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Civilians fleeing Ghouta recount staging of chemical attacks


Nov 28, 2012
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Civilians fleeing Ghouta recount staging of chemical attacks


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Displaced residents of Eastern Ghouta revealed at the Al-Ahed site the "staging" that the terrorists were preparing to simulate the Syrian army's alleged use of chemical weapons at the time of the Security Council meeting in order to to call for direct Western military intervention in Syria. But these "staged" did not succeed thanks to the uprising of the inhabitants of Ghouta against the terrorists hoisting the Syrian flag and aborting all attempts by terrorists to accuse the Syrian authorities of the alleged chemical attacks.

The expected day

Thousands of displaced people left Ghouta to the various shelters in Damascus carrying with them the secrets and tricks of the terrorists who were working in coordination with the Western and Arab intelligence services to target the Syrian army and call for external interference.

We headed to the reception centers in Harja, south of Damascus, all of whom we met there told the same story that the terrorists of the city of Al-Arid and other cities in the Eastern Ghouta carry out a "chemical" staging jointly with the United Nations Security Council meeting this month. Noting that all these attempts had failed because of the people's uprising against terrorists and their refusal to participate in such a plan.

"Wait until the 18th of the month," a sentence repeated non-stop by Faylaq al-Rahman terrorists in Hmouriya to intimidate residents after failing to dissuade them from raising the Syrian flag.

The obvious question raised by the locals was: "What will happen on the 18th of the month?"

"The Security Council will meet and intervene militarily in Syria because the regime will bombard us with chemical weapons." It was the strange response of the terrorists that carries only one meaning, these last ones communicated with the western intelligence services to pass this scenario.

Ahmed Tohme, a Syrian citizen of Hamouriya City, told the Al-Ahed website that the first and famous "chemical bombing" scene of 2013, which resulted in a large number of casualties, mostly women and children, was played in the hospitals of "Front Nasra" in Eastern Ghouta. The staging, which was filmed, was accompanied by a coordinated media campaign, tires were burned to give the impression of an alleged attack, dead bodies of children were laid on the road and left for several days. days to carry out propaganda and raise global public opinion against Syrian power.

But the most serious revelation of Tohme is the one that evoked the last scene set up by the terrorists of Al-Ghouta simulating a so-called chemical attack led by the Syrian army against the city of Hamuriya from four axes. Tohme added: "I know all Hamouriya neighborhoods and I can assure you that this film they want to broadcast has not been filmed here, it was played elsewhere to be broadcast at the time of the broadcast. meeting of the Security Council. The Faylaq al-Rahman Brigade fighters have done their best to convince the locals that these stagings would be the way to convince the West to bomb the Syrian government in order to change the rules of the game. "We now know that every meeting of the Security Council a "chemical bombing" will be played,

Ahmad Rustum, a Hamouriya citizen, told al-Ahed that the Syrian Army had hit several points of positioning the al-Nusra Front and Faylaq al-Rahman in Hamouriya, which was quite common. But when the army bombed a three-storey building where Faylaq al-Rahman's brigade was positioning itself and forbidding people to approach it, odors and strange dust had emerged, several people were asphyxiated and many Cases of choking among civilians were then brought to the hospitals. "We then realized that this is where the brigade was hiding chemical weapons," Ahmad added.

Ahmad Rustum's remarks were confirmed by Mohammed Khatib, a citizen who fled Hamouriya. The latter spoke of reports and rumors about the existence of a huge network of tunnels linking the main command centers of Faylaq Al-Cham and the Al-Nosra Front, which is home to thousands of terrorists. "During the bombardment the smell of the gas coming out of the building smothered us, my 12-year-old cousin was badly hit, we had no doubt that the brigades were hiding the chemical gases there."

Omar Ibrahim Tohme recounts how the terrorist Abdel Nasser Shemer, leader of the so-called "Revolutionary Military Council of Eastern Ghouta" sent his spokesman Mohamed Rihani Abu Raad to tell residents that a chemical attack will soon be led by the army and that "this attack will bring the Western countries to intervene in Syria and bomb Syrian military positions. Then an American ground offensive will be launched from the al-Tanf base on the Syrian-Iraqi-Jordanian border to liberate the Ghouta and recover all the areas we have previously lost. "This attempt to spread fear among the locals was not the first,

With the flight of civilians to areas controlled by the Syrian Army, and the uprising of Ghouta residents against terrorists in the region, it is clear that no threat has been made and attempts to intimidate did not give their fruit, the terrorists accused the people of having failed their "chemical" plan, "by raising the Syrian flag and hurrying off the Ghouta you have led this plan to failure," have they affirmed.

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