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Clashes erupt in Kashmir following fire at Sufi shrine

Kid, I have told you already, only one area Taliban HAD a base was Swat, but PA kicked them out.

Stop being an embarrassment to your fellow posters and to the flag you are carrying. Next time you come for debate do some research before and don't be an obstinate schmuck. refusing to lean from others.

For the purposes of this debate ..I ll spoon feed you.
"Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), famously known as Pakistani Taliban, is the deadliest among all indigenous militant outfits. The inceptions leading to the formation of TTP went back to the days of NATO operations in Afghanistan after 9/11. After the American intervention in Afghanistan, a section of radicals started a movement inside Pakistan to support the Taliban. They remained just sympathiser till Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) incident happened in July 2007. In December 2007 the existence of the TTP was officially announced under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud. 13 groups united under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud to form the TTP in an undisclosed place in South Waziristan Agency of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The sole objective of the Shura meeting was to unite the small militant fractions under the leadership of TTP against NATO forces in Afghanistan and to wage a defensive jihad against Pakistani forces.

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan
Earlier termed Anjuman Sipah-e-Sahaba, the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) is a Sunni sectarian outfit that has been alleged to be involved in terrorist violence, primarily targeted against the minority Shia community in Pakistan. The outfit has also operated as a political party having contested elections and an SSP leader was a minister in the Coalition Government in Punjab in 1993. The SSP is one of the five outfits that have been proscribed by President Pervez Musharraf on January 12, 2002. The outfit is reported to have been renamed as Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan after the proscription.
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a Sunni-Deobandi terrorist outfit was formed in 1996 by a break away group of radical sectarian extremists of the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), a Sunni extremist outfit, which accused the parent organisation of deviating from the ideals of its slain co- founder, Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi. It is from Maulana Jhangvi that the LeJ derives its name. It was formed under the leadership of Akram Lahori and Riaz Basra. The LeJ is one of the two sectarian terrorist outfits proscribed on August 14, 2001, by President Pervez Musharraf.

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan

Lashkar-e-Omar (The Army of Omar)

Lashkar-e-Omar (LeO) is a new terrorist group reportedly founded in January 2002 and is a conglomerate of Harkat-ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HuJI), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) cadres. It was formed after the arrests of several front-ranking Islamist leaders in Pakistan following President Pervez Musharraf’s address to the nation on January 12, 2002, in which he committed himself to dismantling the structures and networks of terrorism based in his country. The etymology of Lashkar-e-Omar is yet not clear. According to some reports, it is named after Mullah Mohammed Omar, chief of the Taliban militia. Other reports have indicated that the name is allegedly a direct homage to Syed Ahmed Omar Sheikh, a front-ranking JeM terrorist who was, on July 15, 2002, sentenced to life by an Anti-Terrorism Court in Hyderabad, Sindh, for his role in the abduction-cum-murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl.

The LeO first came into prominence in November 2001 when it reportedly claimed responsibility for an attack on a church in Bahawalpur in Punjab. A police personnel and 17 Christians, including five children, were killed and nine others injured when six unidentified gunmen opened indiscriminate fire at a church in Model Town, Bahawalpur, on October 28, 2001.

Lashkar-e-Omar,Terrorist Group of Pakistan

to name a few and I have not even stated with Afghan Taliban based in N.Wazirstan yet.

TTP | Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan(TTP)
Internet terrorists are at it again, spreading lies and propaganda, but doesn't matter, keep wasting your time in useless BS :lol:
it is in Indian interest if it give Kashmirs their due right of freedom otherwise there is no peace in region...
Stop being an embarrassment to your fellow posters and to the flag you are carrying. Next time you come for debate do some research before and don't be an obstinate schmuck. refusing to lean from others.

For the purposes of this debate ..I ll spoon feed you.

to name a few and I have not even stated with Afghan Taliban based in N.Wazirstan yet.

TTP | Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan(TTP)

You idiot, nowhere does it say TTP/Afghan Taliban have had/has a base in Pakistan.
Separatist-sponsored strike disrupts normal life in Kashmir

Srinagar, Jun 26, 2012 (PTI)

Life across Kashmir was disrupted today due to a strike called by separatists over gutting of the 200-year-old Dastageer Sahib shrine in Khanyar area of the city.

Schools, colleges, offices, shops and other commercial establishments were closed due to the strike called by almost all separatist groups including both factions of Hurriyat Conference and JKLF.

