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May 3, 2009
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Clean bowled

“BY golly some of our great anchors are something to behold after the springing of Master Raymond Davis from jail … foaming at the mouth; trembling with white rage …” — yours truly in this same space in March, writing about the reaction of our mindlessly jingoistic and very loud talk-show hosts.

Our revered anchors are once again a sight to behold in the wake of the helicopter-borne commando raid in Abbottabad Cantonment in which the Americans killed Osama bin Laden and took away his body. This time around it seemed that the earth had opened up under their very feet: pale, their sarcasm falling flat, these commanders of the Ghairat Brigades seemed
completely out of their depth.

I will not stick my tongue out at our Rommels and Guderians, and say ‘I told you so’, but I will say, ‘They didn’t listen, did they?’

So wrapped up in their own arrogance; so comfortable in their mansions and made-to-order top-of-the-line Mercedes and 7-series BMWs, and secure in the knowledge that they had at least four plots of land in choice housing colonies carved out of military lands were they that the warning sounded by fellow Pakistanis who have also seen some of the world mattered not a whit to them. No, they knew it all. They were the protectors of the country, we the traitors.

This was bound to happen. What have I been saying for the last seven years? Let me repeat: they cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds; they simply do not have the wherewithal to arm-wrestle the US; the forces of darkness, Al Qaeda and the Taliban, can never be this country’s ‘assets’; and the war on terror must be fought with sincerity because it is our war too.

And by God the fall has been so hard that they don’t know whether to turn right or left; whether to say this or that. Which is why, with every passing day, they are making the situation ever more difficult for the country by their infantile reactions, increasingly putting the country in further danger.

Indeed, with a brass and an effrontery that is only their own, the highest ranks of the Deep State are briefing their handmaidens in the press and leaking like there was no tomorrow.

We were astounded to hear and see the talk shows begin to ask, quite bizarrely, why parliament was silent (!); why parliamentary committees were not becoming active in the matter of the American action in Abbottabad. I ask you.

What should parliament do? Senators and MNAs should get military training and mount guard on the army’s sensitive
locations? What poppycock is this? Indeed, when has the army allowed ‘bloody civilians’ to interfere in matters of security and foreign affairs?

Then, trotting out old allegations to hide its own incompetence suggestions are being planted by the Deep State’s propagandists: various retired officers and the bright young things run by the Mother of All Agencies that what happened in Abbottabad happened because the Pakistan embassy in Washington issued too many unauthorised visas, the alleged number jumping from 3,000 to 7,000! I ask you!

One should have thought the visa question was long settled. Numerous arguments were advanced, some in this space, of how the Mother of All Agencies which now finds its face caked with layers of egg, always knew just who had been issued visas and when.

It is also said by the Ghairat Brigades that Pakistan’s sovereignty was violated because of these visas. Might one ask who issued visas to the thousands of Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Chechens, Uighurs and Arabs who are fighting our own troops in Fata? Might one ask who issued visas (and ‘permission to remain’ in Pakistan!) to Osama bin Laden?

This is not all … a picture is being painted of poor Osama being a broken, down-at-heel, harmless old man living out his last days in Abbottabad! This is such heartbreaking tripe. Indeed, some would say an indicator that there are some in the Deep State who hold Osama in deep affection.

I am absolutely livid! Once again the Deep State has painted my country, and by inference us Pakistanis, in a bad light before the whole world. Once again it has proved that we are an unreliable, inept, stupid, and lackadaisical people who only know how to preen ourselves and strike attitudes which ill-serve us. Once again we have shown ourselves to be harbourers of terrorists and bad people.

But it isn’t over, not by a long shot. Far more pressure is going to be put on our country to do more. The Americans are saying out loud that whilst they have no proof, they will find out just who in the Deep State sheltered Osama. (I would suggest that those who had any hand in helping the terrorist should pray their names are not found on the computer taken from Osama’s safe-house).

According to news in our Ghairatmand press, they are even asking for the names of officers of ISI’s feared ‘S’ Directorate. (I can only hope that the Sahib Bahadurs know the implications of this demand!).

Could our Guderians and Rommels get off their sickly nags and see the world from ground level? They will find that the perspective changes when the head is not permanently stuck in the clouds. :lol:

And, sirs, be properly grateful that President (whether you like it or not) Asif Zardari, just one day after the disgrace of the discovery of Osama from one of your biggest garrison towns, and despite the sticks and the stones you and your hirelings have been chucking at him, defended you in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post. Many, I included, thought you should be left to slowly twist in the wind just so you know the costs of misplaced arrogance.

Incidentally, Pasha and Kayani should not resign; they should just clean up the mess promptly.

please highlight what part of the content you disagree with

The whole article is a BS. Ok. Let's leave everything. Did Kamran Shafi or Nadeem Paracha ever questioned or try to questioned the credibility of the story that USA govt is presenting to us. I don't say what US is saying is BS but the thing is did they ever asked questions in any of their articles about this whole incident. Why their intellectualism only revolves round maligning Pakistani military and the ISI. I don't mind them criticizing Pakistan army but I also want them to use their "intellectualism" to question for once the credibility of this whole story. Just for once. I hope they can join ghairat brigade for once.:)
Oh another fart of the mouth by leaders of bayghairat brigade..

Mr. Kamran Shafi.. Do you have ANY idea how a state is run??.. i guess you never had been in a position where you have to decide for a group of people, you just sleep during the day, and then in the night, after having a couple of "glasses" you sit in your drawing room, semi-conscious and write whatever comes in your mind.. the only criteria is it should be anti-Pakistan and pro-American.. cuz for every single "article" you write, an envelope is dropped through your mailbox.. (at least thats how it seems)..

In the "real" world.. EVERY country which plays a role in GLOBAL politics runs two policies.. e.g US, UK, India (need i say more?).. Now, either we go OUT of global politics and become another Nepal, Philippines, Rwanda, Taiwan, or Papua New Genia.. or take risks and become one of the leading countries in Global scenario (which we are meant to)..

UK and US had their share of humiliation in the shape of 9/11, 7/7 and WMDs etc. so should they had closed everything they were doing?.. did they proved that they are an unreliable, inept, stupid, and lackadaisical people who only know how to preen themselves and strike attitudes which ill-serve them?. Did you use your mouth-farts at that time also?

Agencies make mistakes.. thats how countries develop.. thats how they learn.. thats how they prosper.. I am not saying that ISI or PA is error-free and neither am i saying that they are stupid.. but i can tell you one thing though.. This phase is gonna pass.. If a country doesn't want to answer something, no one can force them to do so.. All you bayghairat brigade were the ones supporting Iraq war even though WMD were not found.. All US and UK said was "sorry it was a mistake".. No heads were rolled, No war criminals were declared..

Sorry mate, i would support the Ghairat brigade and Ghairatmand media over You, your bayghairat brigade and Bayghairat media.. at least Ghairat brigade gives me a reason to live with my head held high.. a slip here and there is okay for me..

Just my two cents..
Excellent article though I differ on some points but it doesn't matter nothing matters in Pakistan anymore
Kamran Shafi .. pfff .. he retired from the army as a major and after retirement went around meeting people within the army seeking favors and now this hypocrite bad mouths them.

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