will top 300 million doses, according to the company.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday that China had five COVID-19 vaccine candidates undergoing phase-3 trials in the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Pakistan and Peru.
People's Daily, China @PDChina
China state-affiliated media

#Pakistan has become world's first country to receive the 3rd #Chinese #COVID19 #vaccine named #ZF2001, according to local health official. Starting next week, Pakistan will roll out phase III of the vaccine.

4:45 AM · Feb 16, 2021
08:26, 18-Feb-2021
Sinovac vaccine works on UK, South African variants, says Brazil institute

The COVID-19 vaccine developed by China's Sinovac Biotech is effective against the UK and South African variants, the vaccine's Brazilian partner said on Wednesday, citing test results in Chinese trials.

"We have tested this vaccine in China against the English and the South African variants, with good results," said Dimas Covas, head of the Butantan biomedical center in Sao Paulo, which leads domestic trials of the Chinese vaccine and is supplying doses to Brazil's Health Ministry.
Covas did not give any more details on exactly how effective the vaccine proved against these strains.

Butantan is also testing the vaccine, known as CoronaVac, against the Brazilian variant of the virus which appeared in the city of Manaus, he said.

"Soon we will have the results and we are very positive it will do the job," Covas said.

Covas was speaking at a news conference in the small city of Serrana, in the interior of Sao Paulo state, where Butantan began a mass vaccination campaign on Wednesday aimed at inoculating the entire adult population against COVID-19 to test whether it lowers the infection rate.

Source(s): Reuters

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