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CIA Concludes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi Assassination

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CIA says Saudi crown prince ordered Khashoggi's murder: reports
Washington Post and AP report US intelligence officials concluded Mohammed bin Salman ordered killing of Jamal Khashoggi

According to the Washington Post, US officials expressed high confidence in the CIA assessment [File: Saudi Royal Court/Reuters]
more on Jamal Khashoggi

The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, US media reported on Friday, a finding that contradicts Saudi government assertions that he was not involved.

According to the Washington Post, who first reported the CIA conclusion, US officials expressed high confidence in the CIA assessment, which is the most definitive to date linking bin Salman to the killing and complicates President Donald Trump's efforts to preserve ties with one of the closest US allies in the region.

Both the Washington Post and the Associated Press cited unnamed officials familiar with the CIA conclusion.

The accuracy of the reports could not be immediately verified.

The White House declined to comment on the Post report, saying it was an intelligence matter. The State Department and the CIA also declined to comment.

Khashoggi, a contributing columnist for the Washington Post, was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2 when he went there to pick up documents he needed for his planned marriage.

A critic of the Saudi government, Khashoggi had resisted pressure from Riyadh for him to return home.

Saudi Arabia initially rejected its officials were behind the killing, but as Turkish authorities continued to leak evidence of high-level involvement, Riyadh eventually admitted its agents carried out the killing with a series of contradictory explanations.

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Turkish officials have said the killing was intentional and have been pressuring Saudi Arabia to extradite those responsible to stand trial. An adviser to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday accused Saudi Arabia of trying to cover up the murder.

His remarks came after Shaalan al-Shaalan, Saudi Arabia's deputy public prosecutor, said he was seeking the death penalty for five suspects charged in Khashoggi's killing. Al-Shaalan told reporters the Saudi crown prince knew nothing of the operation, in which Khashoggi's body was dismembered and removed from the consulate.

'Assurances given to Khashoggi'
In Friday's report, the Washington Post, citing people familiar with the matter, said the CIA reached its conclusions after examining multiple sources of intelligence, including a phone call that the prince's brother, Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the US, had with Khashoggi.

Khalid told Khashoggi he should go to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to retrieve the documents and gave him assurances that it would be safe to do so, the Post said.

Funeral prayers held for Jamal Khashoggi in Mecca and Medina
The newspaper, citing individuals familiar with the call, said it was not clear if Khalid knew Khashoggi would be killed but that he made the call at his brother's direction.

Ambassador Khalid bin Salman said in a Twitter post on Friday the last contact he had with Khashoggi was via text on October 26, 2017, nearly a year before the journalist's death.

"I never talked to him by phone and certainly never suggested he go to Turkey for any reason. I ask the US government to release any information regarding this claim," he tweeted.

The ambassador posted a second tweet, which he said included the embassy's full response to the Washington Post report.

In it, an embassy spokesperson said the "claims in this purported assessment are false".

"We have and continue to hear various theories without seeing the primary basis for these speculations," the spoke

Look my friend previously I had some doubts the MBS might be involved but after CIA saying he is the killer, now I am 100% sure he is innocent. Now why would cia killer khashogi? To blame mbs and the murder is done in the way that mbs takes the blame. Cia don't wants mbs leading Saudis and that is only conclusion I have here.
The CIA chief is appointed by Trump so,why would she go against his interests?
Think about that before you make such a statement.
The CIA chief is appointed by Trump so,why would she go against his interests?
Think about that before you make such a statement.

Yes that is the point my friend CIA would never go against their interests and if CIA is blaming MBS it is in their interests so they are blaming out of interests like as you your self said. Lol.
Yes that is the point my friend CIA would never go against their interests and if CIA is blaming MBS it is in their interests so they are blaming out of interests like as you your self said. Lol.
Why dont you get it?
Its about Trump's $300 billion weapons deal with the KSA,why would she(CIA chief) risk losing that deal?
Come on man,thinkkk.
My guess,the Saudi King in consultation with Trump decided that MBS has to go.
Why dont you get it?
Its about Trump's $300 billion weapons deal with the KSA,why would she(CIA chief) risk losing that deal?
Come on man,thinkkk.
My guess,the Saudi King in consultation with Trump decided that MBS has to go.

Before khashogi was killed trump said something about Saudis can you remember what was that? I am already thinking bro and I agree with what you are saying but this whole thing is more complex than you and I can imagine. It is more messed up. Have you listened Edward Snowdon? Israel was tracking khoshagi as well. Through a malware so there is not every thing clear.

Many here hate MBS but let me tell you something he is the best hope for Saudis and there is good reason for that and why CIA wants him replaced. He is the first firm and strong leader to rise up in Saudis and USA hates string free Saudis. He is the need of the time try thinking in the long run and assess is he good or bad?
@T-123456 don't get me wrong but this latest. You cannot stick with what USA says they do every thing in their interest.

