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Chinese Troops Struggle With Low Quality Winter Clothing On Indian Border

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Chinese Troops Struggle With Low Quality Winter Clothing On Indian Border

Published on 20 November 2020
Sumit Singh

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s adventurism has started costing it heavily.
Actions undertaken by the PLA in the Eastern Ladakh sector since May 2020, have ground to a halt as they were based on a false assumption that India will back down and give in easily to enable a quick land grab.
The Indian Army’s actions, however, particularly in Galwan and the on the southern bank of Pangong Tso Lake have put the PLA on the backfoot, forcing raw Chinese soldiers to endure a freezing winter in an inhospitable terrain.
C: Evgeny Nelmin – Unsplash
Despite having an advantage of the flatter terrain of the Tibetan plateau, the PLA troops are struggling to survive in sub-zero temperatures with poor quality of clothing and accommodation.
PLA commanders who have no prior experience in high altitude and winter deployments initially invited local garment manufacturers to produce winter clothing for their troops deployed in the Ladakh region.
As part of Chinese communist propaganda, the Global Times released a number of videos showcasing newly developed winter clothing being provided to the Chinese soldiers.
The McMahon Line forms the northern border of the area shown in red
However, the lack of combat experience across the entire PLA is so glaring that commanders and their political masters did not realize surviving in heights greater than 12,000 feet is totally different from equipping soldiers for operations at normal altitudes of up to 9,000 feet.
Also, there may have been a Napoleonic mindset at work attempting to eke out a quick victory before the winters set in.
Like Napoleon, this has turned out to be a logistical nightmare.
Having misread the logistics requirements, local Chinese garment manufacturers produced clothing that can at best be utilized by troops deployed at 9,000 feet.
Once the temperatures in the Ladakh region plummeted to minus 20 degrees and below in areas around the Pangong Tso and Kailash ranges, one could witness a steady line of emergency medical evacuations from the PLA positions.
Reports indicate that casualty evacuation of PLA troops through helicopters and stretchers has been observed on a daily basis.
It is also learnt that on an average one PLA soldier succumbs to altitude and temperature related ailments every day.
Morale and motivation at the posts has dipped below freezing point.

Currently, the PLA troops deployed in Ladakh are facing extreme shortage of specialised cold climate clothing and have been forced to go for emergency procurements.
This is the same PLA which was showing off its insular cabins and multipurpose jackets and pants just a few weeks ago on Chinese national TV.
Available input indicates that PLA Joint Logistics Support Force (JLSF) has constituted a Quality Supervision Team for emergency procurement of Extreme Cold Climate clothing.
This team has now been tasked to ensure good quality clothing and fast delivery to forward area troops.
Emergency plans such as the setting up of special working classes, scientific planning, factory supervision, on-site inspections and placement of military representatives in factories to supervise production have been put in place.
This team is reported to have been reporting directly to the Central Military Commission.
China’s difficulties in dealing with high altitude and inclement weather will only increase with time and the current steps taken by them is just an indicator of the problems to come.

Chinese Troops Struggle With Low Quality Winter Clothing On Indian Border

Published on 20 November 2020
Sumit Singh

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s adventurism has started costing it heavily.
Actions undertaken by the PLA in the Eastern Ladakh sector since May 2020, have ground to a halt as they were based on a false assumption that India will back down and give in easily to enable a quick land grab.
The Indian Army’s actions, however, particularly in Galwan and the on the southern bank of Pangong Tso Lake have put the PLA on the backfoot, forcing raw Chinese soldiers to endure a freezing winter in an inhospitable terrain.
C: Evgeny Nelmin – Unsplash
Despite having an advantage of the flatter terrain of the Tibetan plateau, the PLA troops are struggling to survive in sub-zero temperatures with poor quality of clothing and accommodation.
PLA commanders who have no prior experience in high altitude and winter deployments initially invited local garment manufacturers to produce winter clothing for their troops deployed in the Ladakh region.
As part of Chinese communist propaganda, the Global Times released a number of videos showcasing newly developed winter clothing being provided to the Chinese soldiers.
The McMahon Line forms the northern border of the area shown in red
However, the lack of combat experience across the entire PLA is so glaring that commanders and their political masters did not realize surviving in heights greater than 12,000 feet is totally different from equipping soldiers for operations at normal altitudes of up to 9,000 feet.
Also, there may have been a Napoleonic mindset at work attempting to eke out a quick victory before the winters set in.
Like Napoleon, this has turned out to be a logistical nightmare.
Having misread the logistics requirements, local Chinese garment manufacturers produced clothing that can at best be utilized by troops deployed at 9,000 feet.
Once the temperatures in the Ladakh region plummeted to minus 20 degrees and below in areas around the Pangong Tso and Kailash ranges, one could witness a steady line of emergency medical evacuations from the PLA positions.
Reports indicate that casualty evacuation of PLA troops through helicopters and stretchers has been observed on a daily basis.
It is also learnt that on an average one PLA soldier succumbs to altitude and temperature related ailments every day.
Morale and motivation at the posts has dipped below freezing point.