Public transport was off the roads across the Valley while few private vehicles could be seen on roads. Attendance in government offices was thin as employees could not make it to their duty places due to lack of transport facilities.

Work in courts was also affected as Kashmir High Court Bar Association, the representative body of lawyers, has also called for a one-day strike. The separatist called for the one-day strike over the destruction of Dastageer Sahib shrine in a fire yesterday. They also demanded an impartial probe into the incident.

The state government has ordered a probe by Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, into the incident and also announced that the shrine will be reconstructed as per the old design. The old city area witnessed violent protests yesterday after the blaze gutted the shrine and adjacent mosque. More than 50 persons including a dozen policemen were injured in the clashes.

Official sources said concertina wires have been used at many places to prevent people from pouring on the streets. Additional policemen and CRPF personnel have been deployed in the old city and other vulnerable areas of the city like Maisuma to maintain law and order, the sources said.

Though eye witnesses said restrictions have been imposed on the movement of people, a police spokesman said there were no restriction anywhere in the Valley but additional forces have been deployed to maintain law and order.
Separatist-sponsored strike disrupts normal life in Kashmir

So according to some Indians, separatist movement is all but dead in IOK, time to wake up and see who is calling the shots now.
attack on indian fire fighters and para military proves that locals don't like them, they are occupier there, Go india Go back
Heh Heh people here have some Kashmir-related ire to vent after a LONG time.

Let them, please do a good deed for today.
You idiot, nowhere does it say TTP/Afghan Taliban have had/has a base in Pakistan.

It is pity but in reality reflects upon your education or rather lack of it that you can't even read and understand the the bolded part.

"13 groups united under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud to form the TTP in an undisclosed place in South Waziristan Agency of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)"

Tehrik Taliban-i Pakistan (TTiP / TTP - Movement of Studens in Pakistan), led by Baitullah, is an umbrella organization for indigenous Pakistani Taliban commanders, based in Pakistan, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)

TTP is said to have a presence in all seven agencies of FATA and many districts in NWFP. By early 2009 TTP was characterized as "a conglomerate of between 30-40 militant groups operating in agencies of Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Baitullah Mahsud Baitullah Masood Tehrik Taliban-i Pakistan (TTiP) Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan

Your above nonsensical claims compounded by your inability admit your mistake are enough to prove, that you are fool of the highest order.So far I have not even mentioned Haqqani network(A.Taliban) present in N.Waristan...if you want i can give links for those too!!
Guys, this is an accident, not a planned incident. There are n number of reasons for a building to go up in flames.
Some being
1) inflamable material with no proper care kept in the building
2) electrical short circuit,
3) etc
4) the last unlikly cause being a sabotage.

the 4th point is what every Pakistani except a few are jumping on. The case is still not known unless a forensic study is done.
In case if its found to be a sabotage.then the case arrises is it a local group that wants to incite trouble or it has forigne hands.
The government of INDIA or the people of INDIA do not want the stability of the state to shakle because we are in a Confidance building measure with the people of the vally to assimilate them into the main streem development of the whole of the nation.
Kashmir is a bone stuck in India's throat. India have to get it out to have it relaxed, otherwise keep feeling the pain till it's end.

BTW, End is coming soon, Insha' Allah :smokin:

The last part of your message is very encouraging. Is it just a slogan or do you have any solid basis for saying this? I would love to have it privately conveyed to me.

The last part of your message is very encouraging. Is it just a slogan or do you have any solid basis for saying this? I would love to have it privately conveyed to me.
might be we should have kept a check at the borders in 1971 so that your West Pakistani borthers would have smacked the crap out of yout bottom.
we trained and armed to get your freedom and now you are gloating things against the soverinity of my nation.
its ok burning shrines is part of the "RISING SHINING SECULAR " state of india! be it golden temple, babri masjid or the shrines in kashmir.

might be we should have kept a check at the borders in 1971 so that your West Pakistani borthers would have smacked the crap out of yout bottom.
we trained and armed to get your freedom and now you are gloating things against the soverinity of my nation.

good finally you are understanding history that india "armed & trained" sepratists in bangladesh!
How many fire india going to set for supressing ethnic minorities? How many lie indians will produce for cover up? India did set fire on Shikh in 1984. In did set fire on Muslims in Gujrat and now indians setting fire on Muslim shrine in Kashmir. Yet indians with number supiriority spewing bs and abuse. What a shame.
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