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Claims made by Pakistan of downing Sukhoi jets rubbished idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence

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Claims made by Pakistan of downing Sukhoi jets rubbished Published March 5, 2019 | By
admin SOURCE: ANI Pakistan’s claims of shooting down an Indian Air Force Sukhoi Jet during the mid-air face-off between Indian Air Force and Pakistani Air Force jets on February 26th were rubbished by sources in the know here on Tuesday. The sources also rejected claims by the Pakistani government of an Indian submarine that had ventured into Pakistani waters on Monday as claimed by Pakistan media today. Spokesperson for Pakistan’s armed forces Major General Asif Gafoor had initially claimed that two jets of the Indian air force were shot down and three Indian pilots were in Pakistani territory. However, this number was revised to one IAF jet down and one Indian pilot arrested. However, claims of the IAF Sukhoi jet shot down were amplified in Pakistani news outlets which continued without correction. Government sources here today rejected these claims. When asked about this recent claim from the Pakistan military establishment, sources dismissed these reports as well and said that the media in Pakistan was indulging in fake news and was deluding their population by confusing them about possible Indian military actions. “If you compare the two videos that Pakistan is putting out (on Indian submarines)… they are identical. We (India) are not in their vicinity, Pakistan is doing this to divert attention,” the source added.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/claims-made-by-pakistan-of-downing-sukhoi-jets-rubbished/ .

Where are the 300 bodies?

Where is the F-16?

now an israeli jumps in to save his friends. indians and isralies are the world champions in shamelessness. thats why they are close friends.

This little Zionist bastard has the same aim as his Hindutva brother to oppress and rape Muslims.

Time has come to seriously meddle in Zionist affairs. Let's team up with Iran and fvck 'em up.
Even if the pilot with same name exists , without any debris , it remains a mere propoganda. Infact pakistani media probably started Su-30 story just to showcase that if India claims a f-16 down and get away without evidence ,so can we. I think both Airforces were on 1-1 score , IAF surprised pakistan for sure ,no one denied the fact that they inserted ,deployed munition and returned ,without interception by ADA or interceptors from airforce.
Pakistan gave due warning of similar adventure , accomplished the same feat the very next morning . However was challenged and downed a IAF fighter ( If you ask me downed the Mi-17 too,theres where the Aim-120 comes form).
So for me score was even, or tilted slightly in PAF favor . that was until someone gave an idea of a press conference with debris of Aim-120. Thats where India lost the plot and it tilted firmly in Pak favor.
Where are the 300 bodies?

Where is the F-16?

This little Zionist bastard has the same aim as his Hindutva brother to oppress and rape Muslims.

Time has come to seriously meddle in Zionist affairs. Let's team up with Iran and fvck 'em up.
i think take iran out of the equation. give it some benefit of doubt. one nuke for israel and 139 for india and both will be eliminated and the world will become a safer and better place.
i think take iran out of the equation. give it some benefit of doubt. one nuke for israel and 139 for india and both will be eliminated and the world will become a safer and better place.

Some convergence in this area can be found even if we disagree in other areas.
pakistan first need to inform their own people about downed F16 and its brave pilot who was flying it..... pilot Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din must be honored as he deserves it.
Shahzaz ud deen seriously.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Claims made by Pakistan of downing Sukhoi jets rubbished Published March 5, 2019 | By
admin SOURCE: ANI Pakistan’s claims of shooting down an Indian Air Force Sukhoi Jet during the mid-air face-off between Indian Air Force and Pakistani Air Force jets on February 26th were rubbished by sources in the know here on Tuesday. The sources also rejected claims by the Pakistani government of an Indian submarine that had ventured into Pakistani waters on Monday as claimed by Pakistan media today. Spokesperson for Pakistan’s armed forces Major General Asif Gafoor had initially claimed that two jets of the Indian air force were shot down and three Indian pilots were in Pakistani territory. However, this number was revised to one IAF jet down and one Indian pilot arrested. However, claims of the IAF Sukhoi jet shot down were amplified in Pakistani news outlets which continued without correction. Government sources here today rejected these claims. When asked about this recent claim from the Pakistan military establishment, sources dismissed these reports as well and said that the media in Pakistan was indulging in fake news and was deluding their population by confusing them about possible Indian military actions. “If you compare the two videos that Pakistan is putting out (on Indian submarines)… they are identical. We (India) are not in their vicinity, Pakistan is doing this to divert attention,” the source added.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/claims-made-by-pakistan-of-downing-sukhoi-jets-rubbished/ .
Looooooool it lost its credibility at indian. I stopped reading
pakistan first need to inform their own people about downed F16 and its brave pilot who was flying it..... pilot Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din must be honored as he deserves it.
Why claims about the PAF pilot’s lynching don’t add up
Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din has two sons. Both live in the United Kingdom and neither has served in the PAF.