Currently, the PLA troops deployed in Ladakh are facing extreme shortage of specialised cold climate clothing and have been forced to go for emergency procurements.
This is the same PLA which was showing off its insular cabins and multipurpose jackets and pants just a few weeks ago on Chinese national TV.
Available input indicates that PLA Joint Logistics Support Force (JLSF) has constituted a Quality Supervision Team for emergency procurement of Extreme Cold Climate clothing.
This team has now been tasked to ensure good quality clothing and fast delivery to forward area troops.
Emergency plans such as the setting up of special working classes, scientific planning, factory supervision, on-site inspections and placement of military representatives in factories to supervise production have been put in place.
This team is reported to have been reporting directly to the Central Military Commission.
China’s difficulties in dealing with high altitude and inclement weather will only increase with time and the current steps taken by them is just an indicator of the problems to come.

Hagna ha tu railway track jaya kru yahan na aya kru...
Yaaarr 60% of China becomes in winter like indian occupied Kashmir and himachal pardesh.
They are hebitual. But ganguzz can't understand this simple logic.
Do you know a hundred million Chinese stay in winters below 30 sometimes in the Northeast. This Indians are speaking as if winter is something new to them. Our race originated from Siberia and they are telling us how to survive subzero temps. Its like teaching a camel how to survive the desert.
fake news from taiwan time.com. also duplicated thread.
reported to mod
Saw it in BR, its from Taiwan Times, and yindoos are self masturbating to it. Lol
Taiwan's news as entertainment is to see, post out into a joke.

In the news from Taiwan, the whole world is against China, China's economy is going to collapse, the Three Gorges Dam is going to collapse, there is a grain famine in China, locusts plague in China, and millions of people are drowned in floods in China.......Taiwan news is just entertainment, just kidding self.
Do you know a hundred million Chinese stay in winters below 30 sometimes in the Northeast. This Indians are speaking as if winter is something new to them. Our race originated from Siberia and they are telling us how to survive subzero temps. Its like teaching a camel how to survive the desert.

Saw it in BR, its from Taiwan Times, and yindoos are self masturbating to it. Lol
How many live at subzero temps above 12000 fts? Any idea. And how many have been conscripted in the PLA? Probably you have no idea of the harshness of the desert terrain.
Yea yea according to all the poojeets
Given the Indians' tendency to project I think it is safe to assume that Indian soldiers are not satisfied with hand-me down winter gear from the U.S.
Chinese Troops Struggle With Low Quality Winter Clothing On Indian Border

Published on 20 November 2020
Sumit Singh

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s adventurism has started costing it heavily.
Actions undertaken by the PLA in the Eastern Ladakh sector since May 2020, have ground to a halt as they were based on a false assumption that India will back down and give in easily to enable a quick land grab.
The Indian Army’s actions, however, particularly in Galwan and the on the southern bank of Pangong Tso Lake have put the PLA on the backfoot, forcing raw Chinese soldiers to endure a freezing winter in an inhospitable terrain.
C: Evgeny Nelmin – Unsplash
Despite having an advantage of the flatter terrain of the Tibetan plateau, the PLA troops are struggling to survive in sub-zero temperatures with poor quality of clothing and accommodation.
PLA commanders who have no prior experience in high altitude and winter deployments initially invited local garment manufacturers to produce winter clothing for their troops deployed in the Ladakh region.
As part of Chinese communist propaganda, the Global Times released a number of videos showcasing newly developed winter clothing being provided to the Chinese soldiers.
The McMahon Line forms the northern border of the area shown in red
However, the lack of combat experience across the entire PLA is so glaring that commanders and their political masters did not realize surviving in heights greater than 12,000 feet is totally different from equipping soldiers for operations at normal altitudes of up to 9,000 feet.
Also, there may have been a Napoleonic mindset at work attempting to eke out a quick victory before the winters set in.
Like Napoleon, this has turned out to be a logistical nightmare.
Having misread the logistics requirements, local Chinese garment manufacturers produced clothing that can at best be utilized by troops deployed at 9,000 feet.
Once the temperatures in the Ladakh region plummeted to minus 20 degrees and below in areas around the Pangong Tso and Kailash ranges, one could witness a steady line of emergency medical evacuations from the PLA positions.
Reports indicate that casualty evacuation of PLA troops through helicopters and stretchers has been observed on a daily basis.
It is also learnt that on an average one PLA soldier succumbs to altitude and temperature related ailments every day.
Morale and motivation at the posts has dipped below freezing point.

Currently, the PLA troops deployed in Ladakh are facing extreme shortage of specialised cold climate clothing and have been forced to go for emergency procurements.
This is the same PLA which was showing off its insular cabins and multipurpose jackets and pants just a few weeks ago on Chinese national TV.
Available input indicates that PLA Joint Logistics Support Force (JLSF) has constituted a Quality Supervision Team for emergency procurement of Extreme Cold Climate clothing.
This team has now been tasked to ensure good quality clothing and fast delivery to forward area troops.
Emergency plans such as the setting up of special working classes, scientific planning, factory supervision, on-site inspections and placement of military representatives in factories to supervise production have been put in place.
This team is reported to have been reporting directly to the Central Military Commission.
China’s difficulties in dealing with high altitude and inclement weather will only increase with time and the current steps taken by them is just an indicator of the problems to come.

this is why Chinese troops were crying while going to indian border ? :enjoy:
Reports indicate that casualty evacuation of PLA troops through helicopters and stretchers has been observed on a daily basis.

Did he pull this out from his behind like everything else in this article?
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