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Clashes Erupt South of Hodeidah, Pro-Legitimacy Forces Inch in on Durayhemi, Bait al-Faqih

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Sunday, 10 June, 2018 - 09:00


Pro-government forces near the port of Hodeidah (AFP)

Fierce clashes erupted in the west coast south of Yemen’s strategic port city, Hodeidah, as pro-government forces on Saturday pushed against Iran-backed militias.

Houthis militiamen have assembled in an unprecedented manner to defend ports they control—smuggled weapons are believed to enter Yemen through Hodeidah’s ports and ending in militia hands.
Official sources of joint pro-government forces said they have killed about 50 Houthi gunmen in fierce confrontations.

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition's fighter jets also bombarded positions of Houthi militias east of Hais, north of Zubaid, West of Bait Al Faqih and Al Hosaynia areas on Yemen's Red Sea Coast, dismantling coupist bastions and reinforcements.

Offenses are reported to have inflicted heavy damage among coup ranks as they lose their grip on their defense lines with combatants fleeing battlefronts.

Field sources confirmed that joint forces continued their advance against Houthi militias in the upper and lower areas of the al-Faqih district and secured the area after operations to clear pockets and militia vehicles supported by coalition fighters.

The troops from Amalikah (Giant) Brigade, backed by heavy missile bombardment from coalition warships, Apache helicopters and warplanes against hideouts of the Iranian-allied Houthi rebels, cordoned off al-Taif.

Joint forces were also able to recover a large amount of weapons and missiles left by the Houthis, sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Houthi-held pockets are being put under constant attack as joint forces lead simultaneous operations north towards the outskirts of Hodeidah and east towards center-front districts.

Sources said that Houthi formations leader Hafiz Allah al-Shami was killed alongside a number of Houthi militiamen in an Arab Coalition airstrike targeting a south-side Hodeidah farm.

Other ground sources confirmed that mounting deaths striking Houthi leaders in recent days are making it more and more difficult for militias trying to conceal their losses.

Hundreds of those wounded and killed in battles being flocked to hospitals in Sanaa, Hodeidah, Hajjah and Dhamar reveals an unprecedented draining of militia strength.

In Bait al-Fakih district, around 40 km south of al-Durayhemi and 60 km south of Hodeidah, forces commanded by a nephew of the slain former President Ali Abdullah Saleh are fighting their way to recapture al-Jah area of the region.

Last December, Houthis killed Saleh in Sanaa after he broke allegiance with the coup and sided with the internationally recognized government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and the Arab Coalition.


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