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CIA War Crimes and Terrorism in Pakistan

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
The reports regarding the May 17 strike would indicate a deliberate decision to conduct a drone strike that ended up killing innocents. See Bharadkumar's analysis below.

“The CIA was angry”​

Hitherto the impression was that the United States’ drone attacks on Pakistani villages in Waziristan were counter-terrorist operations with a purpose. Now comes a rare peep into the range of factors that motivate the CIA when it orders the drone strikes. The AP exclusive is, to put it mildly, shocking. At least some of these drone attacks were apparently in the nature of the CIA’s revenge acts against the ISI. The famous drone attack of March 17, which killed 38 innocent people attending a tribal jirga, it now transpires, was indeed a revenge act for the detention of the ace CIA operative Raymond Davis for 7 weeks in custody in Lahore for killing in cold blood two persons. The chilling words of a US official, quoted in the AP story: “It was in retaliation for Davis. The CIA was angry.”

Isn’t it a war crime? Yet, then CIA boss Leon Panetta who ordered it has had a ‘promotion’ and is now Barack Obama’s defence secretary. Those 38 souls wouldn’t have known when they gathered to settle a land dispute at the jirga that Panetta and his CIA boys were so angry with the Pakistani military that they were going to be slaughtered as sacrificial lambs. It stands to reason that army chief Parvez Kayani made out the US’s motivation behind the war crime. It was a rare occasion when he publicly voiced criticism of a drone attack - that the jirga was “carelessly and callously targetted with complete disregard to human life.”

“The CIA was angry” - Indian Punchline
On March 17, Munter used the embassy's secure line in an attempt to stop an imminent drone strike. His concern was that the strike — a day after the release of the CIA contractor Davis — would set back Washington's already shaky relations with Islamabad, said the former aide and a senior U.S. official.

The Davis case had left bad feelings on both sides. On Jan. 27 in Lahore, Davis shot to death two Pakistanis who he said were trying to rob him, enraging many people in a country where anti-American sentiment is high. The U.S. insisted Davis had immunity from prosecution, but he was not released until March 16 under a deal that compensated the victims' families. Pakistan's security agencies came under intense domestic criticism for freeing him.

Munter's request went to the State Department and was forwarded to then-CIA director Panetta, now secretary of defense, who insisted on going ahead, said the officials. It is unclear whether Clinton was involved in the decision.

The former aide said the strike reflected the CIA's anger at the ISI, which it blamed for keeping Davis in prison for seven weeks.

"It was in retaliation for Davis," the aide said. "The CIA was angry."


AP Exclusive: Timing of US drone strike questioned - CBS News
The reports regarding the May 17 strike would indicate a deliberate decision to conduct a drone strike that ended up killing innocents. See Bharadkumar's analysis below.

“The CIA was angry”​

Hitherto the impression was that the United States’ drone attacks on Pakistani villages in Waziristan were counter-terrorist operations with a purpose. Now comes a rare peep into the range of factors that motivate the CIA when it orders the drone strikes. The AP exclusive is, to put it mildly, shocking. At least some of these drone attacks were apparently in the nature of the CIA’s revenge acts against the ISI. The famous drone attack of March 17, which killed 38 innocent people attending a tribal jirga, it now transpires, was indeed a revenge act for the detention of the ace CIA operative Raymond Davis for 7 weeks in custody in Lahore for killing in cold blood two persons. The chilling words of a US official, quoted in the AP story: “It was in retaliation for Davis. The CIA was angry.”

Isn’t it a war crime? Yet, then CIA boss Leon Panetta who ordered it has had a ‘promotion’ and is now Barack Obama’s defence secretary. Those 38 souls wouldn’t have known when they gathered to settle a land dispute at the jirga that Panetta and his CIA boys were so angry with the Pakistani military that they were going to be slaughtered as sacrificial lambs. It stands to reason that army chief Parvez Kayani made out the US’s motivation behind the war crime. It was a rare occasion when he publicly voiced criticism of a drone attack - that the jirga was “carelessly and callously targetted with complete disregard to human life.”

