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Chinese thinktank hails Narendra Modi as 'India's Nixon'


Apr 17, 2010
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A Chinese government thinktank has welcomed prime minister-designate Narendra Modi as "India's Nixon" who would hugely expand business with China. It also described Modi's approach towards governance as "very close to Chinese practices".
In 1972, US president Richard Nixon's visit to the Communist nation was dubbed as "the week that changed the world" and had significant geopolitical ramifications that included a shift in the Cold War balance, bringing China and the US together.
Chinese government expert with the Shanghai Institute for International Practices, Liu Zongyi, contesting fears in some Chinese quarters that Modi could be autocratic, said, "As a right-winger in Indian politics, Modi is more likely to become India's 'Nixon' who will further propel the China-India relationship... Modi's governance style and philosophy are very close to Chinese practices."
Nixon is still admired in China for breaking the deadlock between the two countries in the 1970s.
"The opposition to the BJP holds this view (that Modi could be autocratic) out of the need for partisan competition, while as for Western critics, their attack on Modi is out of ideological concerns, because Modi's governance style and philosophy are very close to Chinese practices," Liu wrote in the Communist Party mouth piece, Global Times.
He added that Modi "needs a peaceful and stable neighborhood to facilitate domestic economic development" and fulfill his promise of making India self-reliant and strong.
Liu was also critical of Modi's description as "India's Shinzo Abe", Japanese prime minister who was said to be Asian in his outlook but took an aggressive stance on China over territorial disputes.
"Modi is unlikely to act as vehemently as Abe, as it would be of no benefit to India's economy," Liu said, referring to Sino-Indian border dispute.
Pointing out Modi's emphasis on 'Hinduness' during the election campaign, and that he possibly may have fanned religious conflicts, Liu said, "Modi's conception of Hindutva also underscores 'India is great simply by being India'." But, the BJP, Liu said, has changed, and is now focused on development.
"The narrow-minded and extreme nationalist stand of the BJP has changed and the major task facing Modi is to create a stable domestic and neighboring environment to revive the ailing economy," he added.
Modi as Gujarat CM has thrice been to China, the last time in September 2011, and his government signed a Rs 400 crore MoU with a Chinese firm for setting up high voltage transformers and reactors' plant near Vadodara.
Another government expert, Hu Shisheng, had recently said Modi might take an aggressive stance on the border issue and try to use the Dalai Lama to bargain with China. Both were commentin
g on Modi's statement in Arunachal Pradesh advising China to give up its expansionist attitude

Chinese thinktank hails Narendra Modi as 'India's Nixon' - The Times of India
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