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Chinese Weapon Exports

36 pops of J20 in year 2018 is an expected number. With 3 production line, China can churn out 48 J20 per year. China can produce 120 units of fighter jets a year easily. I don't know the full potential of producing fighters in war time.

That is why you need a military-industrial complex.

United States can easily produce up to 2000-3000 aircrafts during war time.

Boeing alone produces 900 large civil airliners every year. These production lines can be slightly altered to produce all kinds of aircrafts during emergency.

This is the benefit of a military-industrial complex.

China has this advantage in ship building industry. During war times it can literally just ratchet up war ship production by 3-4 fold easily.
Thailand buys more Chinese tanks
The 10 VT-4s are in addition to 28 already purchased

Thailand has stepped up its growing arms trade with China by ordering more Chinese-made Main Battle Tank 3000s (VT-4).

The 10 additional VT-4s made by China’s Norinco will reportedly cost US$58 million. Thailand has already ordered 28 of the Chinese armored vehicles which will replace aging US-made M41 tanks operated by the Thai Army.

The Thai military ordered three Type 039 Yuan-class diesel-electric attack submarines and a batch of infantry fighting vehicles last year.
That is why you need a military-industrial complex.

United States can easily produce up to 2000-3000 aircrafts during war time.

Boeing alone produces 900 large civil airliners every year. These production lines can be slightly altered to produce all kinds of aircrafts during emergency.

This is the benefit of a military-industrial complex.

China has this advantage in ship building industry. During war times it can literally just ratchet up war ship production by 3-4 fold easily.
Think that you better give such awesome advice to your native land! Who knows they may appreciate so much to even bestow you some merit award for the excellent genuine mind shaking proposition (cf. CHN your associated land has steadily spent an enormous budget importing, even buying the long range howitzer from such sources like the KOR just recently!) Good timing to submit it now in view of the coming Independence Day celebration in mid August! Wish you every luck there!

And now please be kind and considerate by stop throwing out any more such unsolicited suggestion here! Please stop entertaining us here.... and no, there's no award here :blah::blah:
Think that you better give such awesome advice to your native land! Who knows they may appreciate so much to even bestow you some merit award for the excellent genuine mind shaking proposition (cf. CHN your associated land has steadily spent an enormous budget importing, even buying the long range howitzer from such sources like the KOR just recently!) Good timing to submit it now in view of the coming Independence Day celebration in mid August! Wish you every luck there!

And now please be kind and considerate by stop throwing out any more such unsolicited suggestion here! Please stop entertaining us here.... and no, there's no award here :blah::blah:
I think he got no malign intention, he's just give the suggestion to the wrong guy. Should have make this suggestion in India section.
Two seat JF-17 out for Pakistan

The State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC) signed a contract to export several Y-8F200 transport aircraft to Kazakhstan, all the orders will be delivered in the first quarter of 2019.



The Y8F200 aircraft is a pressurized aircraft modified on the basis of Y8C aircraft according to the CCAR25 requirements. It can transport concentrated cargo, bulk cargo or containerized cargo. Four international standard pallets (containers) of type A or B can be loaded in cargo cabin. Its maximum payload is 15 ton. The type certification (TC) was issued by CAAC in Oct. 1997.

Y8F200 aircraft has a Cargo barrier net and smoke detector added, some communication, navigation and instrument system replaced by imported advanced equipment. The pressurized cargo cabin ensures air transport of fresh goods or livestock for a very long distance. Ramp-type cargo door is convenient for loading vehicles and equipment. The rear door can also be butted with ground loader-unloader to realize quick loading and unloading.
Think that you better give such awesome advice to your native land! Who knows they may appreciate so much to even bestow you some merit award for the excellent genuine mind shaking proposition (cf. CHN your associated land has steadily spent an enormous budget importing, even buying the long range howitzer from such sources like the KOR just recently!) Good timing to submit it now in view of the coming Independence Day celebration in mid August! Wish you every luck there!

And now please be kind and considerate by stop throwing out any more such unsolicited suggestion here! Please stop entertaining us here.... and no, there's no award here :blah::blah:

He actually speaks some truth. The Japanese expected an entire year before the USN could recover from Pearl Harbor. The US instead fully recuperated after 3 months. Like China today, the US was a manufacturing powerhouse and ran trade surpluses with the rest of the world before WWII.

America and Europe's commercial aerospace industry are what makes them the preeminent air powers in the world, not their 100-200 elite fighter forces. Replacement rates determine the tides of war, and only the US and EU can produce quality air frames, avionics and engines independently. Boeing for example, delivered almost 18,000 aircraft last year. C919 is China's attempt to build an large-aircraft industry, but it will take decades to reach the West's maturity level.

One more thing to add is that China's commercial shipbuilding industry is targeted towards smaller ships. South Korea and Japan have a monopoly on high-value, high-displacement shipbuilding sectors. Further, shipbuilding are port-bound, meaning that they're exceptionally susceptible to bombings. This is the reason why the US chose Nagasaki to Nuke. Aircraft construction, testing and training are highly decentralized and can be hidden in deep inland if necessary.

Nevertheless, you guys are perhaps 20 years ahead of India in both fronts. In fact, India has no commercial aero/shipbuilding industries to speak of. In a war against the US though, with x10 the strike groups, x20 times the 5th gen fighters, and xInfinite aviation production capacity, it won't even be close.
He actually speaks some truth. The Japanese expected an entire year before the USN could recover from Pearl Harbor. The US instead fully recuperated after 3 months. Like China today, the US was a manufacturing powerhouse and ran trade surpluses with the rest of the world before WWII.