“The CIA was angry” - Indian Punchline

This only shows how CIA is guilty of crimes against humanity and it is not the only one. Mossad, RAW, MI-6, you name it, all of them have such records. And then we hear from the governments of those terror outfits calling on others not to commit crimes against humanity. This heinous game must be brought to an end, this cannot go on indefinitely, humanity must prevail and criminals like the CIA operatives and their bosses must be brought to justice.
What I do not understand is how the GOP allowed CIA to spread its terror network all over Pakistan over the years. Didn't they ever ponder upon the future consequence?
Iranian terrorist group has close US allies
The Mujahedin-e Khalq, which the US designates a terrorist group, has the backing of prominent American conservatives.
Jasmin Ramsey Last Modified: 04 Aug 2011 15:00

Members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq lobby US politicians to remove their organisation from the terrorist list [EPA]

Something strange is happening in Washington. In August, the Obama administration is expected to announce whether it will keep the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an exiled Iranian group that killed American civilians and officials in the 1970s, on its foreign terrorist organisations (FTO) list.

Known for its cult-like behavior, the MEK (also known as the People's Mujahedin of Iran, PMOI or MKO) fought alongside Saddam Hussein's regime against its own country during the bloody Iran-Iraq war. This is one reason why it has almost no Iranian support, even if it refers to itself as the "most popular resistance group inside Iran" on its official website. It does, however, enjoy the backing of several US heavyweights with high national security credentials.

George W. Bush's attorney general Michael Mukasey has described MEK members as "courageous freedom fighters". President Barack Obama's former national security advisor, General James L. Jones, gave a speech at a MEK conference dominated by non-Iranians. Their events have also been attended by former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge, former NATO supreme commander Wesley Clark and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.

MEK supporters point to the humanitarian issues at its headquarters in Camp Ashraf near the Iran-Iraq border as the reason for their advocacy. But it also has a "parliament in exile" called the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) with a "president-elect" named Maryam Rajavi who intends to rule Iran for a "transitional period" after the government is "overthrown". The calls to protect Camp Ashraf have merit, but the Obama administration is being simultaneously lobbied to delist a FTO with a known anti-Iran agenda, thereby upsetting the already delicate political balance between Iran and the US.

The president does not want to be accused of being soft on Iran while it is pounding its chest in Iraq, but succumbing to the MEK's well-organised lobbying effort will not only further harm US-Iran relations, it will also negatively affect Iran's internal opposition. Since the FTO list is seen as a diplomatic weapon rather than
a national security tool, the delisting of the MEK will be read in Iran as an escalation in hostilities and force President Obama into a position that is not his own.

From Iran to Iraq

For an organisation that has been attempting to cultivate alliances with officials on both sides of the Atlantic for years, the MEK began as a radical, anti-Western, anti-monarchist movement in the 1960s. Its mix of Islamic ideology and Marxist analysis attracted young, educated Iranians, and with other anti-monarchist groups it helped overthrow the pro-American regime. Among its myriad victims in Iran were three American civilian contractors, an incident the State Department would later cite as a reason for its terrorist designation. In 1979, the MEK also supported the takeover of the US embassy in Tehran.

According to Iran scholar Ervand Abrahamian, "the Muhjahideen tried to work within the regime from 1979 until 1981". But after it became clear that the Islamic government was not going to share power, the regime itself became its main target. It was the first group to conduct a suicide bombing in Iran, and it carried out a series of assassinations and bombings that left many Iranian officials dead. The state department lists an MEK attack in April 1992 on 13 Iranian embassies in different countries as proof of "the group's ability to mount large-scale operations overseas".

The response of Iran's clerical government was brutal, torturing and executing thousands of MEK members and other dissidents. In 1981, the MEK leadership fled to Paris and many of its surviving members went to Iraq in 1986. Policy analyst Vali Nasr told PBS's Frontline that that during this period the MEK acted "as an arm of Iraqi intelligence against Iranian operatives in Iraq, against Shi'ites and against the Kurds".

According to a 2009 report by the RAND Corporation, while the MEK denies killing Kurds, MEK press reports "quote Rajavi encouraging MEK members to 'take the Kurds under your tanks, and save your bullets for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards'". The report also states a "substantial number" of members who "were lured to Iraq under false pretenses … particularly with respect to its cult behavior - and many have been forced to remain against their will".

Well-armed by Hussein's regime, the MEK tried to invade Iran in the last stage of the Iran-Iraq war. According to Abrahamian, this may have been because it was their last chance to take Iranian territory before a cease-fire made it impossible to do so.

When I asked former high-ranking member Masoud Banisadr how he thought this might have affected the Iranian perception of them, he told me members were trained to believe that "95 or 99 per cent of Iranians supported them". But when they entered the Iranian city of Eslamabad, they realised that everyone had fled in fear of them. "We had been told that Iranians would welcome us with roses and we never really asked why that didn't happen."

