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Chinese technical military cooperation with Russia essential for succes


Oct 9, 2010
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"MOSCOW, May 10 - RIA Novosti. Russia must create it´s own effective mechanism for coordination and cooperation with China in military-technical sphere, given the risks of leakage of technology and the transformation of China into a competitor in the arms market, said director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Ruslan Pukhov .

"In the coming years a key weakness of many Chinese offers of military value (TRV) will remain the dependance on foreign components, and the consent of the foreign suppliers - Russia and Ukraine - will be indispensable for the successful sale of Chinese weapons abroad" - said the expert.

As a recent example, director of CAST cited the failure of the transaction for the supply of a major party in Peru (80 units) Chinese tanks IMT-2000 (VT1A) with Kharkov 6TD diesel-2E. The Ukrainian side in early 2010, has blocked the deal after the IMT-2000 has won the tender over the Oplot-M.

After the events at Tiananmen Square in 1989, China continues to face serious restrictions on the import of technologies and products for military and dual use of the Western countries and Israel.

"The exception is China's helicopter industry, which develops mainly at the expense of cooperation with EADS / Eurocopter. For example, the French family of engines Turbomeca Ariel used for acquisition of Chinese export attack helicopters Z-9", - explained the director of CAST.

"The Russian manufacturers of defense products is given a time to re-build technological lead from Chinese competitors. Despite the fact that the innovative potential of the Chinese defense industry has grown, on the development of new types of sophisticated technology, as experience shows, it takes 6.5 years and more "- said the expert.

According to him, "in Russia's interest to keep as the process to keep the Chinese defense industry independent from foreign supplies, it is necessary to establish an effective mechanism for coordination and cooperation with China in science and technology and establish cooperation with other countries - China suppliers of critical technologies."

"The main objective of such a coordinating structure will be precise identification of all the vulnerable from a technical point of view of the development dimension of the Chinese defense industry. In addition, one of the tasks must be to prevent unwanted leakage of technology to China, and must be addressed by developing a political and scientific-technical cooperation with Ukraine and other CIS countries "- said Pukhov."

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