By Prateek Goyal | Mar 5, 2019 4 Comments


The report of a Pakistan Air Force (PAF) pilot being lynched to death by his own countrymen sounded straight out of a movie script. Turns out the report—based on a singular Facebook post—may have very well been a result of the Facebook post’s writer’s imagination.

On March 2, a Firstpost report by Praveen Swami stated that “Pakistan Air Force Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din, the F-16 pilot shot down in a dogfight over the Nowshera sector, is reported to have been lynched by a mob who mistook him for an Indian airman”.

On March 1, a day before the Firstpost report was published, a London-based lawyer, Khalid Umar, had posted the exact same details of the purported killing of a PAF pilot on Facebook. The Firstpost report cited Umar as a source stating that he [Umar] had received this information “privately, from individuals related to the F-16 pilot’s family”.

Like the Firstpost report, Umar identified the PAF pilot as Shahzaz-ud-Din and stated that his father Waseem-ud-Din is an Air Marshal of the Pakistan Air Force. Comparing Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman and Shahzaz-ud-Din’s plight, the London-based lawyer also wrote: “Two sons of Air Marshals fought it out mid-air up in the skies...Wg Cdr Abhinandan (Ind) in MiG and now late Wg Cdr Shahzaz-ud-Din (Pak) in F-16. Both fell from the skies, one could not survive.”

Umar said Shahzaz-ud-Din, who had ejected in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, was “lynched (beaten mercilessly, nearly to death) by the mob who took him as a fallen Indian”. On his identification as “our own man”, the PAF pilot was taken to a hospital. He did not survive, Umar wrote: “Nothing can be more heartbreaking than the untimely termination of a young life. My heartfelt condolences to the family of Shahzaz.”

Fact or fiction: Khalid Umar’s U-turn

Apart from Swami’s report for Firstpost, othermedia publications also reported on Shahzaz-ud-Din’s death. They cited either Umar's post as a source or “media reports”. The same goes for social media posts that popped up on the pilot.

On March 2, Newslaundry contacted Umar by telephone to verify his claims relating to the PAF pilot’s death. Umar claimed he had received information relating to the PAF pilot’s death “not from a single source but from multiple PAF sources”. He said, “My sources in PAF informed me that the F-16 was flown by Shahzaz-ud-Din. It was shot down by MiG 21 of the Indian Air Force in aerial combat.” He added that authorities would “never accept this” and that they had “even denied using F-16” to breach the Indian airspace.

Umar told Newslaundry that Shahzaz-ud-Din was one of three sons of Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din, who had retired from the PAF. He claimed that apart from multiple PAF sources, this was also confirmed to him by Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din’s family.

However, Newslaundry’s investigation proves these claims to be false. When we asked Umar about it, his responses were nothing short of a U-turn.

Here’s what our investigation revealed: Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din has two sons, not three. Neither of them is in the PAF. When Newslaundry brought this up with Umar, he said it “doesn't matter” who was in the aircraft: “It doesn’t matter whether it was some Abbas or some Shahzaz. But someone definitely was on it.”

Umar also stated that in a military press conference held by Indian military officials, high-ranking representatives of the three armed services had said that an F-16 aircraft had been shot down. “They are saying a fact and definitely somebody must be on the aircraft and ejected out of it. It doesn't matter who was in the aircraft, an aircraft has been shot down and pilots have ejected out of it. You should find about them,” he told Newslaundry.

Newslaundry’s investigation

So, the single source for news reports on the PAF pilot’s death and background has been Umar’s post, which identified the pilot as “Shahzaz-ud-Din”. Newslaundry’s investigation shows that Air Marshal Waseem ud-Din has two sons named Waqar-ud-Din and Aleem-ud-Din. In this picture found on Facebook, Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din stands with his two sons.

The photo of the Air Marshal and his two sons.

