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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

Irony is most of the Far Right put China as one of their biggest threats even to the point that they believe Radical Islam and Red China will be allied against Europe and the white race.

China wants harmony, people of all colors could have a chance to enjoy the same development standard like those developed countries.

The white supremacists only believe 100% white hegemony, and all people of colors don’t deserve to live, and they are consuming too much resources on this planet which will keep depleting the living space for the white people.

China is de facto the champion of diversity for this planet, since we believe any people of color or religion deserve to live like a human being as long as they didn’t commit any detrimental act.
We should take this seriously as Muslims. The events that are happening are telling us what is to come in future. Prophet(SAW) foretold us about Constantinople once again falling in hands of Christians and then Muslims again conquering it in battle of Al Malhama under Imam Mehdi.
Anyway I don't want to go in religion on this forum but this should be taken seriously.
I am very serious, this is crusade and if we will not prepare now we will suffer a lot,
Live streaming of this terrorist act was war crime , the whole anti Muslim world is celebrating after watching this massacre and this act was deliberate to attract others and to ignite further acts like these.

تقدیر کے قاضی کا یہ فتوا ہے ازل سے
ہے جُرم ضعیفی کی سزا مرگ مفاجات
The shooter who killed 49 ppl said the same... That he targeted "Extremist Muslims"...

Well, the Chinese government has a lot credibilities in the eyes of many Muslim countries.

While this guy was just an anonymous Internet troll from 4chan.

It is apple to orange.
Why is everyone so obsessed with Indians here? They are living in your head rent free!

I am not Muslim and I do not like Islam at all, but of course this was a disgusting terrorist attack against innocent Muslims that was driven by racism, and anyone who tries to justify or defend it is also a scumbag.

Nobody is obsessed with Indians!! But when someone defends the filth indians been vommiting all over the Internet is utterly disgusting and humiliating. You cannot make silly excuses like fake twitter accounts to defend people who are over joyed by these killings.

You wont see us making fun or celebrating when a white supremacist fella kills indians in the name of facism
I am very serious, this is crusade and if we will not prepare now we will suffer a lot,
Live streaming of this terrorist act was war crime , the whole anti Muslim world is celebrating after watching this massacre and this act was deliberate to attract others and to ignite further acts like these.

تقدیر کے قاضی کا یہ فتوا ہے ازل سے
ہے جُرم ضعیفی کی سزا مرگ مفاجات
Good morning...
never in my Life i am Scared of White people, or been around Around white people .. I am starting to rethink my decision to move to US, if such thing happen in NZ one of the most peaceful country, than In America specially in South which is full of Crazy white people with many guns and disturbed minds ..
Lets not believe every word of a Terrorist. New Zealand PM called it "Terrorism". Also, it is unclear that who visited Pakistan. The man in picture narrated as attacker, is not clear yet. Bringing Pakistan into discussion while excusing the matter that "no link", does not make any sense.

Better to keep investigative practices out of here & be shared when it is done. Let's keep it on the topic in hand.
Self explanatory....

Not just terrorists but their SYMPATHISERS and ABETTERS , MUST, I repeat, MUST be HUNTED down ruthlessly.

A GLOBAL, Zarb-e-Azb and Rud-ul-Fasad is need the hour.

That is where the intelligence agencies of Muslims world must cooperate against this common threat.
never in my Life i am Scared of White people, or been around Around white people .. I am starting to rethink my decision to move to US, if such thing happen in NZ one of the most peaceful country, than In America specially in South which is full of Crazy white people with many guns and disturbed minds ..
This is what the Zionists are planning now. Just like last time when they first started a civil war which became a World War and then in the end they got their country Israel. This time too they want a civil war in the Western world which will become a World War and then this time Greater Israel will come into existence.
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