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Christchurch New Zealand l Multiple deaths after a terrorist opened fire on Friday prayers

Yeh. The bit where he shoots the female outside on the road is particularly harrowing and then drives the car over her.

I saw this to. She was laying wounded on the ground and i think she was screaming abee, abee (dad). That white pig walked back to car and saw her and shooted her in her back and head, than drived over her.

I dont recommend anyone to watch.
Lets not believe every word of a Terrorist. New Zealand PM called it "Terrorism". Also, it is unclear that who visited Pakistan. The man in picture narrated as attacker, is not clear yet. Bringing Pakistan into discussion while excusing the matter that "no link", does not make any sense.

Better to keep investigative practices out of here & be shared when it is done. Let's keep it on the topic in hand.

Would you please delete his irrelevant posts and ban him from the thread?

Thank You in advance.

Did I? I didn't even say Pakistan have anything to do with him being Radicalized, I said, there may have or must have been something happened "ON OR AFTER" his trip. As I said, he could have radicalize way before or way after his trip to Pakistan, but we won't know until we look at it, and THIS IS THE STARTING POINT.
You are insinuating and harping on about him being radicalised in Pakistan. That he is a WHITE TERRORIST dismisses your conjencture about any possible Pakistan link.
seems that he praised his lord donold trump in his manifesto.......

when will donold duck charged with mass murder all over the globe?

when will america be charged of spreading hate.. funding terrorists- arming them- creating them-
I do have those information, he actually travel to a few more country before and afterward. But I cannot release the list to you unless I was authorized to release them. And all I can say is none of them are Muslim country.

As I said, I am not going to justify something that was actually fact. I am still saying we need to know more to see if that is the case, and as I stated clearly, it is my point of view that this is the place we need to start. Because he visited a Muslim country with good praise and then 5 months later, he killed that same people (well, not the same people) in cold blood. Do you honestly does not think of any connection with the two was there??

So he praises Pakistan and you came to conclusion that something happened here that made him PEAK and take a 180 to start planning murders of Muslims. :cuckoo:

Either you are a head f**ked 'investigator' who is connecting a praised country visit to radicalisation

OR this terrorist got head f**ked by the hospitality of Pakistanis turning him in to a murderer


Who the F gave you this military professional tag on PDF!???
@CHACHA"G" I know that these times are so crucial due to lost of many innocent Muslims but then again, use of abuse is not allowed.

No more abusive/inappropriate posting against any member or religion etc.

Dude, look at his manifesto again.

He have the idea of a mass shooting for over 2 years, but he planned the mosque attack in months.

He could have been a white supremacist for over 2 years, but being one does not automatically mean you will attack Muslim, you can target Asian, African or Jew, when I was refer to is his ATTACK ON MUSLIM. He choose Muslim and he choose New Zealand, and that does not occur to him, according to his manifesto, in a few months ago.

This is a terrorist attack that was carried out directly on Muslims. Islamophobia is currently spreading in the West and in Europe in particular. ''remove kabab'' already indicates that this terrorist bears hatred towards a specific group of people. That you now deny this indicates that you have similar feelings just like that pig.
I agree that race plays a element in this on both sides of equation. If this guy is white supremicst then his beef is not against Muslim per se. His targets are anybody of skin colour. So the question is would he aim to a blonde Bosnian Muslim or a Indian Dalit Christian?

White supremacy is about race and not about religion. Thus the fact that the targets were Muslim is secondary to the fact that they were coloured.

Muslims living in the West/New Zealand/Australia should bring gun to the mosque.
Armed guards outside mosques
@CHACHA"G" I know that these times are so crucial due to lost of many innocent Muslims but then again, use of abuse is not allowed.

No more abusive/inappropriate posting against any member or religion etc.

And he is allowed to blame Pakistan ??????????????????????????????????????????? Is he bro ????????
@Indus Pakistan

Mods are ones who determine the title for this thread. It was not my title, but it seems they have deemed this appropriate. It's hard to give these terrorists a label because they identify with right wing. Especially the neocon segment of right wing in America. The reason they focus on Muslims/Islam is because neocon influence in US is strong and there are many so called 'news sites' there that only publish anti-Muslim/Middle eastern content and pro Israel content. They are the ones responsible for the brainwashing and lots of these people are Jewish and Evangelical fanatics like David Horowitz , Ben Shapiro, Bill Maher , hell even Sam Harris, and Robert Spencer.

4 out of 5 are Jews, last guy is Christian. The Jews in America do this as they want to submerse US public into supporting Israel strongly. The Jews are highly responsible for Islamophobia. So we end up with neocons like this guy who are European nationalist neocon type. Ironically in America the neocon agenda is backfiring and the white nationalists are diveded there. Some only hate Muslims and support Israel. While others hate Israel and the Jews. And one recently shot up a Jewish synagogue.

But , overall , this alt right movement is the dominant one and no surprise Jews like Dave Rubin and Gad Saad among others are giving these guys platforms so as long as they remain cool with Jews and Israel. When are people gonna call out the Jews for this? Go look all these people up and you will see what I mean.

They are always left out of this discussion. The Jewish community needs to get their so called 'thinkers' under control. Now this community sees a strategic tool for Israel in this alt right movement. These alt righters have platform in the US because of that.
And he is allowed to blame Pakistan ??????????????????????????????????????????? Is he bro ????????

An individual blame does not prove otherwise at all. Any member or posts as such dealt accordingly. MODs do know how to tackle. If you or anyone else, finds something as such, use report button or Tag MOD (only in urgent need) and do not respond in violation of rules. That is what I have conveyed and hopefully doesn't need further clarification.

@CHACHA"G" I know that these times are so crucial due to lost of many innocent Muslims but then again, use of abuse is not allowed.

No more abusive/inappropriate posting against any member or religion etc.


What about the troll? Can't we just let this guy not post in this thread. He is derailing the thread.
When the attack began on Friday, one anonymous 8chan user remarked: "actually happening. delete this thread now or its gonna be the end of 8pol."

A few minutes later, another said "this sounds fun". "Nice shootin Tex," another commented.

The Facebook livestream of the attack, apparently recorded with a head-mounted camera, began about 1:40 p.m. local time. The attacker plays music as he drives to the mosque, including a British grenadiers march and a Serbian anti-Muslim hate anthem called "Remove Kebab".

Once he arrives in the Hagley Park district of Christchurch, the attacker parks the car and opens the rear hatch, revealing a cache of guns, ammunition and what appear to be red fuel containers.

Picking up two guns, both covered in names and slogans, he walks around the corner to the entrance of a mosque and begins shooting.

The livestream ended less than 20 minutes later. The suspected shooter was arrested about 3 p.m.

"Do you feel any remorse for the attack"? the author asks self-referentially in the manifesto. "No. I only wish I could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well."


They are going to try to downplay this attack. It is already happening. They are asking social media to remove the content.
Dude, look at his manifesto again.

He have the idea of a mass shooting for over 2 years, but he planned the mosque attack in months.

He could have been a white supremacist for over 2 years, but being one does not automatically mean you will attack Muslim, you can target Asian, African or Jew, when I was refer to is his ATTACK ON MUSLIM. He choose Muslim and he choose New Zealand, and that does not occur to him, according to his manifesto, in a few months ago.

Lol, yeah he got beat up in Pakistan and this triggered him .... You figured it all out , lol ....

On a serioius note, he developed this kind of hatred over many years. By reading Ben Shapiro, front-page mag, Brietbart, Bill Maher, Dave Rubin, CNN, Fox news and other political forums online which are anti-Middle Eastern/anti Islam. I could name a few if it wasn't against the rules.

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