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CIA Concludes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi Assassination

Was MBS aware of/complicit in the assassination of Khashoggi?

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Jun 28, 2018
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Huge news as the Washington Post is reporting that the CIA have concluded that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad -Bone Saw- Bin Salman ordered the brutal butchering and assassination of the US resident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

"The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month, contradicting the Saudi government’s claims that he was not involved in the killing, according to people familiar with the matter.

The CIA’s assessment, in which officials have said they have high confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation and complicates the Trump administration’s efforts to preserve its relationship with a close ally. A team of 15 Saudi agents flew to Istanbul on government aircraft in October and killed Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate, where he had come to pick up documents that he needed for his planned marriage to a Turkish woman.

The CIA’s conclusion about Mohammed’s role was also based on the agency’s assessment of the prince as the country’s de facto ruler who oversees even minor affairs in the kingdom. “The accepted position is that there is no way this happened without him being aware or involved,” said a U.S. official familiar with the CIA’s conclusions."

CIA killed chilie leader... toppled Musaddaq... and many more... to hell with their report.. we should support SA anyway...
Support Saudi Arabia or Support Crown Prince?
Support Saudi Arabia or Support Crown Prince?
i know man... justice shd be served... but now by SA means current regime... i am no fan of MBS .. unless Kashogi was traitor, i cannot defend his murder and not murderers...
If the CIA kills,it uses professionals,not amateurs.
A car accident,falling from a balcony,poison etc.
He went in and never came out,cameras everywhere,can it be done any dumber?
You and i as farmers would have done a better job then these morons.

Look my friend previously I had some doubts the MBS might be involved but after CIA saying he is the killer, now I am 100% sure he is innocent. Now why would cia killer khashogi? To blame mbs and the murder is done in the way that mbs takes the blame. Cia don't wants mbs leading Saudis and that is only conclusion I have here.
Cia used Mbs to kill him and now using it to blackmail Mbs.Kashogi killing is nothing infront of killing thousands of innocent children and women in yemen by Mbs which is much bigger crime but cia not take notice of that
If the CIA kills,it uses professionals,not amateurs.
A car accident,falling from a balcony,poison etc.
He went in and never came out,cameras everywhere,can it be done any dumber?
You and i as farmers would have done a better job then these morons.
Cia used Mbs to kill him and now use it to blackmail Mbs

So what’s the next step?

MBS is forced to buy more weapons?? They won’t make him step down because he’s like their own Saddam
If the CIA kills,it uses professionals,not amateurs.
A car accident,falling from a balcony,poison etc.
He went in and never came out,cameras everywhere,can it be done any dumber?
You and i as farmers would have done a better job then these morons.
So sake of your mental health,stop telling him.He is a embarrassment for all of us sometimes,due to his invalid,half-baked and fatuous claims.
Cia used Mbs to kill him and now using it to blackmail Mbs.Kashogi killing is nothing infront of killing thousands of innocent children and women in yemen by Mbs which is much bigger crime but cia not take notice of that

If he was being used, he would tell the world it was the CIA and not him right?
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