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Christians, Hindus say Taliban treated them with relative tolerance

Aaah the professional and think tank retards count Hindus and Christians as TTP paymasters? Assholes these are Pakistanis and are as much with us in the fight against them as the rest of the Muslim populace.

Fucking paranoid idiots we got.

Agent, payroll, rented. Retard conspiracy theorists.
Aaah the professional and think tank retards count Hindus and Christians as TTP paymasters? Assholes these are Pakistanis and are as much with us in the fight against them as the rest of the Muslim populace.

Fucking paranoid idiots we got.

Agent, payroll, rented. Retard conspiracy theorists.
taliban treating non-Muslims nicely?
how much truth is in such claims?
no human being is safe from these Taliban pests.
sick bastards mutilate bodies of the victims and show no respect or restraint when they are blowing up schools or places of worship.
The only thing Taliban cannot tolerate is "Muslims' that's why they have killed 60,000+ Muslims of Pakistan.
Are you saying Pakistani Hindus and Christians are financing the TTP?

Thats so innocent :D

If TTP made Kali Mata's skull garlands out of Hindus living in FATA. That won't go down too well with the champion of all Hindu Ummah, which also just happens to be their bankroller?
Welcome fellow ally of the evil Hindu, Zionist, Christian and Bush alliance.:enjoy:

Thank you, comrade ! Today PDF, tomorrow........ Trenton, New Jersey !!!!! So let it be written, so let it be done !!:fans:
Hopefully, this ttp and Taliban menace can be eradicated once and for all after this operation, and Pakistan as a nation can move on from this tireless and tedious debate of whether the talibs were good or not and who is actually behind their support.

Because if I'm sure of one thing, that is that if we deny the talibs their main base of operation, they are finished. Then no matter how much domestic or foreign support they have, they can never be an effective insurgency outfit. They can exist in a small shadowy entity, which can be handled by the local law enforcement, but they will never become a huge terror monster of international caliber without a main base to operate from.
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