America and Europe's commercial aerospace industry are what makes them the preeminent air powers in the world, not their 100-200 elite fighter forces. Replacement rates determine the tides of war, and only the US and EU can produce quality air frames, avionics and engines independently. Boeing for example, delivered almost 18,000 aircraft last year. C919 is China's attempt to build an large-aircraft industry, but it will take decades to reach the West's maturity level.

One more thing to add is that China's commercial shipbuilding industry is targeted towards smaller ships. South Korea and Japan have a monopoly on high-value, high-displacement shipbuilding sectors. Further, shipbuilding are port-bound, meaning that they're exceptionally susceptible to bombings. This is the reason why the US chose Nagasaki to Nuke. Aircraft construction, testing and training are highly decentralized and can be hidden in deep inland if necessary.

Nevertheless, you guys are perhaps 20 years ahead of India in both fronts. In fact, India has no commercial aero/shipbuilding industries to speak of. In a war against the US though, with x10 the strike groups, x20 times the 5th gen fighters, and xInfinite aviation production capacity, it won't even be close.

Enough to say that in today's world any serious, direct war AMONG THE MAJOR POWERS (i.e. RUS USA CHN) will rapidly escalate into the MAD Nuclear War (probably first tactical nukes but then soon be followed by the strategic nuke arsenals). No major power will bear the risks of losing its conventional forces or suffer defeat in the conventional sector without resorting to the nuke arms, it is just an unrealistic thought. That's why all the conflicts in the modern era use PROXY forces, just to avoid any direct clash [among the major powers]! The WW2 scene is the last one of its kind, the sort with no involvement of any WMD.

Btw the Russian Federation has made it known publicly about such policy of resorting to nuke arms by the top levels, repeatedly! The US even stipulates the First Nuclear Strike in its active military doctrine, and is also seeking the Nuclear Primacy as part of its Full Spectrum Dominance! Only China is left behind to update its outdated no first-use policy. Just look around.
Enough to say that in today's world any serious, direct war AMONG THE MAJOR POWERS (i.e. RUS USA CHN) will rapidly escalate into the MAD Nuclear War (probably first tactical nukes but then soon be followed by the strategic nuke arsenals). No major power will bear the risks of losing its conventional forces or suffer defeat in the conventional sector without resorting to the nuke arms, it is just an unrealistic thought. That's why all the conflicts in the modern era use PROXY forces, just to avoid any direct clash [among the major powers]! The WW2 scene is the last one of its kind, the sort with no involvement of any WMD.

Btw the Russian Federation has made it known publicly about such policy of resorting to nuke arms by the top levels, repeatedly! The US even stipulates the First Nuclear Strike in its active military doctrine, and is also seeking the Nuclear Primacy as part of its Full Spectrum Dominance! Only China is left behind to update its outdated no first-use policy. Just look around.
Well, in the case of nuclear wars, it won't even be close. It's 260 warheads for China and 7000+ for the US. The US also has invasive radar detection and ABM systems all around the first and second island chains. It'd be a miracle if even one Chinese nuke landed on continental US. What the US fears nevertheless are your JL2s, which is why the US is contesting you on access to an entire sea to the south for submarine maneuverability.
Well, in the case of nuclear wars, it won't even be close. It's 260 warheads for China and 7000+ for the US. The US also has invasive radar detection and ABM systems all around the first and second island chains. It'd be a miracle if even one Chinese nuke landed on continental US. What the US fears nevertheless are your JL2s, which is why the US is contesting you on access to an entire sea to the south for submarine maneuverability.
China according to reports has had 250 nukes for the past ten fifteen years while countries like Pakistan and India have manufactured a hundred in that time. That number is very hard to believe so place the number of Chinese nukes much higher
Well, in the case of nuclear wars, it won't even be close. It's 260 warheads for China and 7000+ for the US. The US also has invasive radar detection and ABM systems all around the first and second island chains. It'd be a miracle if even one Chinese nuke landed on continental US. What the US fears nevertheless are your JL2s, which is why the US is contesting you on access to an entire sea to the south for submarine maneuverability.
Nice then if you bought in the MSM number :D:P it renders all the related discussions meaningless.

Read it here at PDF if you care to update your outdated database :enjoy: And do not write out CN hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) to entertain the ABM/BMD.
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A presentation event hosted by the Thai Navy inside their aircraft carrier to clarify the doubt and questions regarding the purchase of 3 Chinese "S26T" submarine

I'll summarize the part that I think is relevant here.


1. High Stealth Capability

AIP allows the S26T to stay in the water five times longer than submarine without AIP.

2. Many Powerful Weapon Systems

Three of them are torpedo, anti surface missile, and undersea mine.

3. Safety

The submarine is designed to have many compartments. In case of an emergency, compartment(s?) can be shut away from the rest of the sub to prevent further flooding and crew can float the sub to the surface.

4. Training

Two years of crew training.

5. Maintenance

8 years of insurance and 5 maintenance check ups during that 8 years (3 Dock check and 2 Minor overhaul). Also, technical crew are provided to the Thai Navy for 2 years.
UAE Al Fursan came to Hongdu to evaluate L15

L-15B via 看航空



A brief description of Hongdu L-15B light attack aircraft

The Hongdu L-15 Falcon (猎鹰) [Pinyin: liè yīng] is a Chinese supersonic training and light attack aircraft being developed by Nanchang-based Hongdu Aviation Industry Group (HAIG) to fulfill the PLAAF and PLAN lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT) requirements.

The model L-15B is an upgraded attack variant equipped with a pair of Ivchenko Progress AI-222K-25F jet engines with an afterburner, giving it a maximum speed of 1.4 Mach, MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight): 11,600 kgs, 9 hardpoints with 11 pylons, 5 IFF antennae, a PESA (passive electronically scanned array) multifunctional radar with a detection range 75 km, and a 360-degree MAW (missile approach warning) system on its vertical tail. Its prototype rolled out in April 2017.
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