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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

That would be because SL would've grown complacent. Also; in a country which is rather benign, things like these stand out like a sore thumb. That the NZ government didn't act on it; or didn't have intelligence on the guy or his motives is beyond me.
We aren't complacent we are just not at war.

nothing can justify the incompetence of Nz authorities
he posted everything many hours prior to attack at best its intelligence failure and at worst its backed by Nz government
They don't have experience in dealing with such situations. You can count the terror attacks in NZ with your fingers and before this attack the threat level was considered low. The number of ISIS recruits from NZ were also quite low. So they were pretty assured of security
We aren't complacent we are just not at war.

They don't have experience in dealing with such situations. You can count the terror attacks in NZ with your fingers and before this attack the threat level was considered low. The number of ISIS recruits from NZ were also quite low. So they were pretty assured of security

You are negating your own arguments. Just because NZ was a safe place yesterday doesn't mean it is today. In fact the latest attacks clearly highlight this fact quite vividly.

Your rant about certain countries being safer than others doesn't add in the current environment. It is an idiotic argument to make. It is just wishful thinking on your part.
For greater Israel jews would need a world war in Middle East as Greater Israel is in ME
This is what the Zionists are planning now. Just like last time when they first started a civil war which became a World War and then in the end they got their country Israel. This time too they want a civil war in the Western world which will become a World War and then this time Greater Israel will come into existence.
Keep dreaming buddy. You have nothing meaningful to add to this discussion. It is better you leave this discussion.

Your daddy fought for 18 years in Afghanistan and achieved zilch. That's not fantasy. Like I said, you are not as powerful and excellent as you like to think you are. Tone it down.

I am pretty sure none of my ancestors or anyone related to me for hundreds of generations has ever been to Afghanistan.o_O You should find some other thread if you want to randomly quote posts just becuase you want to childishly troll. This is a thread about a freaking terror attack and you want to troll here?
You are negating your own arguments. Just because NZ was a safe place yesterday doesn't mean it is today. In fact the latest attacks clearly highlight this fact quite vividly.

Your rant about certain countries being safer than others doesn't add in the current environment. It is just wishful thinking on your part.

The NZ govt has already turned up the threat level. As I said the attack was unexpected and NZ was both unprepared and unexpected.
I am pretty sure none of my ancestors or anyone related to me for hundreds of generations has ever been to Afghanistan.o_O You should find some other thread if you want to randomly quote posts just becuase you want to childishly troll. This is a thread about a freaking terror attack and you want to troll here?

There is only one person trolling here and that is you. By making insensitive and invalid claims about sham security you are just flexing fake muscles.

There are no safe countries anymore. It can happen anywhere any time. Get that through your skull. We have seen it happen time and time again. Those that were flexing muscles and taunting others about being safe havens for terror are today dealing with their own domestic terror crimes. You cannot downplay it.

The NZ govt has already turned up the threat level. As I said the attack was unexpected and NZ was both unprepared and unexpected.

Blah blah blah. Again contradicting your own arguments. You are just proving my point over and over again.
Inna lilah hi wa inna ilayihi rajioon.
As usual Western media will ignore this and US media will continue with decoy news of Muller, Trump, Congress, Veto BS.

Will people change their profile pictures to New Zealand flag for MAAZZZZLAMS???
Will they post status "Pray for Christchurch??"

When Pakistanis were following these fads on social media. And then APS attack happened did people in West change their profile pics to Pakistan flag??? Did they say pray for children of APS???

Muslim lives are cheap
Muslims are expandable
Millions of Hollywood movies have drilled it into the minds of people around the world, even muslims themselves. COD modern warfare shows killing muslims. Yet sooo many muslims kids have played that game.

Yet still ur average Pakistani libturd will still toe the Western line. And change their pictures for them and post statuses for them and RECEIVE NOTHING IN RETURN.

Tbh I feel very sad and hurt by this incident and furious about the knowledge that the investigation will soon be hushed up.

Of course CNN and MSNBC all are about Mueller and muh Russia crap and screw the Beacanhouse libtards at least this incident will break their dreams of immigrating to :muh Murica and muh West
Ao bhai thekedaar ye insaan @Starlord bhi USA se tang a raha hai. Turkey jane ka soch raha hai ao aur apne clandestine group ko bhi saath le ao. Inko bura bhala kaho ye sahab bhi Turkey jana chahtey hain.
I don't care about any conspiracy or Zionist , what I do know that I already told my wife to reconsider living in USA . I am looking for UAE or turkey .
There is only one person trolling here and that is you. By making insensitive and invalid claims about sham security you are just flexing fake muscles.

Honestly your intelligence level shows why South Asia is still unable to deal with terrorism, instability and corruption. NZ is still far secure than our countries where terrorist attacks happen on a monthly basis. I have no issue with saying than becuase that's the reality and why many emigrate to those countries.
Blah blah blah. Again contradicting your own arguments. You are just proving my point over and over again.
What is your point? You never made in point other than randomly quote my posts to rant about defeating the "forces of evil'" nonsense and some nonsense about Afghanistan which isn't even related here
Ao bhai thekedaar ye insaan @Starlord bhi USA se tang a raha hai. Turkey jane ka soch raha hai ao aur apne clandestine group ko bhi saath le ao. Inko bura bhala kaho ye sahab bhi Turkey jana chahtey hain.
I wonder if there is a way to permanently move to turkey ? When none of us belong to turkey .
Keep dreaming buddy. You have nothing meaningful to add to this discussion. It is better you leave this discussion.

Your daddy fought for 18 years in Afghanistan and achieved zilch. That's not a fantasy. Like I said, you are not as powerful and excellent as you like to think you are. Tone it down.

If you have something useful to add to this discussion by all means do so. If not, take a hike and never come back.

The true strength of the US peaked in the late 1990s or early 2000s, and after 2008, they have just started to witness the sign of decline, and now after the trade war with China, they are suffering in a significantly irreversible decline.

Since the last two decades, they didn't revolutionize their backbone technologies, only those pretending fancy technologies. They still cannot build the functional EMALS and railgun, whereas their biggest competitor China is now ahead in every those critical revolutionary fields, and they have even lost the dominance in 5G.

For now, the pragmatism is the only way to pull themselves ashore, and the bigotry will bury them alive.
Honestly your intelligence level shows why South Asia is still unable to deal with terrorism, instability and corruption. NZ is still far secure than our countries where terrorist attacks happen on a monthly basis. I have no issue with saying than becuase that's the reality and why many emigrate to those countries.

What is your point? You never made in point other than randomly quote my posts to rant about defeating the "forces of evil'" nonsense and some nonsense about Afghanistan which isn't even related here

LOL Now you are going to drag South Asia and other irrelevant issues into this discussion. Stop being paranoid and frustrated.

I have made my point crystal clear. Your argument that some places are safer than other places is ridiculous. Let me tell you what your problem is. You are dealing with inferiority complex. Today's domestic terror attack in NZ highlights my point like never before.

If a place like NZ isn't safe no place is safe. According to your own admission NZ has no history of taking part in war etc. Doesn't that justify my argument? If a neutral place like NZ can suddenly become a place for domestic terrorism any place can. The argument that some places are safer than others is plain foolish.
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