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it will be a great answer of s400
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US is 10 years ahead of China in Drone Technology . This is good copy of American technology , Chinese master in reverse engineering.
hmmm design is somewhat similar to RQ 170
RQ 170 was used over abbotabad in 2011 before and during operation neptune spear
it will be a great answer of s400

The answer to S-400 was already displayed during IDEAS and it's stealth drones used in multiple ways, armed with weapons or as suicide drone.
US is 10 years ahead of China in Drone Technology . This is good copy of American technology , Chinese master in reverse engineering.
chinese don't do much reverse engineering now a days. They have reached a level wher they design their own products.
Yes it was all copy at one time in history.
Why here in this section? :hitwall::crazy:
It is not related to the PAF, it not even made its maiden flight and IF Pakistan will get it is yet another question.
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chinese don't do much reverse engineering now a days. They have reached a level wher they design their own products.
Yes it was all copy at one time in history.
China at par in IT technologies but still lagging in nano technology
US is 10 years ahead of China in Drone Technology . This is good copy of American technology , Chinese master in reverse engineering.
10 years is quite exaggerated ... Chinese drones have been getting very advanced and combat experienced. Closer to 5 year gap. And nowadays, Chinese drone makers are innovating rather than copying.
US is 10 years ahead of China in Drone Technology . This is good copy of American technology , Chinese master in reverse engineering.

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China at par in IT technologies but still lagging in nano technology

ANY LINK to back up your such bold statements?

And what kind of the Nano technology that you referred to, which the United States monopolizes that makes its drones deemed so superior thus can't be matched or surpassed after all of these years of research and development as well as the industrial progresses achieved by China?
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Chinese helicopter drones capable of intelligent swarm attacks
By Liu Xuanzun Source:Global Times Published: 2019/5/9 16:28:43

Helicopter drones developed by Ziyan UAV are capable of forming an intelligent swarm and launch coordinated attacks. Photo: Courtesy of Ziyan UAV

China's domestically developed helicopter drones carrying proximity explosive mortar shells, grenade launchers and machine guns can now form swarms and engage in coordinated strikes.

The intelligent swarming attack technology enables as many as 10 unmanned helicopter drones to autonomously form up into a swarm, reads a statement Guangdong-based Zhuhai Ziyan UAV company, the developer of the technology, sent to the Global Times on Thursday.

With a single push of a button, the drones can autonomously take off, avoiding colliding in the air and find their way to their designated target. Once they receive an order to attack, they will engage the target autonomously in a coordinate manner.

Upon finishing a mission, the system will lead the drones back to base and land automatically, the statement said.

The operator does not need to expose himself or herself in a dangerous frontline as the drones can easily be controlled remotely, the company said.

The 10 drones can be a combination of different types, including those that can drop proximity explosive mortar shells, while others can carry grenade launchers, or make suicide attacks, Liu Liyuan, a spokesperson of the company, told the Global Times.

Pictured is the Blowfish A3, a new helicopter drone equipped with a light machine gun. Photo: Courtesy of Ziyan UAV

Ziyan is also developing a new helicopter drone, the 2 meter-long, 0.5 meter-wide Blowfish A3. It can carry multiple types of machine guns and features a different aerodynamic design allowing the gun to shoot at more angles mid-flight, according to the statement.

The company had previously showcased the Blowfish A2 in multiple arms exhibitions since 2018. It can carry multiple 60 millimeter mortar shells or a 35-40 millimeter grenade launcher.

Other helicopter drones include the Infiltrator, which can launch rockets and missiles, and the Parus S1, which sacrifices itself to blow up the target, the company said.

The swarming attack technology was first displayed at the IDEF'19 arms exhibition held in Turkey from April 30 to May 3, the company said. The company has had numerous inquiries from multiple foreign companies, Liu said.
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