No, however this forum has a long history of false-flaggers. The United States is a paper tiger, who couldn't even defend the Ukrainian from the Russians. Putin know's how deal with your pathetic politicians. Syria will go to the Russians and all pro-American factions will be neutralized. Turkey wants to get closer to Russia and is tired of your double games of housing Gulen in Pennsylvania.
Look at Afghanistan, Pakistan is winning the war and you can't do jackshit to stop us.How much money did you spend? Trillions of dollars. What did you achieve in Afghanistan. Nothing since the Taliban is growing in power. The State Department has even taken them off their terrorists lists
So please stop harping on about being a superpower. Your military budget will shrink in the future, even though, the Donald the Dumbo said he wants to increase it. You have more bases in the world than any other country, yet your interest and respect in the world is declining. Your economy is large, however its on life support. Just look at the size of your debt
The Chinese are still building those artificial islands. Washington did the usual bullshit of protesting, yet the Chinese ignored you. You can't stop the rise of China and its influence in the South China Sea. While America is 250 years old, the Chinese civilization is 5000 years old, so they will know how to deal with you. Do you really want me to explain what a coconut means.It means someone who is ashamed to be brown and acts more white.
Brother he is playing ignorant act. Apparently he doesn't know what a coconut is
These people like to mock Chinese technology, however, they are scared that China is closing the gap. The only war between America and China was in 1950...and if my memory serves me correctly, General Peng Dehaui gave them a good spanking.