From "fighters of the people" to a "cult"

Banisadr, 57 years old, has written a memoir about his life in the MEK until his departure in 1996 - an event he attributes to "luck". He said mind control was a normal occurrence at Camp Ashraf: "I remember being forced to attend a speaking session lasting for 3 days. In total I think we got around 2 hours of sleep a night." He was also forced to leave his family. "They told us to imagine sleeping with the corpses of our spouses. Not to think that they had been dead for a long time, but just long enough so that the body was still warm."

Camp Ashraf is closed to most outsiders, but in 2005 Human Rights Watch released a report describing the "mass divorce" that was imposed on Banisadr and all other members and "abuses ranging from detention and persecution of ordinary members wishing to leave" to "lengthy solitary confinements, severe beatings, and torture of dissident members". The former MEK members interviewed also reported "two cases of deaths under interrogation".

Do Iranians support the MEK?

MEK members who are estimated in the thousands decry their negative descriptions. According to a Talking Points Memo (TPM) interview with US-based MEK lobbyist Ali Safavi, "When you talk about the MEK, and you say they are a cult …we take it very personally … Because in our view … it is an insult to our [loved ones] who have been murdered by this regime". According to US foreign policy analyst Barbara Slavin who interviewed current and former members, it's the family of MEK who were killed by the Iranian government that make up the majority of its base today.

MEK advocates do not take criticism lightly; they are known to discredit their critics by smearing them, disseminating misinformation in the US and Europe. According to a 2004 FBI report, the MEK brands "former members and witnesses as Iranian government agents". This information is then "often picked up by Western Intelligence agencies as factual information and is disseminated as intelligence".

Safavi told TPM that "nobody in his right mind" who opposes the regime in Tehran can be opposed to the MEK. But this infuriates supporters of the Green Movement which brought millions of Iranians into the streets in 2009. According to Muhammad Sahimi of PBS's Tehran Bureau: "Anyone who opposes the [Iranian government] and cares about Iran and democratic principles cannot do anything other than vehemently oppose the MEK." There is "no comparison with the non-violent Greens and the MEK", he said.

Tehran-based Green supporter Hossein Barmaki says he has never met anyone who publicly or privately supports the MEK: "The only government people in Iran could accept for the future is a democratic one, and that's never going to be the MEK."

But the devotion of the MEK's hardcore supporters is undeniable. According to the RAND report, ten people immolated themselves simply because leader Rajavi was briefly arrested in Paris in 2003. Two died from their burns.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

As with the MEK's inner workings, questions also arise from its reported ties to Israel and its advocates. In 2006, the New Yorker's Connie Bruck suggested that the verified MEK intelligence provided to the US about Iran's Natanz nuclear site was given to them by the Israelis:
"An Iranian-American political activist … said that Israel had earlier offered it to a monarchist group, but that that group's leaders had decided that 'outing' the regime's nuclear programme would be viewed negatively by Iranians, so they declined the offer. Shahriar Ahy, Reza Pahlavi's adviser, confirmed that account-up to a point. 'That information came not from the M.E.K. but from a friendly government, and it had come to more than one opposition group, not only the mujahideen,' he said. When I asked him if the 'friendly government' was Israel, he smiled. 'The friendly government did not want to be the source of it, publicly. If the friendly government gives it to the US publicly, then it would be received differently. Better to come from an opposition group.'"

The information about Natanz was publicised by MEK spokesman Alireza Jaferzadeh, who appeared in a number of media outlets following his Natanz revelation as a political analyst. Jaferzadeh has been heavily promoted by the Iran Policy Committee (IPC), a hawkish DC-based organisation focused on the US' Iran policy. Founder Raymond Tanter, who produces the majority of the IPC's output, is a scholar at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), a think tank founded by the main Israel lobby organisation in the US, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Tanter advocates regime change in Iran and has spent considerable time lobbying the government to remove the MEK from the FTO list. During a 2005 IPC National Press Club briefing (now removed from the IPC website) Tanter explained his views on the MEK:

"The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) are not only the best source for intelligence on Iran's potential violations of the nonproliferation regime. The NCRI and MEK are also a possible ally of the West in bringing about regime change in Tehran."

Last year investigative journalists Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton also revealed that the IPC once shared an address, accountants, and some staff with multiple organisations that either "fronted for or had direct ties" to the Iraqi National Congress (INC) headed by Iraqi conman Ahmed Chalabi.

Legal or political?

According to Slavin, the reason Iran hawks and pro-Israel supporters have come out in support of the MEK is because of the old Washington mantra "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". But she says that's not a good enough reason to delist them: "You have to look at the nature of this organisation. It's like saying you support Nazis because you don't like communists." National Iranian American Council research director Reza Marashi, who worked for the Bush administration's Iran desk, said, "It's like the 'anything but Obama' attitude turned onto the regime. They look at the six inches in front of their face and don't look beyond that. You'd think they'd learn their lesson from Iraq."