Why is USA now retracting? Just to create controversy and just to strength fake news this is purely information tactical strategy.

Release of CIA statement and release of now this statements were decided before just to create controversy. USA is try to play Saudis but still failing.
@T-123456 don't get me wrong but this latest. You cannot stick with what USA says they do every thing in their interest.

Why is USA now retracting? Just to create controversy and just to strength fake news this is purely information tactical strategy.

Release of CIA statement and release of now this statements were decided before just to create controversy. USA is try to play Saudis but still failing.
We will just have to wait and see.
Something really important to notice ;

Trump said just at the same time of Kashogi's murder.
"Saudi king won't proove him more than a week without our support"

And the same time Kashogi get murdered.
Cia used Mbs to kill him and now using it to blackmail Mbs.Kashogi killing is nothing infront of killing thousands of innocent children and women in yemen by Mbs which is much bigger crime but cia not take notice of that
Why would MBS work for CIA. Is he short of money or power?
Looking at history, CIA have many murders and regime change in it's record.

But CIA always contract jobs to local handlers.
cia deliberately leaked the rumor to Mbs that they will replace Mbs with kashogi as crown prince so he may tried to eliminate kashogi
Why would MBS work for CIA. Is he short of money or power?
Looking at history, CIA have many murders and regime change in it's record.

But CIA always contract jobs to local handlers.
cia deliberately leaked the rumor to Mbs that they will replace Mbs with kashogi as crown prince so he may tried to eliminate kashogi

MBS is the most popular king ever in the history of KSA. CIA knows it, hence frustration all around.
Huge news as the Washington Post is reporting that the CIA have concluded that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad -Bone Saw- Bin Salman ordered the brutal butchering and assassination of the US resident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month, contradicting the Saudi government’s claims that he was not involved in the killing, according to people familiar with the matter.

The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation and complicates the Trump administration’s efforts to preserve its relationship with a close ally. A team of 15 Saudi agents flew to Istanbul on government aircraft in October and killed Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate, where he had come to pick up documents that he needed for his planned marriage to a Turkish woman.

The CIA’s conclusion about Mohammed’s role was also based on the agency’s assessment of the prince as the country’s de facto ruler who oversees even minor affairs in the kingdom. “The accepted position is that there is no way this happened without him being aware or involved,” said a U.S. official familiar with the CIA’s conclusions."


while i normally wouldn't support "Saudi getting away with this grotesque murder", these are special times in the world, with right-wingers and autocrats leading some major countries all around the world at the same time, and these new right wing leaders making it clear (sometimes in grotesque memorable ways like with Kashoggi) that criticism on their policies, especially criticism that reaches large audiences, is no longer tolerated on punishment of assasination.
i'm sure the critics, journalists, columnists, etc, etc, of the world have gotten the message, and will be more polite or even more silent in the coming years.

i believe taking a firm stand against such trends, going to (media-)war over them, does not serve the needs of the wider public, whom generally speaking have little interest to get involved with any government policy anyway.

north-america can't fuel their much-needed cars and trucks with shale oil found in north-america.
we need a steady supply of middle eastern oil because it's so much easier to turn into transportation fuel.

and we need a country with huge reserves of the stuff as a reliable ally who will give us reasonable prices and a near unlimited monthly quota at those prices. that's Saudi. it's not Iraq, it's not Iran, it's not Syria, etc, etc.

so while i deplore what is happening to the Iranian people and the Yemeni people and the Syrian people, over powerplays between dictators like Assad and the Russian government, whom i can fully respect need a naval base of their own in Syria, considering the NATO fortress Turkey that is also the one way in and out of the Russian Black Sea (where they have a naval base in Crimea that's over 100 years old).....

i also understand that in order to preserve global stability and the global price stability for vitally and always needed natural resources,
people like me, freedom-, truth-, positive cultural change loving types,
are going to have to accept that the world is currently run primarily by people who are capable of both lying and ruthlessness,
and that this is going to result perhaps in a few more casualties like Kashoggi (maybe even in The Phillipines, Egypt or even Brazil) and wars like the one ongoing in Yemen and Syria at the moment, lasting longer than they should in the opinions of people like me.

i do emplore all these new right-wing, often-lying, world-leaders, to show the decency of at least really trying at all times to keep (proxy-)wars and trade-wars and arms-races nice and short. To make a persistent effort towards that end, together and in collaboration with liberals/left-wingers/centrists of course. You do any of that in a prolonged fashion instead, you're likely to end up hurting your own economy and definitely your legacy and reputation.

the less the left has to clean up after the right has finsihed up their terms in office,
the greater the shine on the time in office of the right,
and the greater the likelyhood that the entire "left" and "center" of the political communities in countries around the world, can get used to often-lying right-wingers leading (large) countries.

if you screw up too badly, right-wingers, if you don't care about collateral damage like is happening in Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc, etc, then you force the left to try to take over power from you for real. It would be much better if we can work together as a complementary team.
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