According to their Facebook profiles, both sons live in the UK. Aleem-ud-Din studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. He previously worked with companies like Telenor—as CLM planning and design officer and pricing executive for four years, till 2018—and Starcom Worldwide in Pakistan. He did his Bachelor’s degree in economics from the National University of Sciences and Technology.

A screenshot of Aleem-ud-Din's LinkedIn profile.

The Air Marshal’s other son, Waqar-ud-Din, lives in Warwickshire, according to documents accessed by Newslaundry. Since September 2015, he’s been working as a system engineer at Jaguar Land Rover in Gaydon in Warwickshire. Before joining Jaguar Land Rover, he worked with Tetra Pack in Lahore as a field service engineer and project engineer for more than three years.

Waqar-ud-Din graduated from Pakistan’s Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. He did his Master’s degree in energy and power engineering from the University of Warwick. His job record shows that he was never in the Pakistan Air Force.

A screenshot of Waqar-ud-Din's LinkedIn profile.

These details were confirmed by several sources as well. One of them is Taha Siddiqui, an award-winning exiled Pakistani journalist and founder of SAFE newsrooms, a digital platform documenting media censorship in South Asia. He told Newslaundry: “I have spoken to some people who are very close friends of Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din’s family and they have informed me that both his sons are alive and live out of the country.”

Siddiqui said: “They told me that it's is a fake story."

Siddiqui, who has been critical of Pakistani Army’s media censorship in Pakistan, currently lives in Paris. He has been living in exile following Pakistani Army’s failed attempt to abduct him. He said, "I have been informed by two of my PAF sources that no one has been killed and both airplanes—F-16 and JF-17—were used. Inventory remains accounted for so it's unlikely they lost any planes or anyone was killed."

Siddiqui added that the Pakistani media is heavily controlled by the military. “The Pakistan military might feel if they say that someone from their side is killed, then they will lose the higher ground they are currently on. But as per the information provided by people close to the family and reliable sources in PAF, this seems to be a fake story.”

A family friend of Air Marshal Waseem-ud-Din also posted on social media that the Air Marshal has only two sons and they are not in the Pakistan Air Force. The Dubai-based family friend tagged the Air Marshal’s wife in the post. She wrote: "Noreen and Waseem-ud-Din have two sons none named Shahzaz or whatever. And MA they are alive and well.”

The family friend's Facebook post.

Newslaundry tried contacting Waqar-ud-Din and Aleem-ud-Din through social media. This story will be updated if and when they respond.

A photograph has also been doing the rounds on social media of “Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din”. Newslaundryfound pictures of a joint air force trainingbetween China and Pakistan which took place in October 2015 at China’s Yinchuan air base. One of the photos shows Chinese and Pakistani Air Force pilots standing in a group photo, while another is captioned “Pakistani fighter pilot before Chinese Su-30”.

There’s no mention of Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din, but the photo has been circulated on social media claiming to a picture of the “fallen” PAF pilot. Yet this photo is of Group Captain Agha Mehar, a pilot with the PAF. Mehar has approachedseveral senior journalists in Pakistan pointing out Indian media’s misuse of his photo.

The photo of Group Captain Agha Mehar misidentified as Shahzad-ud-Din.

Newslaundry confirmed Mehar’s identity with Pakistani journalists. Salman Masood, editor of The Nation, an English daily in Islamabad, told Newslaundry: "According to my official sources, the picture of the pilot which is being circulated as the F-16 pilot is a picture of Group Captain Agha Mehar, who has never flown an F-16 in his career."

The same photograph is used in this blog, which details Shahzad-ud-Din’s “martyrdom” on February 27, using the same inaccuracies found in Khalid Umar’s Facebook post.


Coming straight from a horse mouth. Now STFU
Firstly, not exactly a great source.

Secondly, Su-30 MKI was downed by them in their dreams. They caught the pilots in Pakistani airspace and the aircraft landed in Indian territory, this when the aircrafts were heading in a westerly direction to intercept PAF platforms and winds prevalent are Westerlies, which blow from West to East.

So, a lighter load immediately fell into Pakistani territory and the heavier load, flying in westerly direction fell into easterly.

First time in the history of Physics, a lighter load with zero relative velocity to platform, went against air currents (and parachute is the stadard non-maneuverable one) and the heavier load with a substantial air speed against the air current went along!

RIP logic of Pakistanis

Just like rehashing the video from 2016, posted here itself then, as 'submarine detected'.