But strategic reasoning may not be the sole concern motivating this advocacy: some of the MEK's prominent supporters have also reportedly received massive payments for speaking at their events. The New York Times reported that Ambassador Lawrence E. Butler, who has been trying to negotiate with the group, guessed that "about a million dollars was spent" on MEK lobbying "over the last six months". When he asked how much retired General Clark received, adding that "[h]e doesn't get out of bed for less than $25,000", one member replied that the group's advocates were not "doing it for the money".

To the question of how this can be legal, Shayana Kadidal, an attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights said the transaction may have been done through a lobbying organisation, and to be held criminally liable, the government needs to show that you knowingly provided aid to an FTO. "Proving liability simply because there was a transaction could be difficult," he said.

But in January, law professor David Cole wrote that Mukasey, Giuliani, Ridge and Frances Fragos Townsend could have committed a crime simply by vocally supporting the MEK's cause in Paris. While proving liability is again the issue, the Patriot Act's material support law makes it a felony to support an FTO by engaging "in public advocacy to challenge a group's 'terrorist' designation or even to encourage peaceful avenues for redress of grievances," wrote Cole.

According to Chase Madar, a lawyer specialising in US terror laws, the application of this law is highly selective. "It will be applied very strictly to, let's say, the Holy Land Foundation in Texas, whose leadership is in jail for raising money that was several degrees removed from Hamas, but not when it comes to former government officials."

Madar also says that there would be no legal obligation for the US to protect Camp Ashraf simply because they were taken off the FTO list and "can't see what good it would do". He says that the kind of attention this case has received on Capitol Hill suggests it has more to do with political concerns than with legal or humanitarian ones: "This is all part of a pattern in Washington among neoconservatives and neoliberals that America has a duty to shove political change down Iran's throat."

Blowback and US Policy in the Middle East

MEK supporters' talk of facilitating "democratic change" in Iran through a group that does not have support there recalls memories of the UK-US engineered coup against the government of Mohammad Mossaddegh, who is still revered by Iranians as their first and only democratically-elected prime minister. What resulted was decades of authoritarian rule, from a pro-US but repressive and deeply unpopular monarchy, to a clerical establishment that enforces Iranian independence from foreign control through equally repressive means. This was the US' "blowback", and as the late Chalmers Johnson noted, the term was first used by the CIA in an after-action report about Mossaddegh's 1953 overthrow.

In her book on US-Iran relations, Slavin reports that in 2003 the Iranians offered to exchange some key members of Al Qaeda who had fled from Afghanistan for members of the MEK based at Camp Ashraf in Iraq. Some figures in the Bush administration supported this, but Slavin notes that former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said that the deal was blocked by neoconservatives Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith, who thought that the MEK could be used as a force against Iran. A comprehensive peace offer by Iran was likewise scuttled by the neoconservatives in 2003, thereby discrediting the moderates in Iran and facilitating the ascent of the hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

However, even the Bush administration had ignored neoconservative entreaties to delist the MEK, which would make it strange for Obama to adopt a position that his predecessor found too risky. The humanitarian concerns at Camp Ashraf are legitimate, but they could be resolved through the assistance of organisations like the ICRC and UNHCR. To conflate this issue with the decidedly political question of delisting may only exacerbate the already fragile US-Iran relations.

In 2009, Obama earned much praise for admitting US responsibility in the 1953 coup against Mossadegh, even if he has failed to follow it up with a genuine move towards rapprochement. Despite the three decades of intransigence, however, the position is far from intractable. But any possibility of a thaw in relations might indefinitely evaporate should Obama take the MEK off the FTO list. It would also further harm the chances of Iranian democracy to develop unfettered.
Extrapolating from this particular event - if the CIA can get 'angry' enough to kill several dozen innocent people in a drone strike as a way of 'getting back at the ISI', then the arguments made by many that the CIA is also covertly supporting the terrorist/TTP raids from Eastern Afghanistan into Pakistan, and sheltering Qari Ziaur Rehman and Mullah Fazlullah (of Swat fame), don't seem 'conspiracy theories' at all.

And it certainly makes the Iranian accusations of the CIA supporting terrorist/insurgent groups in Iran more credible, and if the CIA is supporting the Baluch terrorist groups in Iran, then they are more than likely also supporting the Baluch terrorists in Pakistan, many of whom find shelter in Afghanistan.

Take for example the fact that wikileaks exposed Karzai and US administration officials talking about the presence of Bugti and other Baluch terrorists in Afghanistan, and then Bugti's 'flight to Switzerland to get Asylum'. None of this could have been possible without CIA knowledge and complicity.
CIA is a terrorist organisation. They just have good propaganda thats about it.

Well, they have 'globally respected' news organizations such as the New York Times as their 'mouthpiece'. Going back to the lies about WMD's in Iraq, to the current smear campaign against Pakistan, trust the NYT editors and journalists to publish anything the US Establishment wants with little to no attempt at 'objectivity' or 'presenting both sides equally'.
CIA must be banned and their officials are all morons and killerz of innocent pplz around the world......Wherever is a terrorism within the world U will find CIA roots and resources there without any doubt......CIA officialz be hungup to the electric poles for killing/mass murdering the innocent pplz of the poor countries and even their own citizenz in 9/11.........:coffee:
It is not to question your enemy about his motives, it is always to ask yourselves what needs to be done to stop them. How many more rallies will it take to affect their decision? How is finger pointing at them and praying stopping this ineptitude of the government throwing the dust of democracy in our eyes? It is your and my fault that this is happening. No one elses.
we have to come to first part of iman as in which we are ordered to stop evil with force...... so people of PAKISTAN be united under one flag with one Aim and with one sect (that is muslim) and then i bet our enemies will certainly sh.t in their pants.....my 2 cents
Well, they have 'globally respected' news organizations such as the New York Times as their 'mouthpiece'. Going back to the lies about WMD's in Iraq, to the current smear campaign against Pakistan, trust the NYT editors and journalists to publish anything the US Establishment wants with little to no attempt at 'objectivity' or 'presenting both sides equally'.

I will tell you something,
Right after the 9/11 atrocities, there a general mood built up to seek revenge, blood revenge, eradication was the common theme in the media and the US governments press briefings. This whole war on terror was flawed right from the start (when US decided to punish a whole ethnic group because Taliban belonged to it ) the way they launched the attack on Afghanistan and then refused to accept the reality of the Pashtun’s continued to sideline them because Taliban were mostly Pushtuns and because the Northern alliance was their ally.

Read this interesting article specially this piece is very relevant..

Consider Rupert Murdoch for a moment, the owner of Fox News and the News of the world in UK. His organisation has had a corporate policy to go at any length to get the stories and then spice them up and mislead the public with the emotional ranting through their tabloid press.

Just to sell shock, they hacked 9/11, London bombing victims phones and emails, they hacked the phones of the people who lost their loved ones in horrific cases like Paedophilia etc. these same people media tycoons have been having a cosy relationship with the heads of the governments in USA and UK and pretty much driving the public opinion.

The Fox news way of reporting gave the new meaning of surreal comedy when it became the top mouth piece of the US war mongers. Professionalism and subtlety were discarded for an “in your face” kind of reporting and presenting that worked well with the “ANGRY” public that just wanted some blood spilled by the “BOYS” as long as the blood was of the Afghans, Pakistanis and Iraqis etc it didn’t matter if they had anything to do with 9/11 or even if they knew who Bin Laden was. Thus we saw so many “isolated incidents” (as the US military/ government puts it) where the “boys” murdered civilians just for fun.

CIA has been covert (Karachi/ Baloch unrest) and overt (like attack on peace Jirga after RD release) in its operations and this is nothing new, it is the most prolific organisation that has the highest number of international political assassinations under its belt. But when you have the top names in the print and electronic media covering for you or even going one step ahead justifying every action then why not be ruthless?

NYT is working on the policy of humiliating the “supposed” ally because its not taking on Haqqani network. What Haqqani network? Someone might say.
Well the same Haqqani network that the American might has been unable to subdue for the past 10 years, so blame a weaker party and that’s the end of it.
CIA must be banned and their officials are all morons and killerz of innocent pplz around the world......Wherever is a terrorism within the world U will find CIA roots and resources there without any doubt......CIA officialz be hungup to the electric poles for killing/mass murdering the innocent pplz of the poor countries and even their own citizenz in 9/11.........:coffee:

If they are a terrorist organization, why did Pakistan allow them inside their territory? And, you have not complained when CIA was arming pakistan and Afghan groups in 80's?
This cry-baby attitude has to go for Pakistan. Period.

IF you think CIA violates your sovereignty , kills "innocent" people , is involved in "revenge killings" , then show them the door.

Guess one needs balls for that ... standing upto Uncle Sam ....
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