Just ........... amazing.
It's not just the weight or mass of the aircraft but the viability and flyability of its aerodynamic structure after taking a hit. Mig 21 broke down quickly.
Firstly, not exactly a great source.

Secondly, Su-30 MKI was downed by them in their dreams. They caught the pilots in Pakistani airspace and the aircraft landed in Indian territory, this when the aircrafts were heading in a westerly direction to intercept PAF platforms and winds prevalent are Westerlies, which blow from West to East.

So, a lighter load immediately fell into Pakistani territory and the heavier load, flying in westerly direction fell into easterly.

First time in the history of Physics, a lighter load with zero relative velocity to platform, went against air currents (and parachute is the stadard non-maneuverable one) and the heavier load with a substantial air speed against the air current went along!

RIP logic of Pakistanis

Just like rehashing the video from 2016, posted here itself then, as 'submarine detected'.

Just ........... amazing.

Same way you downed an F-16 ?

Even if the pilot with same name exists , without any debris , it remains a mere propoganda. Infact pakistani media probably started Su-30 story just to showcase that if India claims a f-16 down and get away without evidence ,so can we. I think both Airforces were on 1-1 score , IAF surprised pakistan for sure ,no one denied the fact that they inserted ,deployed munition and returned ,without interception by ADA or interceptors from airforce.
Pakistan gave due warning of similar adventure , accomplished the same feat the very next morning . However was challenged and downed a IAF fighter ( If you ask me downed the Mi-17 too,theres where the Aim-120 comes form).
So for me score was even, or tilted slightly in PAF favor . that was until someone gave an idea of a press conference with debris of Aim-120. Thats where India lost the plot and it tilted firmly in Pak favor.

Astonished a neutral view from an Indian ............... :O
Jese PDF pay champion bethe hein odhar bh hongay.
Claims made by Pakistan of downing Sukhoi jets rubbished Published March 5, 2019 | By
admin SOURCE: ANI Pakistan’s claims of shooting down an Indian Air Force Sukhoi Jet during the mid-air face-off between Indian Air Force and Pakistani Air Force jets on February 26th were rubbished by sources in the know here on Tuesday. The sources also rejected claims by the Pakistani government of an Indian submarine that had ventured into Pakistani waters on Monday as claimed by Pakistan media today. Spokesperson for Pakistan’s armed forces Major General Asif Gafoor had initially claimed that two jets of the Indian air force were shot down and three Indian pilots were in Pakistani territory. However, this number was revised to one IAF jet down and one Indian pilot arrested. However, claims of the IAF Sukhoi jet shot down were amplified in Pakistani news outlets which continued without correction. Government sources here today rejected these claims. When asked about this recent claim from the Pakistan military establishment, sources dismissed these reports as well and said that the media in Pakistan was indulging in fake news and was deluding their population by confusing them about possible Indian military actions. “If you compare the two videos that Pakistan is putting out (on Indian submarines)… they are identical. We (India) are not in their vicinity, Pakistan is doing this to divert attention,” the source added.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/claims-made-by-pakistan-of-downing-sukhoi-jets-rubbished/ .
Sorry, i will go back to usual India pakistan mudslinging. Hehe.
Well ,i know both sides being ultra patriots ,its hard being a neutral observer ,however i also firmly believe in general masses from both sides get along quite well .
hope that brave pilot Wing Commander Shahzaz-ud-Din is remembered for long!!! otherwise he will not be owned today but after 10 years from now.
Shahzaz is not a name i have heard. If this info was that much accurate, IAF officials would have shown it in the presser. :hitwall:

Firstly, not exactly a great source.

Secondly, Su-30 MKI was downed by them in their dreams. They caught the pilots in Pakistani airspace and the aircraft landed in Indian territory, this when the aircrafts were heading in a westerly direction to intercept PAF platforms and winds prevalent are Westerlies, which blow from West to East.

So, a lighter load immediately fell into Pakistani territory and the heavier load, flying in westerly direction fell into easterly.

First time in the history of Physics, a lighter load with zero relative velocity to platform, went against air currents (and parachute is the stadard non-maneuverable one) and the heavier load with a substantial air speed against the air current went along!

RIP logic of Pakistanis

Just like rehashing the video from 2016, posted here itself then, as 'submarine detected'.

Just ........... amazing.
Video of submarine is not old. Go compare. And untill PAF confirms, the su-30 kill is validated.
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